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10. Troubleshooting

Alathea Letaw edited this page Sep 7, 2017 · 1 revision

Troubleshooting Errors in Gmacs


admb not found

If you encounter an error like the following:

make[1]: admb: command not found

But have already installed ADMB, admb probably needs to be added to the path.

This can be done, for example, by editing the file ~/.profile and adding the location of the admb executable:

export PATH=$PATH:~/admb

Next reload the ~/.profile file by source ~/.profile. You should now be able to type admb from terminal and get the ADMB usage message:

Builds AD Model Builder executable or library.

Release Version: 11.6
Location: /home/a/admb/admb

Usage: admb [-c] [-d] [-g] [-r] [-f] model [src(s)]

-c     Build only object file(s) (.obj).
-d     Build a shared library (.so).
-g     Build with debug symbols.
-r     Build with Random effects library (ADMB-RE).
-f     Build with Fast optimized mode library (no bounds checking).
       By default, admb script builds with bounds checking.
model  TPL file (ie simple.tpl or the filename simple with no .tpl
src(s) C/C++ Source file(s) containing classes, methods and variables that
       are used in model.