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101 lines (83 loc) · 5.59 KB

Configure document

Complete configuration

# serverless.yml

  region: ap-guangzhou
  component: '@serverless/tencent-bottle'
    region: ap-guangzhou
    functionName: bottle-function
    serviceName: mytest
    serviceId: service-np1uloxw
    code: ./code
      timeout: 10
      memorySize: 128
          TEST: vale
        subnetId: ''
        vpcId: ''
      protocol: https
      environment: test
        usagePlanId: 1111
        usagePlanName: slscmp
        usagePlanDesc: sls create
        maxRequestNum: 1000
        serviceTimeout: 15
        secretName: secret
          - abc

Configuration description

Main param description

Param Required/Optional Default Description
region Optional ap-guangzhou
functionName Optional ServerlessCloudFunction Name
serviceName Optional API-Gateway service name, default to create a new serivce
serviceId Optional API-Gateway service id, if it has will use this APII-Gateway service
code Optional Default is current working directory
functionConf Optional Function configure
apigatewayConf Optional API-Gateway configure

funtionConf param description

Param Required/Optional Default Description
timeout Optional 3s The duration a function allowed to execute. Choose a value between 1 and 300 seconds; The default is 3 seconds.
memorySize Optional 128M The size of memory size available to the function during execution. Specify a value between 128 MB (default) and 1,536 MB in 128 MB increments.
environment Optional Environment variable of the function
vpcConfig Optional VPC configuration of the function
  • environment param description
Param Description
variables Environment variable array
  • vpcConfig param description
Param Description
subnetId ID of the VPC
vpcId ID of the subnet

apigatewayConf param description

Param Required/Optional Description
protocol Optional Frontend request type of the service, such as HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP and HTTPS.
environment Optional The name of the environment to be published. Three environments are supported: test, prepub and release.
usagePlan Optional
auth Optional
  • usagePlan param description
Param Description
usagePlanId User-defined usage plan id
usagePlanName User-defined usage plan name
usagePlanDesc User-defined usage plan description
maxRequestNum Total number of requests allowed. If this is left empty, -1 will be used by default, indicating it’s disabled
  • auth param description
Param Description
serviceTimeout Service timeout
secretName Secret name
secretIds Secret Id (Array)