diff --git a/rustbook-en/src/ch12-01-accepting-command-line-arguments.md b/rustbook-en/src/ch12-01-accepting-command-line-arguments.md
index bb6936663..9dc28209b 100644
--- a/rustbook-en/src/ch12-01-accepting-command-line-arguments.md
+++ b/rustbook-en/src/ch12-01-accepting-command-line-arguments.md
@@ -39,14 +39,13 @@ the iterator produces.
The code in Listing 12-1 allows your `minigrep` program to read any command
line arguments passed to it and then collect the values into a vector.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-01/src/main.rs}}
-Listing 12-1: Collecting the command line arguments into
-a vector and printing them
First, we bring the `std::env` module into scope with a `use` statement so we
can use its `args` function. Notice that the `std::env::args` function is
@@ -101,14 +100,13 @@ arguments. Now we need to save the values of the two arguments in variables so
we can use the values throughout the rest of the program. We do that in Listing
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-02/src/main.rs}}
-Listing 12-2: Creating variables to hold the query
-argument and file path argument
As we saw when we printed the vector, the program’s name takes up the first
value in the vector at `args[0]`, so we’re starting arguments at index `1`. The
diff --git a/rustbook-en/src/ch12-02-reading-a-file.md b/rustbook-en/src/ch12-02-reading-a-file.md
index d8340a2a0..910850b06 100644
--- a/rustbook-en/src/ch12-02-reading-a-file.md
+++ b/rustbook-en/src/ch12-02-reading-a-file.md
@@ -7,26 +7,24 @@ has an Emily Dickinson poem that will work well! Create a file called
*poem.txt* at the root level of your project, and enter the poem “I’m Nobody!
Who are you?”
-Filename: poem.txt
{{#include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-03/poem.txt}}
-Listing 12-3: A poem by Emily Dickinson makes a good test
With the text in place, edit *src/main.rs* and add code to read the file, as
shown in Listing 12-4.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-04/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-4: Reading the contents of the file specified
-by the second argument
First, we bring in a relevant part of the standard library with a `use`
statement: we need `std::fs` to handle files.
diff --git a/rustbook-en/src/ch12-03-improving-error-handling-and-modularity.md b/rustbook-en/src/ch12-03-improving-error-handling-and-modularity.md
index 1b67d63d6..0de3ec2c2 100644
--- a/rustbook-en/src/ch12-03-improving-error-handling-and-modularity.md
+++ b/rustbook-en/src/ch12-03-improving-error-handling-and-modularity.md
@@ -70,14 +70,13 @@ We’ll extract the functionality for parsing arguments into a function that
*src/lib.rs*. Listing 12-5 shows the new start of `main` that calls a new
function `parse_config`, which we’ll define in *src/main.rs* for the moment.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-05/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-5: Extracting a `parse_config` function from
We’re still collecting the command line arguments into a vector, but instead of
assigning the argument value at index 1 to the variable `query` and the
@@ -112,14 +111,13 @@ other and what their purpose is.
Listing 12-6 shows the improvements to the `parse_config` function.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-06/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-6: Refactoring `parse_config` to return an
-instance of a `Config` struct
We’ve added a struct named `Config` defined to have fields named `query` and
`file_path`. The signature of `parse_config` now indicates that it returns a
@@ -179,14 +177,13 @@ changing `parse_config` into a `new` function associated with `Config`, we’ll
be able to create instances of `Config` by calling `Config::new`. Listing 12-7
shows the changes we need to make.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-07/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-7: Changing `parse_config` into
We’ve updated `main` where we were calling `parse_config` to instead call
`Config::new`. We’ve changed the name of `parse_config` to `new` and moved it
@@ -214,14 +211,13 @@ In Listing 12-8, we add a check in the `new` function that will verify that the
slice is long enough before accessing index 1 and 2. If the slice isn’t long
enough, the program panics and displays a better error message.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-08/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-8: Adding a check for the number of
This code is similar to [the `Guess::new` function we wrote in Listing
9-13][ch9-custom-types], where we called `panic!` when the
@@ -265,14 +261,13 @@ function we’re now calling `Config::build` and the body of the function needed
to return a `Result`. Note that this won’t compile until we update `main` as
well, which we’ll do in the next listing.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-09/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-9: Returning a `Result` from
Our `build` function returns a `Result` with a `Config` instance in the success
case and a `&'static str` in the error case. Our error values will always be
@@ -299,14 +294,13 @@ tool with a nonzero error code away from `panic!` and instead implement it by
hand. A nonzero exit status is a convention to signal to the process that
called our program that the program exited with an error state.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-10/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-10: Exiting with an error code if building a
-`Config` fails
In this listing, we’ve used a method we haven’t covered in detail yet:
`unwrap_or_else`, which is defined on `Result` by the standard library.
