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Releases: scrtlabs/SecretNetwork


11 Sep 11:54
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v1.4.1-beta.3 Pre-release

โš ๏ธ TESTNET โš ๏ธ

Upgrading from v1.4.0-beta.6

Check what database type you're currently using:

awk -F \" '/^db_backend =/{print $2}' ~/.secretd/config/config.toml

Uncomment and download the right binary based on your database type:

# Stop the v1.4.0 node
sudo systemctl stop secret-node

# Get & verify secretd v1.4.1

## goleveldb
# wget ""
# echo "1ec2b9b197196113f34ec3430603972e472b35f91db0e6b98d2f772f8e0081d6 secretnetwork_1.4.1-beta.3_testnet_goleveldb_amd64.deb" | sha256sum --check

## rocksdb
# wget ""
# echo "f8aeb3f24448f244e36f4a1fb5f7f64ccc04c1796cac0e76f38aa6362c0b3017 secretnetwork_1.4.1-beta.3_testnet_rocksdb_amd64.deb" | sha256sum --check

# Install v1.4.1 binaries
sudo apt install -y ./secretnetwork_1.4.1-beta.3_testnet_*_amd64.deb

# Restart the node
sudo systemctl restart secret-node

Note: Upgrading can take 2-3 hours, but afterwards node performance should drastically improve compared to v1.4.0.

What's Changed

  • Upgrade Cosmos SDK to v0.45.8
  • Upgrade Tendermint to v0.34.21

Full Changelog: v1.4.0-beta.6...v1.4.1-beta.3


11 Sep 11:50
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v1.4.0-beta.6 Pre-release

โš ๏ธ TESTNET โš ๏ธ

Upgrade instructions

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.4.0-beta.5...v1.4.0-beta.6


08 Sep 18:43
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v1.4.1-beta.2 Pre-release

Shockwave Delta (Testnet) followup optional upgrade

Upgrading from v1.4.0-beta.5

Check what database type you're currently using:

awk -F \" '/^db_backend =/{print $2}' ~/.secretd/config/config.toml

Uncomment and download the right binary based on your database type:

# Stop the v1.4.0 node
sudo systemctl stop secret-node

# Get & verify secretd v1.4.1

## goleveldb
# wget ""
# echo "d7549691651dde2bcdcd6d554831e6ec23e76126ebe07aa3e18b1897380a11b9 secretnetwork_1.4.1-beta.2_testnet_goleveldb_amd64.deb" | sha256sum --check

## rocksdb
# wget ""
# echo "972e77d4c3f3bd10c2936120bffa417f22de7c055d1a2cb595ec1782fe843db2 secretnetwork_1.4.1-beta.2_testnet_rocksdb_amd64.deb" | sha256sum --check

# Install v1.4.1 binaries
sudo apt install -y ./secretnetwork_1.4.1-beta.2_testnet_*_amd64.deb

# Restart the node
sudo systemctl restart secret-node

Note: Upgrading can take 2-3 hours, but afterwards node performance should drastically improve compared to v1.4.0.

What's Changed

  • Upgrade Cosmos SDK to v0.45.8
  • Upgrade Tendermint to v0.34.21

Full Changelog: v1.4.0-beta.5...v1.4.1-beta.2


08 Sep 11:03
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v1.4.0-beta.5 Pre-release

Shockwave Delta (Testnet)

The v1.4.0 software upgrade is set for Thursday, 8 September 2022 at 2:00PM UTC.

Upgrade instructions

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0-beta.5


25 May 20:01
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  • Use all available cores to serve queries.
  • Mainnet docker image with automatic node registration & state sync (docs).
  • Mempool optimizations (Thanks @ValarDragon!). For more info see this.
  • Fix missing libsnappy1v5 dependency for rocksdb deb package.
  • Updated ${LCD_URL}/swagger/ for v1.3 and added ${LCD_URL}/openapi/.

Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1

Upgrading from v1.3.0

Check what database type you're currently using:

awk -F \" '/^db_backend =/{print $2}' ~/.secretd/config/config.toml

Uncomment and download the right binary based on your database type:

# Stop the v1.3.0 node
sudo systemctl stop secret-node

# Get & verify secretd v1.3.1

# goleveldb
# wget ""
# echo "3b501e572ab6021df3371d5fae73952cd6fc5a85b726310cf32a000f4c093207 secretnetwork_1.3.1_mainnet_goleveldb_amd64.deb" | sha256sum --check

# rocksdb
# wget ""
# echo "dcf58f7fed86c50d52596e58ae2643b439dd171820e6e9f89241a2482242210e secretnetwork_1.3.1_mainnet_rocksdb_amd64.deb" | sha256sum --check

# Install v1.3.1 binaries
sudo apt install -y ./secretnetwork_1.3.1_mainnet_*.deb

# Restart the node
sudo systemctl restart secret-node

Note: Upgrading is recommended to all node types (especially validators) due to the new mempool features.


09 May 18:34
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Shockwave Alpha

The v1.3.0 software upgrade is set for block 3,343,000, which is estimated to occur on Wednesday, 11 May 2022 at 1:00PM UTC. You can monitor the ETA at

Upgrade Instructions


This upgrade adds the following features:

  • CosmWasm v1
  • Bump WASM gas costs
    • Base WASM invocation from 10k to 100k
    • WASM chain access 2k per access
  • Add support for EIP191 signatures (MetaMask compatible data)
  • Ledger support for Authz & Feegrant
  • Revert Chain of Secrets tombstone state and restore slashed funds to all delegators
  • Upgrade the ibc-go module to v3.3.0:

v1.4.0 changelog:

v1.2.6 - Querying Nodes

27 Feb 16:06
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Update: v1.2.5 contained a very, very rare unknown bug that caused a consensus mismatch with 1.2.2. To address this we reverted the bump of the cosmos sdk versions and released 1.2.6. If you're using v1.2.5 please upgrade to this version, especially if you are using a validator

Architecture now split into query nodes and validator nodes. Query nodes contain optimizations that may not be entirely safe for validators and greatly improve querying performance. In addition, contracts are now served by two different enclaves: Query enclaves and execute enclaves. This will allow upgrading query enclave and improving performance without consensus-breaking changes. Lastly, rocksdb support is enabled. We are releasing binaries for each supported Database. Rocksdb is recommended for performance, but requires a resync of any nodes currently running goleveldb. Rocksdb currently only supported for Ubuntu 20.04. Using this release will require machines with at least 32GB of RAM (up from a minimum of 16).

This release focuses mostly on querying node only. We are providing validator binaries for benchmarking and testing purposes only. Use at your own risk.

Version notation: secretnetwork_[version][query/validator][database type]_[cpu arch]

See changelog for more details


23 Nov 09:25
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  • Fixed issue where queries would try to access the Enclave in parallel from multiple threads, causing SGX_ERROR_OUT_OF_TCS to be returned to users when a node was under sufficient load. Queries now access the enclave one-at-a-time again.

secretcli v1.2.1

17 Nov 11:01
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  • Migrated the secretcli tx sign-doc command from v1. See this for more info.


09 Nov 09:58
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Version 1.2.0 - Supernova upgrade

You can find the docs here

Network Information

Explorer: secret nodes

chain-id: secret-4

Bootstrap nodes:


Docker Image Name:

  • enigmampc/secret-network-node:v1.2.0-mainnet

Registration service (for docker image or auto registration):
