Ressources to find information
ml_models --do fit --config_file model_framework/model_file.json --config_mode "test"
Here the fit method is tested, you can check the predict fucntionality of the model like this.
ml_models --do predict --config_file model_tf/1_lstm.json --config_mode "test"
But this is individual testing that we can do to debug our model when we find an error in automatic the test logs.
We have automated testing in our repo and the results are stored in here We havemultiple level logs and they are put under different directories as you can see here, log folders have logs_ at the start.
We can focus on the error_list directory to debug our testing errors. Inside the error_list directory we can find the logs of all test cases in directories named at the time they are created
Inside we can see separate files for each test cases which will have the details of the errors.
For example we can look at the errors for test cli cases named as
We see multiple erros and we can click on the traceback for error 1 which will take us to the line 421 of the log file.
We can see that while running the test case at line 418 caused the error, and we can see the error.
ml_models --do fit --config_file dataset/json/benchmark_timeseries/gluonts_m4.json --config_mode "deepar"
So we fix the erorr by launch the git pod and test the test case again and see it works correctly after that we can commit teh changes and submit the pull request.