@@ -350,14 +344,13 @@ Listing 12-11 shows the extracted `run` function. For now, we’re just making
the small, incremental improvement of extracting the function. We’re still
defining the function in *src/main.rs*.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-11/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-11: Extracting a `run` function containing the
-rest of the program logic
The `run` function now contains all the remaining logic from `main`, starting
from reading the file. The `run` function takes the `Config` instance as an
@@ -373,14 +366,13 @@ us further consolidate the logic around handling errors into `main` in a
user-friendly way. Listing 12-12 shows the changes we need to make to the
signature and body of `run`.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-12/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-12: Changing the `run` function to return
We’ve made three significant changes here. First, we changed the return type of
the `run` function to `Result<(), Box>`. This function previously
@@ -458,14 +450,13 @@ The contents of *src/lib.rs* should have the signatures shown in Listing 12-13
(we’ve omitted the bodies of the functions for brevity). Note that this won’t
compile until we modify *src/main.rs* in Listing 12-14.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-13/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-13: Moving `Config` and `run` into
We’ve made liberal use of the `pub` keyword: on `Config`, on its fields and its
`build` method, and on the `run` function. We now have a library crate that has
@@ -474,14 +465,13 @@ a public API we can test!
Now we need to bring the code we moved to *src/lib.rs* into the scope of the
binary crate in *src/main.rs*, as shown in Listing 12-14.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-14/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-14: Using the `minigrep` library crate in
We add a `use minigrep::Config` line to bring the `Config` type from the
library crate into the binary crate’s scope, and we prefix the `run` function
diff --git a/rustbook-en/src/ch12-04-testing-the-librarys-functionality.md b/rustbook-en/src/ch12-04-testing-the-librarys-functionality.md
index 129f835aa..c4a435bc0 100644
--- a/rustbook-en/src/ch12-04-testing-the-librarys-functionality.md
+++ b/rustbook-en/src/ch12-04-testing-the-librarys-functionality.md
@@ -35,14 +35,13 @@ behavior we want the `search` function to have: it will take a query and the
text to search, and it will return only the lines from the text that contain
the query. Listing 12-15 shows this test, which won’t compile yet.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-15/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-15: Creating a failing test for the `search`
-function we wish we had
This test searches for the string `"duct"`. The text we’re searching is three
lines, only one of which contains `"duct"` (Note that the backslash after the
@@ -58,14 +57,13 @@ vector, as shown in Listing 12-16. Then the test should compile and fail
because an empty vector doesn’t match a vector containing the line `"safe,
fast, productive."`
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-16/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-16: Defining just enough of the `search`
-function so our test will compile
Notice that we need to define an explicit lifetime `'a` in the signature of
`search` and use that lifetime with the `contents` argument and the return
@@ -128,14 +126,13 @@ Rust has a helpful method to handle line-by-line iteration of strings,
conveniently named `lines`, that works as shown in Listing 12-17. Note this
won’t compile yet.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-17/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-17: Iterating through each line in `contents`
The `lines` method returns an iterator. We’ll talk about iterators in depth in
[Chapter 13][ch13-iterators], but recall that you saw this way
@@ -149,14 +146,13 @@ Fortunately, strings have a helpful method named `contains` that does this for
us! Add a call to the `contains` method in the `search` function, as shown in
Listing 12-18. Note this still won’t compile yet.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-18/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-18: Adding functionality to see whether the
-line contains the string in `query`
At the moment, we’re building up functionality. To get it to compile, we need
to return a value from the body as we indicated we would in the function
@@ -169,14 +165,13 @@ to return. For that, we can make a mutable vector before the `for` loop and
