diff --git a/lib/Requalify.thy b/lib/Requalify.thy
index 133806fe75..6230ec2964 100644
--- a/lib/Requalify.thy
+++ b/lib/Requalify.thy
@@ -98,21 +98,26 @@ val arch_global_opts = Scan.optional (Args.parens arch_suffix) ""
-fun gen_requalify get_proper_nm parse_nm check_parsed_nm alias_fn arch =
+fun gen_requalify get_proper_nm check_parsed_nm alias_fn arch =
val options = if arch then arch_options else generic_options
- (Parse.opt_target -- options -- Scan.repeat1 (Parse.position (Scan.ahead parse_nm -- Parse.name))
+ (Parse.opt_target -- options -- Scan.repeat1 (Parse.position Parse.name)
>> (fn ((target, (aliasing, arch_suffix)), names) =>
Toplevel.local_theory NONE target (fn lthy =>
val global_ctxt = Proof_Context.theory_of lthy |> Proof_Context.init_global
- fun requalify_entry ((entry, orig_name), pos) lthy =
+ fun requalify_entry (orig_name, pos) lthy =
val name = if arch then arch_prefix arch_suffix ^ "." ^ orig_name else orig_name
val local_name = get_proper_nm lthy name;
- val _ = check_parsed_nm lthy (entry, (local_name, pos));
+ (* Look up name again for purposes of document markup (i.e. ctrl+click on names).
+ Do not use the resolved qualified local_name, because while it is somehow possible to
+ create aliases/bindings to consts/type names that have been hidden with
+ hide_const/hide_type, attempting to use them with check_const/check_type_name will
+ fail with "Inaccessible" errors. *)
+ val _ = check_parsed_nm lthy (name, pos);
(* Check whether the short (base) name is already available in theory context if no
locale target is supplied and the "aliasing" option is not supplied.
@@ -136,48 +141,52 @@ val get_const_nm = ((fst o dest_Const) oo (Proof_Context.read_const {proper = tr
val get_type_nm = ((fst o dest_Type) oo (Proof_Context.read_type_name {proper = true, strict = false}))
val get_fact_nm = (fst oo global_fact)
-(* For a theorem name, we want to additionally make sure that global fact names found by
- global_fact are accessible in the current context. *)
-fun check_fact lthy (_, (nm, pos)) = Proof_Context.get_fact lthy (Facts.Named ((nm,pos), NONE))
+(* For the arch_requalify commands, we prefix the const/type name based on L4V_ARCH and A/H option.
+ This means we have to be careful when resolving names and marking up the document.
-(* replace text in all Text nodes in YXML-encoded string entry with new_text *)
-fun replace_yxml_text new_text =
- fun tree_text (XML.Text _) = XML.Text new_text
- | tree_text (XML.Elem (node, trees)) = (XML.Elem (node, map tree_text trees))
- YXML.string_of o tree_text o YXML.parse
+ What is completely non-obvious is that Proof_Context.read_const and Proof_Context.read_type_name
+ are sensitive to YXML markup information embedded in the supplied string. When such information
+ is available, they will use it to mark up the document. However, in the process they will invoke
+ Input.source_content, which will make sure that the position information conforms to the content
+ length. This is *bad news* for arch_requalify, because when the user asks for "name", we treat it
+ as something like "ARM_A.name".
+ So if we use Parse.const/Parse.typ we'll get an annotated string:
+ name
+ If we tweak "name" to become "ARM_A.name" instead, the read_const/read_type_name functions will
+ sync the length and attempt to annotate it as:
+ name
+ which is a larger range than the user gave us, leading to errors about overlapping ranges.
+ This means that the nice option of using Parse.const + Proof_Context.read_const can't be used
+ here.
-(* These versions, prior to resolving the const/type name, override that name in the parsed
- YXML-encoded string entry with a name that will actually resolve to something, while preserving
- other parse data such as parsed document location.
- This updates the document markup at the original parse location of entry with a reference to the
- const/type named by "name", allowing the user to ctrl+click to jump to the const/type definition.
+ Instead, we use Proof_Context.check_const/check_type_name on user-supplied names along with the
+ position from Parse.position to get markup reports which we apply manually.
- For example, if the user requested "arch_requalify_consts (A) some_const", then they are
- targeting something like "ARM_A.some_const", and expect to be able to jump to its definition.
