This repo has docs, configs, and a bash script for setting up my Ubuntu/Debian dev environment.
It supports the following software:
- NodeJS via fnm
- fish shell
- Postgres
- VSCode — recommended for its Svelte support:
- my task runner and toolkit
It's designed for distros with apt
like Ubuntu for both standalone installations and WSL.
- instructions (see below)
— config files that get copied over for fish initializationvscode/
— settings, snippets, and keybindings for VSCode (copied over by the script unless they exist or the paths aren't right)keyrate/
— speedy keyboard repeat rateswindows/
— extra steps and notes for Windows users
- apt like Debian and Ubuntu
1. Install a browser and git for development
2. Install a text editor (with good Svelte support if you need it)
like VSCode —
see the vscode/
directory for recommended extensions and docs/config
3. Download this repo's files 📁
and run
git clone
cd setup
and follow the prompts ⚡
should be idempotent; if you notice a problem running it more than once, bug reports are appreciated
4. Log out and back in to update your shell, or reboot for good measure
5. Go develop
ssh-keygen # follow prompts and add `~/.ssh/` to GitHub via settings -> SSH and GPG keys
cd ~/dev # currently hardcoded in script
git clone
cd someproject
npm i
# then
c . # alias for `code .`
gg # alias for `gro dev`
learn more about
- improve the bash script so the authors look like they know what they're doing
- consider renaming this repo from
to something less generic, maybe I should give in todotfiles
public domain ⚘ The Unlicense