- Alice Villéger (AV)
- Tobias Czauderna (TC)
- Stuart Moodie (SM)
- Anatoly Sorokin (AS)
- Falk Schreiber (FS)
Report SM
- Aim of the meeting: kick-start SBGN, content of next level of SBGN (Level 2)
- 20 people to come (most of the invited people)
- Date: 29/04 - 02/05
- accommodation, food, venue all set
- agend for meeting (will be discussed via email)
- Editor-Meeting: yes, include Alice via skype
Lead work on SBGN aspects (Who takes responsibility for which part)
- PD: Stuart
- ER: Anatoly
- AF: Falk
- libSBGN / SBGN-ML: Tobias
- Web / sourceforge: Alice
- editor meetings: Falk
- mailing lists: Stuart + Falk
Currently inconsistencies in the usage of trunk and branches, e.g.
- PD-->branches/L1V1.2 Revisions contains PDF 1.3
- PD-->branches/Level1.1 contains 1.0
- trunk/Specification contains file sbgn_PD-level1.pdf (maybe better sbgn_PD-level1.v2.0.pdf ?)
- better naming for versions of UserManual
- AF branches is empty
Discussion of different ways to structure it
We need a short documentation / README of the structure (should be located in the root directory or in the wiki): Suart will take care of this
Yes, but difficult to find good time
SM: Maybe Friday + Saturday
SM: doodle call for a Friday/Saturday, in April
Anatoly will set up doodle call
AV: nothing new to report
SM: suggestions for web site:
- background
- wiki system
- hosting arrangements
Tobias will do an initial list / proposal
Nicolas would be happy to continue
We need creative idea
- Map?
- Logo?
Ask around about further ideas
SM: costs?
Not very high (5 to 15 Euro) including T-shirt
- Alice will do some research
Anatoly takes care of design
- Survey how SBGN is used
- Tutorials at conferences
- Put it in email, on facebook etc
- (Part of) summer schools
There are some courses given
- AS: gives courses about SBGN
- TC / FS: included into courses
SM: will compile survey (Alexander did a survey)
SM: How people use it, how they think about it, how it could be improved, what shall we focus on for level 2
AV: We should adress people who publish none-SBGN maps (why, what are problems with SBGN, etc)
Discussion if new contest (e.g. for COMBINE) should be done
SM: Questionary (given diagrams, what is meaning)
AS: Diagrams with three descriptions - which is the right one; one description with three diagrams - which is the right one
FS: Diagram test during SBGN meeting? -> to be discussed during next TC
(in 4 weeks time) Tues., 02.04.
- 7:00pm UK
- 8:00pm Germany
- 10:00pm Russia