This demo provides 2 clients:
- classification_client_sync - simple client using synchronous gRPC API, testing accuracy of classification models
- classification_client_async_benchmark - client using asynchronous gRPC API, testing accuracy and performance with real image data
To build the clients, run make
command in this directory. It will build docker image named ovms_cpp_image_classification
with all dependencies.
The example clients image also contains test images required for accuracy measurements. It is also possible to use custom images.
git clone
cd model_server/demos/image_classification/cpp
Note: In this directory you can only see the code specific to the benchmark client. The code shared with other C++ demos as well as all building utilities are placed in the common C++ directory.
Start OVMS with resnet50-binary model:
curl -L --create-dirs -o resnet50-binary/1/model.bin -o resnet50-binary/1/model.xml
The client sends requests synchronously and displays latency for each request.
You can specify number of iterations and layout: nchw
, nhwc
or binary
Each request contains image in selected format.
The client also tests server responses for accuracy.
chmod -R 755 resnet50-binary
docker run -d -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd)/resnet50-binary:/model -p 9001:9001 openvino/model_server:latest \
--model_path /model --model_name resnet --port 9001 --layout NHWC:NCHW
docker run --rm --network host -e "no_proxy=localhost" -v ${PWD}/input_images.txt:/clients/input_images.txt ovms_cpp_image_classification ./classification_client_sync --grpc_port=9001 --iterations=10 --layout="binary"
Address: localhost
Images list path: input_images.txt
Layout: binary
call predict ok
call predict time: 6ms
outputs size is 1
call predict ok
call predict time: 5ms
outputs size is 1
call predict ok
call predict time: 4ms
outputs size is 1
call predict ok
call predict time: 4ms
outputs size is 1
call predict ok
call predict time: 4ms
outputs size is 1
call predict ok
call predict time: 4ms
outputs size is 1
call predict ok
call predict time: 5ms
outputs size is 1
call predict ok
call predict time: 4ms
outputs size is 1
call predict ok
call predict time: 4ms
outputs size is 1
call predict ok
call predict time: 5ms
outputs size is 1
Overall accuracy: 100%
Total time divided by number of requests: 5ms
The client sends requests asynchronously to mimic parallel clients scenario. There are plenty of parameters to configure those clients.
name | description | default | available with synthetic data |
grpc_address | url to grpc service | localhost | yes |
grpc_port | port to grpc service | 9000 | yes |
model_name | model name to request | resnet | yes |
input_name | input tensor name with image | 0 | no, deduced automatically |
output_name | output tensor name with classification result | 1463 | no |
iterations | number of requests to be send by each producer thread | 10 | yes |
batch_size | batch size of each iteration | 1 | no, deduced automatically |
images_list | path to a file with a list of labeled images | input_images.txt | no |
layout | binary, nhwc or nchw | nchw | no, deduced automatically |
producers | number of threads asynchronously scheduling prediction | 1 | yes |
consumers | number of threads receiving responses | 8 | yes |
max_parallel_requests | maximum number of parallel inference requests; 0=no limit | 100 | yes |
benchmark_mode | 1 removes pre/post-processing and logging; 0 enables accuracy measurement | 0 | no |
docker run -d -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd)/resnet50-binary:/model -p 9001:9001 openvino/model_server:latest \
--model_path /model --model_name resnet --port 9001 --layout NCHW
docker run --rm --network host -e "no_proxy=localhost" -v ${PWD}/input_images.txt:/clients/input_images.txt ovms_cpp_image_classification ./classification_client_async_benchmark --grpc_port=9001 --layout="nchw" --iterations=2000 --batch_size=1 --max_parallel_requests=100 --consumers=8 --producers=1 --benchmark_mode=1
Address: localhost:9001
Model name: resnet
Images list path: input_images.txt
Running the workload...
Benchmark mode: True
Accuracy: N/A
Total time: 1976ms
Total iterations: 2000
Layout: nchw
Batch size: 1
Producer threads: 1
Consumer threads: 8
Max parallel requests: 100
Avg FPS: 1012.15