call the `push` method to store a `line` in the vector. After the `for` loop,
we return the vector, as shown in Listing 12-19.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-19/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-19: Storing the lines that match so we can
-return them
Now the `search` function should return only the lines that contain `query`,
and our test should pass. Let’s run the test:
diff --git a/rustbook-en/src/ch12-05-working-with-environment-variables.md b/rustbook-en/src/ch12-05-working-with-environment-variables.md
index 263c80cd0..f050b5b47 100644
--- a/rustbook-en/src/ch12-05-working-with-environment-variables.md
+++ b/rustbook-en/src/ch12-05-working-with-environment-variables.md
@@ -16,14 +16,13 @@ the new `search_case_insensitive` function and rename our old test from
`one_result` to `case_sensitive` to clarify the differences between the two
tests, as shown in Listing 12-20.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-20/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-20: Adding a new failing test for the
-case-insensitive function we’re about to add
Note that we’ve edited the old test’s `contents` too. We’ve added a new line
with the text `"Duct tape."` using a capital D that shouldn’t match the query
@@ -48,14 +47,13 @@ the same as the `search` function. The only difference is that we’ll lowercase
the `query` and each `line` so whatever the case of the input arguments,
they’ll be the same case when we check whether the line contains the query.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-21/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-21: Defining the `search_case_insensitive`
-function to lowercase the query and the line before comparing them
First, we lowercase the `query` string and store it in a shadowed variable with
the same name. Calling `to_lowercase` on the query is necessary so no
@@ -101,14 +99,13 @@ function to check the `ignore_case` field’s value and use that to decide
whether to call the `search` function or the `search_case_insensitive`
function, as shown in Listing 12-22. This still won’t compile yet.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-22/src/lib.rs:there}}
-Listing 12-22: Calling either `search` or
-`search_case_insensitive` based on the value in `config.ignore_case`
Finally, we need to check for the environment variable. The functions for
working with environment variables are in the `env` module in the standard
@@ -117,14 +114,13 @@ we’ll use the `var` function from the `env` module to check if any value
has been set for an environment variable named `IGNORE_CASE`, as shown in
Listing 12-23.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-23/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-23: Checking for any value in an environment
-variable named `IGNORE_CASE`
Here, we create a new variable `ignore_case`. To set its value, we call the
`env::var` function and pass it the name of the `IGNORE_CASE` environment
diff --git a/rustbook-en/src/ch12-06-writing-to-stderr-instead-of-stdout.md b/rustbook-en/src/ch12-06-writing-to-stderr-instead-of-stdout.md
index d017fa324..99e50e6f0 100644
--- a/rustbook-en/src/ch12-06-writing-to-stderr-instead-of-stdout.md
+++ b/rustbook-en/src/ch12-06-writing-to-stderr-instead-of-stdout.md
@@ -54,14 +54,13 @@ the `eprintln!` macro that prints to the standard error stream, so let’s chang
the two places we were calling `println!` to print errors to use `eprintln!`
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-24/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 12-24: Writing error messages to standard error
-instead of standard output using `eprintln!`
Let’s now run the program again in the same way, without any arguments and
redirecting standard output with `>`:
diff --git a/rustbook-en/src/ch13-01-closures.md b/rustbook-en/src/ch13-01-closures.md
index a1e1cec80..1983fbdac 100644
--- a/rustbook-en/src/ch13-01-closures.md
+++ b/rustbook-en/src/ch13-01-closures.md
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ The method `giveaway` defined on `Inventory` gets the optional shirt
color preference of the free shirt winner, and returns the shirt color the
person will get. This setup is shown in Listing 13-1:
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-01/src/main.rs}}
-Listing 13-1: Shirt company giveaway situation
The `store` defined in `main` has two blue shirts and one red shirt remaining
to distribute for this limited-edition promotion. We call the `giveaway` method
@@ -105,14 +105,13 @@ shown in Listing 13-2. In this example, we’re defining a closure and storing i
