- Disclaimer: The content of this repository is provided for teaching and learning purposes only and as a code example.
- Tank Game
- Movement and Rotation of simple character
- User A and D for rotation
- Simple 2D Ball (1, 2, 3, 4)
- Simple GUI Dictionary application using python and tkinter
- Simple web service sample using python and flask (1, 2)
- Examples of Turtle (1, 2)
- Implementation of simple Genetic Algorithm using pure python
- Simple GUI implementation of Rock Paper Scissors (1, 2, 3, 4)
- Simple interpreter for a hypothetical programming language from scratch using pure python
- Table generator for Terminal
- Simple service to authenticate users, and a simple script to login to this service.
- Simple implementation of "Rock", "Paper", "Scissors" game with Socket Client and Socket Server
- Simple talking bot example
- Simple Maze Generator
- Set color in console; how to use this