- Open explorer with command
nautilus --browser <PATH>
- Open explorer in current dirctory using terminal
xdg-open .
- cron Execute scheduled commands
- clear Clear terminal
- man Manual of command
- df Disk space usage
- Network
- ping
- nslookup Query name servers
- netstat Information about network
| program,-c
| continuous,-a
| all,-t
| tcp,-u
| udp,-l
| only listening sockets-
netstat -s
Statistics for each protocol -
netstat -i
Table of all network interfaces -
netstat -g
Multicast group membership information for IPv4 and IPv6 -
netstat -r
Kernel routing tables
- netcat
- ifconfig
- File/Folder
- dir List directory contents
- cd Change directory
- ls List all files and folders (Colorful)
ls -l
With long, more detailed outputls -a
Including hidden files
- mkdir
- rmdir Remove directory
- rm
- mv
- cp
- cut
- touch
- locate Locate a file
- ln Physical link between 2 files
ln -s
Symbolic link between 2 files
- grep Search text in file
- sort
- wc Count words or chars in file
- dd
- traceroute
- vi
- chmod
- chown
- chgrp
- init
- kill
- gzip
- bzip2
- tar
- find
- wget
- chown
- su
- sudo
- mount
- umount
- fdisk
- nohup
- whoami
- tail
- dpkg
- xargs
- pwd Present working directory
- chroot
- tty
- fsck
- env
- du Show disk usage
- dmesg
- useradd
- passwd
- md5sum Check md5
md5sum file.ext
- This will return the md5 hash of that file
- sleep Delay
sleep 10s
- tee
- modprobe
- cat
cat file1.ext file2.ext
- To combine and show content of both
- After this you can write text to file and exit with
- After this you can write text to file and exit with
- echo Display text
- getopt Parse command options