- While the Aurras system is up and running
- Make sure wsk cli is added to the path
- Install the actions
- Register event source using the below command with name as param eg: --name polkadot-balance if connecting to polkadot
./register_event_source.sh --name polkadot-balance
- Get the generated uuid and add as an environment variable to the substrate event feed
- Connect event feed with a Substrate based chain
- Navigate to examples/susbtrate-push-notification
- Add API configuration and Firebase Push Notification Configuration
- Install Node Dependencies using
yarn install
- Start susbtrate-push-notification using
yarn start
For Brave brower enable
Use Google services for push messaging
using brave://settings/privacy
- Upon Notification Permission Prompt Click Allow
- Select the account for which balance notification to be received
- Click Register Balance Notification button
- Select the Event Source
15. Click Register
16. Perform an amount transfer transaction to the registered wallet.
Make sure substrate-push-notification app is not in foreground