- - standalone message search component with props: channelUrl: string; searchString?: string; messageSearchQuery?: SendbirdUIKit.MessageSearchQueryType; renderSearchItem?({ message, onResultClick }: { message: ClientSentMessages, onResultClick?: (message: ClientSentMessages) => void, }): JSX.Element; onResultLoaded?(messages?: Array, error?: SendbirdError): void; onResultClick?(message: ClientSentMessages): void;
- can enable or disable search using prop:
- Add prop to highlight and navigate betweeen messages highlightedMessage?: string | number; startingPoint: number;
- Stability fixes
- Change font-family to Roboto
- Update color set
- Add conditional search icon to Channel component
<Channel showSearchIcon: boolean onSearchClick: function />
- Implement hook
to access UIKit global state
const state = useSendbirdStateContext(); const sdk = sendbirdSelectors.getSdk(state);
- Handle SVG file as thumbnail image
- Loader shouldnt show warning message
- Change type definition for array 'type[]' to Array
- Add chainTop and chainBottom for custom message items
- Separate Open and GroupChannel renderMessageInput definition
- Cleanup SVG icons
- Various other style and stability fixes
- Bugfixes:
- When message arrive, autoscroll if user is at end of Channel
- ImageCompression for sending jpg, jpeg & png files
- Add Pending and Failed Icon in OpenChannel Messages
- Scrolling of Channel component
- Add get-prefix to selectors(getExitOpenChannel, getEnterOpenChannel)
- Cosmetic fixes
OpenChannel is the component where conversation between the users happen. It is similar to component among group channel components.
OpenChannelSettings works as the configuration component for open channel OpenChannelSettings
A set of selectors for OpenChannel operations
- String set customization
- Use date-fns instead of momentjs
- Add type definition files for typescript support
- Theme customization using CSS-Variables
- Yarn support
- Cosmetic fixes
- Bugfixes:
- Yarn support
- Cosmetic fixes
- Bugfixes:
- Type defintion fixes
- Features:
- String set customization
- Use date-fns instead of momentjs
- Add type definition files for typescript support
- Theme customization using CSS-Variables
- Features/Bugs:
- sortChannelList prop for ChannelListComponent
sortChannelList={(channels: BaseChannel) => { ... return sortedChannels: BaseChannel }}
- Bugfixes:
- CSS Flex: Rename all start to flex-start
- Bugfixes:
- Fix ChannelList scroll by adding correct classname
- Bugfixes:
- sendBirdSelectors.getSendFileMessage supports attaching files that are uploaded to a remote server
- renderChatItem includes channel as a prop:
- The available props are: { message: BaseMessage, onDeleteMessage: Fn, onUpdateMessage: Fn, channel: GroupChannel }
- Place unsuccessful messages to the last on the allMessages
- Features/Bugs:
- ChannelList
- disableUserProfile: boolean
- renderUserProfile: React.Component
- ChannelList
Features: User profile viewer on Channel and ChannelSettings Edit user profile on ChannelList(disabled by default)
- SendBirdProvider
- disableUserProfile: boolean
- renderUserProfile: React.Component
- allowProfileEdit: boolean
- Channel
- disableUserProfile: boolean
- renderUserProfile: React.Component
- ChannelSettings
- disableUserProfile: boolean
- renderUserProfile: React.Component
- ChannelList
- renderHeader(): React.Component
- allowProfileEdit: boolean
- onThemeChange(theme: string): void
- onProfileEditSuccess(user: User): void
- SendBirdProvider
- Message grouping
- Fix file upload issue with sendBirdSelectors.getSendFileMessage
Dependency updates:
- SDK version - 3.0.133
- Message grouping
- Fix file upload issue with sendBirdSelectors.getSendFileMessage
Dependency updates:
- SDK version - 3.0.133
- Bugfixes:
- Unordered message history
- Message text break on middle of word
- Add GroupChannel type selector UI to create channel
- Ability to create supergroup(to be enabled from dashboard)
- Channel creator will become operator user
- Channel moderation for operator user
- Mute user
- Ban user
- Promote/Demote other users to operator
- Freeze/Unfreeze Channels
- Visual indicators for different channel states in ChannelList
- Visual indicators for MessageInput based on channel state
- Remove multiple imports of font family
- Visual glitches
Dependency updates:
- SDK version - 3.0.132
- Edit sign on updated messages
- Race condition on Channel switch
- Visual glitches
- Implement OG tag messages
