- Strip (Trim)
- Concat
print("Hello" + " " + "World")
- Search
To check the existance of a text in another text
- Mapping
.translate(), .maketrans()
- Split
To break a text into multiple parts
- Formatting
- Change Case
Convert all letters to lowercase
Convert all letters to uppercase
Convert the first letter of all words in a sentence to capital letters
Convert uppercase letters to lowercase letters and vice versa
Works like the
method, but more powerful and works for other languages like German.
- Direction
- Change Case
- Checking
To check the character status of a text. For example, whether all are written in capital or small letters, or whether the characters are numeric or not?
- Check Formatting
Do all the words of a text start with capital letters or not?
Are all the letters of a text small?
Are all the letters of a text capital?
- Check Alpha
- Check Number
- Check Other
- Check Formatting
- Encode
- Other
Multi-line text
Loop over characters
Reverse a text; for example to change
Counting the total number of characters in a text. In fact, the size of a text.
Counting the number of occurrences of a specific character in a text
Change part of a string with another text
Put zeros before a text something like this:
Default tab is 4 spaces but we can expand it
- Scape Chars
This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 11, 2023. It is now read-only.