- CDI dependencies are removed
- ApplicationScoped Beans are now Singletons
- Best way to access applicationController is now: ApplicationEnvironment.applicationController[ApplicationController]
- Use CDI if needed with MacWire, Guice, or other CDI Framework (CDI example in issues demo)
- Application must extend now BaseApplication and needs to implement applicationController as val
- FxmlLoader must be renamed to FxmlLocation
object Application extends BaseApplication {
// some custom code ...
override val applicationController: BaseApplicationController = new ApplicationController
- ApplicationController must extend now BaseApplicationController
class ApplicationController extends BaseApplicationController with LazyLogging {
// some custom code ...
- FXMLLoading url and resources properties now Options
- CollectionExtensions and ConfigValues moved to package root
- Remove SceneExtensions
- scalafx dependency removed (add dependency on project if needed)
- Includes Removed => use BeanConversions trait
- Prefer WindowController instead of deprecated AppController