- Apply broadcast/Freeze indicators in Conversation
- Reload conversation and ChannelList on query change
- Change channel placeholder to match design
- Fix typing indicator bug
Dependency updates:
- SDK version - 3.0.129
- Visual indicator for frozen, broadcast channels
- Sort Channels in ChannelList by send message
- Update ChannelPreview on edit message
- Hide channel on onChannelHidden
- Other stability fixes
- Implement render messsage input and render chat header
- Channel.renderChatHeader({channel, user})
- Channel.renderMessageInput({channel, user, disabled})
- Rename messageListQuery to messageListParams
- Implement render messsage input and render chat header
- Avatar size issue in ChannelList
- Various PropType warnings
- Other stability fixes
- Reactions
- Reactions are available for users who have it enabled
- getEmojiCategoriesFromEmojiContainer
- getAllEmojisFromEmojiContainer
- getEmojisFromEmojiContainer
- Reactions
- Avatar flickering issue
- SDK version mismatch issue
- Various stability fixes
Dependency updates:
- SDK version - 3.0.128
Implement query customization - users can now customize internal queries that we use inside the app to customize - ChannelList, MessageList and UserList rendering
- ChannelList.queries.channelListQuery (MyGroupChannelListQuery)
- ChannelList.queries.applicationUserListQuery (ApplicationUserListQuery), ChannelSettings.queries.applicationUserListQuery (ApplicationUserListQuery)
- Channel.queries.messageListQuery (MessageListQuery)
UI for unknown message type
channelListQuery: { includeEmpty: true },
applicationUserListQuery: { limit: 30, userIdsFilter: ['yourId'] },
messageListQuery: { prevResultSize: 10, includeParentMessageText: true, includeReaction: false },
applicationUserListQuery: { limit: 30, userIdsFilter: ['yourId'] },
- Bug fixes:
- Various stability fixes
- Bug fixes:
- Improve disconnect/reconnect UX
- Various stability fixes
Summary: Includes all of 1.0.4 and disable useReaction feature flag
- Implement frozen channel:
- Disable edit/send message
- Real time status change
- Allow configuring params before operations through props:
- ChannelList.onBeforeCreateChannel
- ChannelSettings.onBeforeUpdateChannel
- Channel.onBeforeSendUserMessage
- Channel.onBeforeSendFileMessage
- Channel.onBeforeUpdateUserMessage
- Expose internal methods through sendBirdSelectors:
- sendBirdSelectors.getSdk
- sendBirdSelectors.getSendUserMessage
- sendBirdSelectors.getSendFileMessage
- sendBirdSelectors.getUpdateUserMessage
- sendBirdSelectors.getDeleteMessage
- sendBirdSelectors.getResendUserMessage
- sendBirdSelectors.getResendFileMessage
- sendBirdSelectors.getCreateChannel
- sendBirdSelectors.getLeaveChannel
- Implement frozen channel:
Bug fixes:
- Various stability fixes
Dependency updates:
- SDK version - 3.0.123
- Implement frozen channel:
- Disable edit/send message
- Real time status change
- Allow configuring params before operations through props:
- ChannelList.onBeforeCreateChannel
- ChannelSettings.onBeforeUpdateChannel
- Channel.onBeforeSendUserMessage
- Channel.onBeforeSendFileMessage
- Channel.onBeforeUpdateUserMessage
- Expose internal methods through sendBirdSelectors:
- sendBirdSelectors.getSdk
- sendBirdSelectors.getSendUserMessage
- sendBirdSelectors.getSendFileMessage
- sendBirdSelectors.getUpdateUserMessage
- sendBirdSelectors.getDeleteMessage
- sendBirdSelectors.getResendUserMessage
- sendBirdSelectors.getResendFileMessage
- sendBirdSelectors.getCreateChannel
- sendBirdSelectors.getLeaveChannel
- Implement frozen channel:
Bug fixes:
- Various stability fixes
Dependency updates:
- SDK version - 3.0.123
- Bug fixes:
- Option to delete messages that failed because of image moderation
- Stability fix for resending failed messages
- Minor visual fixes
- Features:
- Loglevels
- Add user-agent to identify ui kit version
- Bug fixes:
- Webpack break due to MomentJS update 2.24.xx
- Duplicate messages are filtered on fetch
- Fix double invocation of onChannelSelect
- Various stability fixes
- Dependency updates:
- SDK version - 3.0.122
- MomentJS - 2.25.3
- Show default icon if avatar link is broken
- Show parent icon button when context menu is opened
- Show
(No Name)
when user has no nickname - Do not update notification bar on admin messages
- Message will be send on
key, useShft + Enter
for newline - Various internal stability improvements
- Official release of v1
- Branding fix - sendbird b -> B