- Huaiyu Mi (HM)
- Stuart Moodie (SM)
- Anatoly Sorokin (AS)
- Falk Schreiber (FS)
- Tobias Czauderna (TC)
HM: one day symposium with talks (first day of COMBINE)
HM: see
HM: will send invitations to email lists
SM: when will be SBGN session?
HM: 1-2 breakout sessions (SBGN, libSBGN) and one morning session for SBGN
HM: Pre-COMBINE meeting concerning SBGN development, see
SM: more discussion about SBGN on the sbgn discuss list, more advertisment for meeting
TC: set rough agenda for the meeting
SM: plan to finish PD spec before the meeting
HM: AF to support GO project, Paul Thomas (local and involved in the project), if possible he would come (he will be definitely on COMBINE meeing)
FS: SBOL joined COMBINE, and SBOL Visual will be part of COMBINE. There is the interest to join with SBGN, e.g., as extensions of the PD / ER / AF languages, or maybe as 4. SBGN language, see for SBOL visual
FS: will contact Chris Myers concerning attendance of SBOL Visual people
FS: one day COMBINE tutorial on 14th September 9am to 6pm organised by Martin Golebiewski, morning sessions with introductions to standards, hands-on sessions in the afternoon