in a variable rather than defining the closure in the spot we pass it as an
argument as we did in Listing 13-1.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-02/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 13-2: Adding optional type annotations of the
-parameter and return value types in the closure
With type annotations added, the syntax of closures looks more similar to the
syntax of functions. Here we define a function that adds 1 to its parameter and
@@ -147,14 +146,13 @@ Because there are no type annotations, we can call the closure with any type,
which we’ve done here with `String` the first time. If we then try to call
`example_closure` with an integer, we’ll get an error.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-03/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 13-3: Attempting to call a closure whose types
-are inferred with two different types
The compiler gives us this error:
@@ -179,14 +177,13 @@ In Listing 13-4, we define a closure that captures an immutable reference to
the vector named `list` because it only needs an immutable reference to print
the value:
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-04/src/main.rs}}
-Listing 13-4: Defining and calling a closure that
-captures an immutable reference
This example also illustrates that a variable can bind to a closure definition,
and we can later call the closure by using the variable name and parentheses as
@@ -204,14 +201,13 @@ is called. This code compiles, runs, and prints:
Next, in Listing 13-5, we change the closure body so that it adds an element to
the `list` vector. The closure now captures a mutable reference:
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-05/src/main.rs}}
-Listing 13-5: Defining and calling a closure that
-captures a mutable reference
This code compiles, runs, and prints:
@@ -238,14 +234,13 @@ concurrency, but for now, let’s briefly explore spawning a new thread using a
closure that needs the `move` keyword. Listing 13-6 shows Listing 13-4 modified
to print the vector in a new thread rather than in the main thread:
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-06/src/main.rs}}
-Listing 13-6: Using `move` to force the closure for the
-thread to take ownership of `list`
We spawn a new thread, giving the thread a closure to run as an argument. The
closure body prints out the list. In Listing 13-4, the closure only captured
@@ -348,14 +343,13 @@ when you want to sort a slice by a particular attribute of each item. In
Listing 13-7, we have a list of `Rectangle` instances and we use `sort_by_key`
to order them by their `width` attribute from low to high:
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-07/src/main.rs}}
-Listing 13-7: Using `sort_by_key` to order rectangles by
This code prints:
@@ -372,14 +366,13 @@ In contrast, Listing 13-8 shows an example of a closure that implements just
the `FnOnce` trait, because it moves a value out of the environment. The
compiler won’t let us use this closure with `sort_by_key`:
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-08/src/main.rs}}
-Listing 13-8: Attempting to use an `FnOnce` closure with
This is a contrived, convoluted way (that doesn’t work) to try and count the
number of times `sort_by_key` calls the closure when sorting `list`. This code
@@ -406,14 +399,13 @@ in Listing 13-9 works with `sort_by_key` because it is only capturing a mutable
reference to the `num_sort_operations` counter and can therefore be called more
than once:
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-09/src/main.rs}}
-Listing 13-9: Using an `FnMut` closure with `sort_by_key`
-is allowed
The `Fn` traits are important when defining or using functions or types that
make use of closures. In the next section, we’ll discuss iterators. Many
diff --git a/rustbook-en/src/ch13-02-iterators.md b/rustbook-en/src/ch13-02-iterators.md
index 030ebf48e..c99fcd699 100644
--- a/rustbook-en/src/ch13-02-iterators.md
+++ b/rustbook-en/src/ch13-02-iterators.md
@@ -11,11 +11,13 @@ Listing 13-10 creates an iterator over the items in the vector `v1` by calling
the `iter` method defined on `Vec`. This code by itself doesn’t do anything
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-10/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 13-10: Creating an iterator
The iterator is stored in the `v1_iter` variable. Once we’ve created an
iterator, we can use it in a variety of ways. In Listing 3-5 in Chapter 3, we
@@ -28,11 +30,13 @@ the use of the iterator in the `for` loop. When the `for` loop is called using
the iterator in `v1_iter`, each element in the iterator is used in one
iteration of the loop, which prints out each value.
