Loud Onyx Perch
When sellers sell their votes, they use the sellVotes
function, the protocol also provides a way to protect against sandwich attacks, by allowing them to pass a slippage protection, minimumVotePrice
function sellVotes(
uint256 profileId,
bool isPositive,
uint256 votesToSell,
@> uint256 minimumVotePrice
) public whenNotPaused activeMarket(profileId) nonReentrant {
// ...
Later, the price per vote is calculated and compared to the provided minimumVotePrice
, however, the issue here is that the protocol is using proceedsBeforeFees
to do so:
(uint256 proceedsBeforeFees, uint256 protocolFee, uint256 proceedsAfterFees) = _calculateSell(
uint256 pricePerVote = votesToSell > 0 ? proceedsBeforeFees / votesToSell : 0;
if (pricePerVote < minimumVotePrice) {
revert SellSlippageLimitExceeded(minimumVotePrice, pricePerVote);
This is wrong, as proceedsBeforeFees
is an exaggerated amount of proceedsAfterFees
, which contains the exit fees and doesn't properly reflect the resulting vote price the user will receive.
Even if the seller is aware of the fees, there's still a possibility that the exit fees change just before the execution of a sellVotes
transaction, leaving it vulnerable to sandwich attacks.
uses the proceedsBeforeFees
when calculating the price per vote, which is wrong as it doesn't account for fees, https://github.com/sherlock-audit/2024-12-ethos-update/blob/main/ethos/packages/contracts/contracts/ReputationMarket.sol#L553.
No response
No response
No response
Slippage protection will not work as expected, forcing sellers to lose funds.
Add the following in ethos/packages/contracts/test/reputationMarket/rep.fees.test.ts
describe('PoC', () => {
let user1: HardhatEthersSigner, user2: HardhatEthersSigner;
beforeEach(async () => {
user1 = ethosUserA.signer;
user2 = await deployer.createUser().then(async (ethosUser) => {
await ethosUser.setBalance('2000');
return ethosUser.signer;
await reputationMarket.connect(deployer.ADMIN).setExitProtocolFeeBasisPoints(5_00);
it('sellVotes - wrong slippage protection', async () => {
// User 1 buys 1 vote
await reputationMarket
.buyVotes(DEFAULT.profileId, true, 1, 1, { value: DEFAULT.creationCost });
// User 2 sells 1 vote
await reputationMarket
.buyVotes(DEFAULT.profileId, true, 1, 1, { value: DEFAULT.creationCost });
const expectedVotePrice = ethers.parseEther('0.005');
const balanceBefore = await ethers.provider.getBalance(user1.address);
// User 1 sells 1 vote and expects to receive >= 0.005 ETH
await reputationMarket
.sellVotes(DEFAULT.profileId, true, 1, expectedVotePrice);
const balanceAfter = await ethers.provider.getBalance(user1.address);
// Received less than expected
expect(balanceAfter - balanceBefore).to.be.lessThan(expectedVotePrice);
Use the proceedsAfterFees
instead of proceedsBeforeFees
when accounting for slippage:
function sellVotes(
uint256 profileId,
bool isPositive,
uint256 votesToSell,
uint256 minimumVotePrice
) public whenNotPaused activeMarket(profileId) nonReentrant {
(uint256 proceedsBeforeFees, uint256 protocolFee, uint256 proceedsAfterFees) = _calculateSell(
- uint256 pricePerVote = votesToSell > 0 ? proceedsBeforeFees / votesToSell : 0;
+ uint256 pricePerVote = votesToSell > 0 ? proceedsAfterFees / votesToSell : 0;
if (pricePerVote < minimumVotePrice) {
revert SellSlippageLimitExceeded(minimumVotePrice, pricePerVote);
// ...