This is a list of the mobile applications that I use on a regular basis. I enjoy using each of these apps and highly recommend them. I am currently operating these apps on a Samsung Galaxy S7.
This application is great for managing a collection of podcasts. I regularly listen to several different podcasts in the car and at the gym. This application is awesome because it can automatically download new episodes on a schedule. I download my newest episodes about an hour prior to leaving for work in the morning.
I use this application to research and learn about pharmaceuticals that I see in my CNA duties. It is a great, free resource for learning about correct dosages, uses, and mechanisms of action for different types of medications.
This application has been great for recording audio from my Galaxy S7. It can record in MP3 and .wav without any problems. It even has the ability to auto-amplify the audio, which helps for recording something fairly quiet. It also can backup to Dropbox, which has been helpful. It is really great for getting files off my phone because it can open the files up to the local network. I use this periodically when I don't have a USB cable. It simply works!
I use this for tracking big items that are coming up in the future. It makes the long-term calendar really fun with GIFs. I share big events with friends and family to remind them when things are coming up. I track concerts coming to town, new video game releases, and new movies most often on here. I also set reminders for things that might expire like my passport, license, car insurance -- just to name a few.
Lately, I have been using Hurry to keep track of homework assignments for my college classes. It helps me prioritize which tasks need to be done before others.
A fun GPS game that I play when traveling. It helps me find interesting art and points of interest.
God's Word, 95.9 FM. A great Minot area radio station that teaches God's Word 24/7.
I use this launcher on my Galaxy S7. It really makes the phone customizable and sleek. If I didn't have this app I would be tempted to buy a new phone every year because I love customizing and changing the setup within my phone.
It simply works! My wife and I use this app all the time for tracking what we need to get at the store.
Tasker required some work to learn; but the benefits have been huge. This app allows for "if this, then this" kind of customizability. I have created several "apps" that allow me to do things I otherwise would be unable. For instance, I have an app that allows me to auto-text when I arrive and leave particular common locations. It also has enabled me to auto-silence and do not disturb on my phone when I flip it onto its screen-face. When I plug in my head-phone jack, my phone automatically turns the volume up all the way and asks me what music app I would like to listen to.
I use this app and Epocrates to research and learn about all things medicine. UpToDate is very comprehensive and is like a search-engine for all things medicine, plus it is peer-reviewed and very trustworthy.
The most user friendly and beautiful weather app I have ever used. It another app that is worth every penny!
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