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中文总榜 > 软件类 > Perl

数据更新: 2023-12-28   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Updated
1 jlord/git-it-electron 💻 🎓 Git-it is a (Mac, Win, Linux) Desktop App for Learning Git and GitHub 4514 2023-12-15
2 OreosLab/checkinpanel 一个主要运行在 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐕𝟐𝐏 或 𝐪𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 等定时面板,同时支持系统运行环境的签到项目(环境:𝑷𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒏 3.8+ / 𝑵𝒐𝒅𝒆.𝒋𝒔 10+ / 𝑩𝒂𝒔𝒉 4+ / 𝑶𝒑𝒆𝒏𝑱𝑫𝑲8 / 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒍5) 1394 2023-08-11
3 hexsum/Mojo-Weixin 使用Perl语言(不会没关系)编写的个人账号微信/weixin/wechat客户端框架(非GUI),可通过插件提供基于HTTP协议的api接口供其他语言或系统调用 1235 2023-09-19
4 OpenKore/openkore A free/open source client and automation tool for Ragnarok Online 1216 2023-10-29
5 webmin/authentic-theme Official theme for the best server management panel of the 21st Century 937 2023-12-27
6 openresty/test-nginx Data-driven test scaffold for Nginx C module and OpenResty Lua library development 428 2023-12-25
7 wisdomfusion/qqwry.dat 纯真IP地址数据库镜像,mirror of qqwry.dat 370 2023-12-03
8 ko-ichi-h/khcoder KH Coder: for Quantitative Content Analysis or Text Mining 295 2023-12-14
9 apache/spamassassin Read-only mirror of Apache SpamAssassin. Submit patches to Do not send pull requests 266 2023-12-27
10 open-c3/open-c3 自动化运维平台/CICD系统/发布系统/作业平台/监控系统/云监控/故障自愈/K8S集群管理/CMDB/公有云资源管理/工单系统/流程系统/成本优化 208 2023-12-26
11 openresty/lua-tablepool Lua table recycling pools for LuaJIT 109 2023-11-23
12 g0v/moedict-data-csld 中華大辭典 100 2023-11-08
13 Gilwyad/ Anonymous Email in Seconds 95 2023-12-02
14 duckduckgo/duckduckgo-locales Translation files for 93 2023-12-20
15 esrrhs/pLua Lua 性能分析工具 Lua profiler tool like gperftools 81 2023-10-24
16 szabgab/ The source files of the Perl Maven articles 66 2023-12-03
17 houseabsolute/ A date and time object for Perl 45 2023-11-06
18 hcymysql/mongo_monitor MongoDB ReplSet Monitor面向研发人员图形可视化监控工具 34 2023-07-24
19 jyi2ya/HUST-Chifan 什么时候开饭? 6 2023-12-05
20 abbypan/Novel-Robot download novel / forum thread, 小说/论坛下载器 5 2023-08-17
21 abbypan/deal_youtube_playlist 批量下载youtube播放列表内容,并生成xspf播放列表 4 2023-12-16
22 electricface/script-tool 简单的脚本工具 4 2023-11-14
23 fimreal/dockerfiles 容器化小工具 3 2023-08-03

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