146 | 146 | $string['badges'] = 'Badges';
147 | 147 | $string['badgedetails'] = 'Badge details';
148 | 148 | $string['badgeimage'] = 'Image';
149 |
| -$string['badgeimage_help'] = 'The image should be at least 300 x 300 pixels in size. It will be displayed as 300 x 300 pixels on the badge page and 100 x 100 pixels on the user\'s profile page.'; |
| 149 | +$string['badgeimageinfo'] = 'For best results, upload a square image with a minimum size of 300 x 300 pixels.'; |
150 | 150 | $string['badgeissued'] = 'Badge issued';
151 | 151 | $string['badgeprivacysetting'] = 'Badge privacy settings';
152 | 152 | $string['badgeprivacysetting_help'] = 'Badges you earn can be displayed on your account profile page. This setting allows you to automatically set the visibility of the newly earned badges.
179 | 179 | $string['balignment'] = 'Alignments ({$a})';
180 | 180 | $string['bydate'] = ' complete by';
181 | 181 | $string['imagecaption'] = 'Image caption';
182 |
| -$string['imagecaption_help'] = 'If specified, an image caption is displayed on the badge page.'; |
183 | 182 | $string['claim'] = 'Claim';
184 | 183 | $string['claimcomment'] = 'Endorsement comment';
185 | 184 | $string['claimid'] = 'Claim URL';
191 | 190 | $string['connect'] = 'Connect';
192 | 191 | $string['connected'] = 'Connected';
193 | 192 | $string['connecting'] = 'Connecting...';
194 |
| -$string['contact'] = 'Issuer contact'; |
195 |
| -$string['contact_help'] = 'An email address associated with the badge issuer.'; |
| 193 | +$string['contact'] = 'Email'; |
196 | 194 | $string['copy'] = 'Copy';
197 | 195 | $string['copyof'] = 'Copy of {$a}';
198 | 196 | $string['course'] = 'Course: {$a}';
288 | 286 | $string['delcritconfirm'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete this criterion?';
289 | 287 | $string['delparamconfirm'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete this parameter?';
290 | 288 | $string['description'] = 'Description';
| 289 | +$string['descriptioninfo'] = 'What does this badge represent?'; |
291 | 290 | $string['disconnect'] = 'Disconnect';
292 | 291 | $string['donotaward'] = 'Currently, this badge is not active, so it cannot be awarded to users. If you would like to award this badge, please set its status to active.';
293 | 292 | $string['enablebadges'] = 'Enable badges';
310 | 309 | $string['error:noactivities'] = 'There are no activities with completion criteria enabled in this course.';
311 | 310 | $string['error:nobadges'] = 'There are currently no badges with access enabled to be added as criteria. A site badge can only have other site badges as criteria. A course badge can have other course badges or site badges as criteria.';
312 | 311 | $string['error:invalidparamcohort'] = 'Cohort does not exist. ';
313 |
| -$string['error:noactivities'] = 'There are no activities with completion criteria enabled in this course.'; |
314 | 312 | $string['error:nocohorts'] = 'No cohorts';
315 | 313 | $string['error:nocourses'] = 'Course completion is not enabled for any of the courses in this site, so none can be displayed. Course completion may be enabled in the course settings.';
316 | 314 | $string['error:nogroupssummary'] = '<p>There are no public collections of badges available in your backpack. </p>';
355 | 353 | $string['expireperiodm'] = 'This badge expires {$a} minute(s) after being issued.';
356 | 354 | $string['expireperiods'] = 'This badge expires {$a} second(s) after being issued.';
357 | 355 | $string['expirydate'] = 'Expiry date';
358 |
| -$string['expirydate_help'] = 'Optionally, badges can expire on a specific date, or the date can be calculated based on the date when the badge was issued to a user. '; |
359 | 356 | $string['existsinbackpack'] = 'Badge already exists in backpack';
360 | 357 | $string['externalconnectto'] = 'To display external badges you need to <a href="{$a}">connect to a backpack</a>.';
361 | 358 | $string['externalbackpack_required'] = 'Backpack provider can\'t be blank';
362 | 359 | $string['externalbadges'] = 'My badges from other web sites';
363 | 360 | $string['externalbadgesp'] = 'Badges from other web sites:';
364 | 361 | $string['externalbadges_help'] = 'This area displays badges from your external backpack.';
365 |
| -$string['fixed'] = 'Fixed date'; |
| 362 | +$string['fixed'] = 'Fixed date: this badge expires on the following date:'; |
