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Python Instructor

  • Disclaimer: The content of this repository is only for testing and training and is provided at the discretion of the author; So it may not be suitable for production or other conditions.
  • Install and Run Python.
  • Examples
  • Homeworks


  • Introduction

  • Syntax

  • Variables

  • String

  • Function

  • Random

    • random(), randint(), shuffle(), choice()
  • Operators
    - [Operators](/lessons/python/concepts/operators)
    1. [Arithmetic](/lessons/python/concepts/operators/ `+ -` ,...
    2. [Assignment](/lessons/python/concepts/operators/ `= += -=` ,...
    3. [Comparison](/lessons/python/concepts/operators/ `== != >=` ,...
    4. [Logical](/lessons/python/concepts/operators/ `and, or, not`
    5. [Identity](/lessons/python/concepts/operators/ `is, is not`
    6. [Membership](/lessons/python/concepts/operators/ `in, not in`
    7. [Bitwise](/lessons/python/concepts/operators/ `& | ^ ~ << >>`
  • Debugging (break point)

  • List
    - Ordered, Changeable, Indexed, Allow Duplicate
    - [`access, assign, iterate, list(), .append(), .insert(), .remove(), del, .pop(), .copy(), .extend(), .clear(), len(), .count(), slice, join, unpack, in, .index(), .reverse(), .sort()`](/lessons/python/concepts/collections/
  • Tuple
    - Ordered, Unchangeable, Indexed, Allow Duplicate
    - Tuples are **unchangeable**, or **immutable** so you cannot add or remove items from it
    - [`access, tuple with one item, tuple(), iterate, del completely, len(), .count(), slice, join, unpack, in, .index()`](/lessons/python/concepts/collections/
  • Set
    - Unordered, Unchangeable (By index, But you can add/remove), Unindexed, No Duplicate
    - [`access, len(), set(), in, .add(), .update(), (.remove(), .discard(), .pop(), del), .copy(), .clear(), (.union(), intersection, difference, symmetric_difference), (disjoint, subset, superset)`](/lessons/python/concepts/collections/
    - [`frozenset()`](/lessons/python/concepts/collections/
  • Dictionary
    - Ordered, Changeable, Key Value, No Duplicate
    - [`access, assign, .update(), dict(), .keys(), .values(), .items(), zip(), len(), .pop(), .popitem(), del, .clear(), .copy(), .fromkeys(), .setdefault())`](/lessons/python/concepts/collections/
  • DataTypes
    - Numbers: [`Integer, Float, Complex`](/lessons/python/concepts/data-types/
    - Sequence: [`String`](/lessons/python/concepts/data-types/, [`Range`](/lessons/python/concepts/data-types/, [`List`](/lessons/python/concepts/collections/, [`Tuple`](/lessons/python/concepts/collections/, `Bytes`, `ByteArray`
    - Set: [`Set`](/lessons/python/concepts/collections/, [`FrozenSet`](/lessons/python/concepts/collections/
    - Map: [`Dictionary`](/lessons/python/concepts/collections/
    - Nothing: `None`
    - Boolean: [`Boolean`](/lessons/python/concepts/boolean/
    - Binary: [`Bytes, ByteArray, MemoryView`](/lessons/python/concepts/data-types/
    - `bytes` is immutable; however `bytearray` is mutable
  • Module

  • Conversion, TypeCasting

  • Input

  • Keywords
    - [if, elif, else](/lessons/python/concepts/keywords/
    - [for](/lessons/python/concepts/keywords/
    - [while, continue, break](/lessons/python/concepts/keywords/
    - [try, except, finally](/lessons/python/concepts/keywords/
    - [and, or, not, in, is](/lessons/python/concepts/keywords/
    - [import, from, as](/lessons/python/concepts/keywords/
    - [class, def, lambda, pass, return, del](/lessons/python/concepts/keywords/
    - [global, nonlocal](/lessons/python/concepts/keywords/
    - [assert](/lessons/python/concepts/keywords/ <sub>[Optonal]</sub>, [raise](/lessons/python/concepts/keywords/ <sub>[Optonal]</sub>
    - [with](/lessons/python/concepts/keywords/ <sub>[Optonal]</sub>
    - [yield](/lessons/python/concepts/keywords/ <sub>[Optonal]</sub>
  • Comperhension

  • Scope, Globals, Locals

  • Read File, Write File, Pickle

  • Math

  • Date, Time

  • Function, Method, Lambda

  • OOP

    • Class, Object
    • Constructor
    • ToString, Representation
    • Methods
      • Object Method
      • Static Method
      • Class Method
    • Inheritance
    • Override
    • Overload
    • Getter, Setter ???
    • Enum
  • Eval, Exec

  • *argv, **kwargs

  • Sys

  • OS

  • Assertion

  • Generator


  1. VENV
  2. Exception
    1. Custom Exception
    2. Types of Errors
  3. Meta
    1. Meta Classes
    2. Meta Programming
  4. Iterator
  5. Closure
  6. Descriptor
  7. Context Manager
  8. Regular Expression
  9. Socket client, server
  10. Data
    1. SQL, NoSQL, ORM (SQLAlchemy)
    2. JSON, CSV, XML, OWL, ...
  11. Serialization, Deserialization


  1. Dependency Injection
  2. Inversion of Control
  3. Message Passing
  4. Multi Threading
  5. Multi Processing
  6. Semaphore, Lock, Mutex

Modules, Packages, Libs, ...



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