Sneaky Neon Skunk
The Auction.sol::createPool
function in the contract uses the approve method to allow the factory contract to spend an ERC-20 token on behalf of the caller. However, some ERC-20 token implementations may not return a value when approve is called, which could lead to unexpected behavior or vulnerabilities in contracts that rely on this return value to verify success. In this case, failing to check for the return value may cause the approval process to be ineffective, leaving the contract susceptible to attacks where a malicious actor could exploit the lack of validation. To mitigate this, the function should use safeApprove
to ensure that the approval succeeds safely and correctly, preventing any potential issues with non-compliant ERC-20 tokens.
No response
No response
No response
No response
No response
// Replace approve with safeApprove
IERC20(params.reserveToken).safeApprove(address(factory), reserveAmount);