# serverless.yml
region: ap-guangzhou
component: '@serverless/tencent-bottle'
region: ap-guangzhou
functionName: bottle-function
serviceName: mytest
serviceId: service-np1uloxw
code: ./code
timeout: 10
memorySize: 128
TEST: vale
subnetId: ''
vpcId: ''
protocol: https
environment: test
usagePlanId: 1111
usagePlanName: slscmp
usagePlanDesc: sls create
maxRequestNum: 1000
serviceTimeout: 15
secretName: secret
- abc
Main param description
Param | Required/Optional | Default | Description |
region | Optional | ap-guangzhou | |
functionName | Optional | ServerlessCloudFunction Name | |
serviceName | Optional | API-Gateway service name, default to create a new serivce | |
serviceId | Optional | API-Gateway service id, if it has will use this APII-Gateway service | |
code | Optional | Default is current working directory | |
functionConf | Optional | Function configure | |
apigatewayConf | Optional | API-Gateway configure |
Param | Required/Optional | Default | Description |
timeout | Optional | 3s | The duration a function allowed to execute. Choose a value between 1 and 300 seconds; The default is 3 seconds. |
memorySize | Optional | 128M | The size of memory size available to the function during execution. Specify a value between 128 MB (default) and 1,536 MB in 128 MB increments. |
environment | Optional | Environment variable of the function | |
vpcConfig | Optional | VPC configuration of the function |
- environment param description
Param | Description |
variables | Environment variable array |
- vpcConfig param description
Param | Description |
subnetId | ID of the VPC |
vpcId | ID of the subnet |
Param | Required/Optional | Description |
protocol | Optional | Frontend request type of the service, such as HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP and HTTPS. |
environment | Optional | The name of the environment to be published. Three environments are supported: test, prepub and release. |
usagePlan | Optional | |
auth | Optional |
- usagePlan param description
Param | Description |
usagePlanId | User-defined usage plan id |
usagePlanName | User-defined usage plan name |
usagePlanDesc | User-defined usage plan description |
maxRequestNum | Total number of requests allowed. If this is left empty, -1 will be used by default, indicating it’s disabled |
- auth param description
Param | Description |
serviceTimeout | Service timeout |
secretName | Secret name |
secretIds | Secret Id (Array) |