+ For theorems, document annotation appears to be included in Proof_context.get_fact. *)
- This isn't necessary for facts, as those use parsed position of "name" directly via
- Proof_Context.get_fact, which appears not available for read_const/read_type_name. *)
-fun arch_const_nm lthy entry name = get_const_nm lthy (replace_yxml_text name entry)
-fun arch_type_nm lthy entry name = get_type_nm lthy (replace_yxml_text name entry)
+fun check_const lthy (nm, pos) =
+ Proof_Context.check_const {proper = true, strict = false} lthy (nm, [pos])
+ |> #2 |> Context_Position.reports @{context}
+fun check_type_name lthy (nm, pos) =
+ Proof_Context.check_type_name {proper = true, strict = false} lthy (nm, pos)
+ |> #2 |> Context_Position.reports @{context}
+fun check_fact lthy (nm, pos) = Proof_Context.get_fact lthy (Facts.Named ((nm, pos), NONE))
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword requalify_consts} "alias const with current naming"
- (gen_requalify get_const_nm Parse.const (fn lthy => fn (e, _) => get_const_nm lthy e) const_alias
- false)
+ (gen_requalify get_const_nm check_const const_alias false)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword requalify_types} "alias type with current naming"
- (gen_requalify get_type_nm Parse.typ (fn lthy => fn (e, _) => get_type_nm lthy e) type_alias
- false)
+ (gen_requalify get_type_nm check_type_name type_alias false)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword requalify_facts} "alias fact with current naming"
- (gen_requalify get_fact_nm Parse.thm check_fact alias_fact false)
+ (gen_requalify get_fact_nm check_fact alias_fact false)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword global_naming} "change global naming of context block"
@@ -188,27 +197,22 @@ val _ =
(* Arch variants use the L4V_ARCH variable and an additional A/H option, so that when L4V_ARCH=ARM
"arch_requalify_consts (H) const" becomes "requalify_consts ARM_H.const"
- This allows them to be used in a architecture-generic theory.
- For consts and types, we need to perform text replacement in the YXML entry to combine the parse
- location with the right const/type name (see arch_const_nm and arch_type_nm). *)
+ This allows them to be used in a architecture-generic theory. *)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword arch_requalify_consts}
"alias const with current naming, but prepend \"($L4V_ARCH)_[A|H].\" using env. variable"
- (gen_requalify get_const_nm Parse.const (fn lthy => fn (e, (nm, _)) => arch_const_nm lthy e nm)
- const_alias true)
+ (gen_requalify get_const_nm check_const const_alias true)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword arch_requalify_types}
"alias type with current naming, but prepend \"($L4V_ARCH)_[A|H].\" using env. variable"
- (gen_requalify get_type_nm Parse.typ (fn lthy => fn (e, (nm, _)) => arch_type_nm lthy e nm)
- type_alias true)
+ (gen_requalify get_type_nm check_type_name type_alias true)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword arch_requalify_facts}
"alias fact with current naming, but prepend \"($L4V_ARCH)_[A|H].\" using env. variable"
- (gen_requalify get_fact_nm Parse.thm check_fact alias_fact true)
+ (gen_requalify get_fact_nm check_fact alias_fact true)
val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword arch_global_naming}
diff --git a/lib/test/Requalify_Test.thy b/lib/test/Requalify_Test.thy
index 009eea83da..a3eda0fe83 100644
--- a/lib/test/Requalify_Test.thy
+++ b/lib/test/Requalify_Test.thy
@@ -269,6 +269,53 @@ arch_requalify_consts (in Arch) (A) arch_specific_const_a
term Arch.arch_specific_const_a
+section "Specific tests"
+subsection \Temporary requalification of, hiding of, and re-exposing of constants\
+(* This kind of approach can be used for tools such at the C Parser, which are not aware of the Arch
+ locale and might need to refer to constants directly in internal annotations. *)
+context Arch begin arch_global_naming
+datatype vmpage_size =
+ ARCHSmallPage
+arch_requalify_types vmpage_size
+context Arch begin global_naming vmpage_size
+requalify_consts ARCHSmallPage
+(* both now visible in generic context *)
+typ vmpage_size
+term vmpage_size.ARCHSmallPage
+term ARCHSmallPage (* note: the direct constructor name is not accessible due to qualified export *)
+(* temporary global exposure is done, hide vmpage sizes again *)
+ vmpage_size.ARCHSmallPage
+find_consts name:ARCHSmallPage
+(* finds one constant (despite it being hidden), e.g. on ARM:
+ Requalify.ARM.vmpage_size.ARMSmallPage :: "vmpage_size"
+ but note that this constant is inaccessible from theory scope:
+ term Requalify_Test.AARCH64.vmpage_size.ARCHSmallPage
+ will result in Inaccessible constant: "Requalify_Test.ARM.vmpage_size.ARCHSmallPage" *)
+(* Arch-specific, in actual use replace ARCH with actual architecture such as ARM *)
+context Arch begin
+term vmpage_size.ARCHSmallPage (* despite being hidden in theory scope, it's still visible in Arch *)
+global_naming "ARCH.vmpage_size" requalify_consts ARCHSmallPage
+global_naming "ARCH" requalify_consts ARCHSmallPage
+term ARCH.ARCHSmallPage (* now accessible under specific qualified name *)
+term ARCH.vmpage_size.ARCHSmallPage (* now accessible under specific qualified name *)
+term Requalify_Test.ARCH.vmpage_size.ARCHSmallPage (* fully qualified name *)
+(* but be aware, these are only aliases to the original constant! *)
+find_consts name:ARCHSmallPage (* still only Requalify_Test.ARM.vmpage_size.ARCHSmallPage *)
section "Misc tests / usage examples"
locale Requalify_Locale