366 | 363 | $string['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
367 | 364 | $string['hiddenbadge'] = 'Unfortunately, the badge owner has not made this information available.';
368 | 365 | $string['hostedurl'] = 'External URL';
375 | 372 | $string['issuerdetails'] = 'Issuer details';
376 | 373 | $string['issueremail'] = 'Email';
377 | 374 | $string['issueremail_help'] = 'A contact email address of the organisation issuing the endorsement.';
378 |
| -$string['issuername'] = 'Issuer name'; |
379 |
| -$string['issuername_help'] = 'Name of the issuing agent or authority.'; |
| 375 | +$string['issuername'] = 'Name'; |
380 | 376 | $string['issuername_endorsement'] = 'Endorser name';
381 | 377 | $string['issuername_endorsement_help'] = 'The name of the endorser.';
382 |
| -$string['issuerurl'] = 'Issuer URL'; |
| 378 | +$string['issuerurl'] = 'URL'; |
383 | 379 | $string['issuerurl_help'] = 'The website of the organisation issuing the endorsement. The URL should have a prefix http:// or https://.';
384 | 380 | $string['language'] = 'Language';
385 |
| -$string['language_help'] = 'The language used on the badge page.'; |
386 | 381 | $string['listbackpacks'] = 'List of backpacks';
387 | 382 | $string['localconnectto'] = 'To share these badges outside this web site you need to <a href="{$a}">connect to a backpack</a>.';
388 | 383 | $string['localbadges'] = 'My badges from {$a} web site';
410 | 405 | $string['mybadges'] = 'My badges';
411 | 406 | $string['mybackpack'] = 'My backpack settings';
412 | 407 | $string['namewithlink'] = 'Name with link';
413 |
| -$string['never'] = 'Never'; |
| 408 | +$string['never'] = 'Never: this badge does not expire.'; |
414 | 409 | $string['newbackpack'] = 'Add a new backpack';
415 | 410 | $string['newbadge'] = 'Add a new badge';
416 | 411 | $string['newbadgedeprecated'] = 'You have been redirected from badges/newbadge.php. Please note that badges/newbadge.php will be removed in the near future.
504 | 499 | $string['recipient'] = 'Badge recipient';
505 | 500 | $string['recipients'] = 'Badge recipients';
506 | 501 | $string['recipientvalidationproblem'] = 'This user cannot be verified as a recipient of this badge.';
507 |
| -$string['relative'] = 'Relative date'; |
| 502 | +$string['relative'] = 'Relative date: this badge expires after a period of time:'; |
508 | 503 | $string['relatedbages'] = 'Related badges';
509 | 504 | $string['revoke'] = 'Revoke badge';
510 | 505 | $string['requiredcohort'] = 'At least one cohort should be added to the cohort criterion.';
582 | 577 | $string['viewbadge'] = 'View issued badge';
583 | 578 | $string['visible'] = 'Visible';
584 | 579 | $string['version'] = 'Version';
585 |
| -$string['version_help'] = 'The version field may be used to keep track of the badge\'s development. If specified, the version is displayed on the badge page.'; |
586 | 580 | $string['warnexpired'] = ' (This badge has expired!)';
587 | 581 | $string['year'] = 'Year(s)';
588 | 582 | $string['includeauthdetails'] = "Include authentication details with the backpack";
603 | 597 | $string['imageauthorname_help'] = 'If specified, the name of the badge image author is displayed on the badge page.';
604 | 598 | $string['imageauthorurl'] = 'Image author\'s URL';
605 | 599 | $string['imageauthorurl_help'] = 'If specified, a link to the badge image author\'s website is displayed on the badge page. The URL should have a prefix http:// or https://.';
| 600 | +$string['version_help'] = 'The version field may be used to keep track of the badge\'s development. If specified, the version is displayed on the badge page.'; |
| 601 | +$string['language_help'] = 'The language used on the badge page.'; |
| 602 | +$string['badgeimage_help'] = 'The image should be at least 300 x 300 pixels in size. It will be displayed as 300 x 300 pixels on the badge page and 100 x 100 pixels on the user\'s profile page.'; |
| 603 | +$string['imagecaption_help'] = 'If specified, an image caption is displayed on the badge page.'; |
| 604 | +$string['issuername_help'] = 'Name of the issuing agent or authority.'; |
| 605 | +$string['contact_help'] = 'An email address associated with the badge issuer.'; |
| 606 | +$string['expirydate_help'] = 'Optionally, badges can expire on a specific date, or the date can be calculated based on the date when the badge was issued to a user. '; |
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