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Pepperwood 2019 UAS Study

R scripts associated with analysis of UAS point cloud data collected at Pepperwood Preserve during 2019 field campaign with Sonoma State University/University of Oxford

Developed on a windows machine. Some scripts set up for linux cluster use. See individual script headers for additional details.

Contact Sean Reilly ( for questions. Please open issue notes as they arise.

Table of contents:

1. Las file processing

las_postprocessing.R: Merges Pix4D las point cloud and multispectral data, reprojects point cloud, and clips to given boundary

las_transformation.R: Performs a spatial transformation on a las point cloud based on given transformation matrix

las_plot-registration.R: Plots two las files on top of one another to visualize if registration was performed successfully

las_height-normalization.R: Height normalizes UAS and ALS point cloud data using both UAS and ALS dtm data

las_height-normalization_cluster.R: Same as above, but optimized for linux cluster (i.e. high memory capacity) use by foregoing lascatalog

2. Cloth simulation parameter optimization and DTM generation testing

csf_paramtesting_rnd1.R: Produces sequence of DTMs from a point cloud using Cloth Simulation Filter (CSF) ground finding algorithm with a supplemental NDVI reclassification filter in order to test parameter effects on DTM accuracy.

csf_paramtesting_rnd2.R: Same as above but modified to only process one parameter at a time

csf_parameter-testing_data-compile.R: Takes zonal error data from csf parameter testing and computes site-wide error values

csf_parameter-testing_visualization.R: Graphical visualization of CSF performance across parameter ranges

csf_parameter-testing_final-dtm-generation.R: Produces final DTM from a point cloud using Cloth Simulation Filter (CSF) optimized parameter set

3. Canopy height model generation

chm_data-compile.R: Generates large dataset containing chm values, dtm values, errors, vegetation classes, topography classes, and burn severities. Also generates several reference plots.

chm_generation.R: Generates canopy height models for UAS and ALS height normalized data