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-11/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 13-11: Using an iterator in a `for` loop
In languages that don’t have iterators provided by their standard libraries,
you would likely write this same functionality by starting a variable at index
@@ -76,14 +80,13 @@ We can call the `next` method on iterators directly; Listing 13-12 demonstrates
what values are returned from repeated calls to `next` on the iterator created
from the vector.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-12/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 13-12: Calling the `next` method on an
Note that we needed to make `v1_iter` mutable: calling the `next` method on an
iterator changes internal state that the iterator uses to keep track of where
@@ -115,14 +118,13 @@ consuming the iterator. As it iterates through, it adds each item to a running
total and returns the total when iteration is complete. Listing 13-13 has a
test illustrating a use of the `sum` method:
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-13/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 13-13: Calling the `sum` method to get the total
-of all items in the iterator
We aren’t allowed to use `v1_iter` after the call to `sum` because `sum` takes
ownership of the iterator we call it on.
@@ -139,14 +141,13 @@ The `map` method returns a new iterator that produces the modified items. The
closure here creates a new iterator in which each item from the vector will be
incremented by 1:
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-14/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 13-14: Calling the iterator adaptor `map` to
-create a new iterator
However, this code produces a warning:
@@ -167,15 +168,13 @@ In Listing 13-15, we collect the results of iterating over the iterator that’s
returned from the call to `map` into a vector. This vector will end up
containing each item from the original vector incremented by 1.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-15/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 13-15: Calling the `map` method to create a new
-iterator and then calling the `collect` method to consume the new iterator and
-create a vector
Because `map` takes a closure, we can specify any operation we want to perform
on each item. This is a great example of how closures let you customize some
@@ -201,14 +200,13 @@ In Listing 13-16, we use `filter` with a closure that captures the `shoe_size`
variable from its environment to iterate over a collection of `Shoe` struct
instances. It will return only shoes that are the specified size.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-16/src/lib.rs}}
-Listing 13-16: Using the `filter` method with a closure
-that captures `shoe_size`
The `shoes_in_size` function takes ownership of a vector of shoes and a shoe
size as parameters. It returns a vector containing only shoes of the specified
diff --git a/rustbook-en/src/ch13-03-improving-our-io-project.md b/rustbook-en/src/ch13-03-improving-our-io-project.md
index e4deec562..4c1a50845 100644
--- a/rustbook-en/src/ch13-03-improving-our-io-project.md
+++ b/rustbook-en/src/ch13-03-improving-our-io-project.md
@@ -13,14 +13,13 @@ values, allowing the `Config` struct to own those values. In Listing 13-17,
we’ve reproduced the implementation of the `Config::build` function as it was
in Listing 12-23:
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-12-23-reproduced/src/lib.rs:ch13}}
-Listing 13-17: Reproduction of the `Config::build`
-function from Listing 12-23
At the time, we said not to worry about the inefficient `clone` calls because
we would remove them in the future. Well, that time is now!
@@ -54,14 +53,13 @@ We’ll first change the start of the `main` function that we had in Listing
12-24 to the code in Listing 13-18, which this time uses an iterator. This
won’t compile until we update `Config::build` as well.
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-18/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 13-18: Passing the return value of `env::args` to
The `env::args` function returns an iterator! Rather than collecting the
iterator values into a vector and then passing a slice to `Config::build`, now
@@ -73,14 +71,13 @@ project’s *src/lib.rs* file, let’s change the signature of `Config::build` t
look like Listing 13-19. This still won’t compile because we need to update the
function body.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-19/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 13-19: Updating the signature of `Config::build`
-to expect an iterator
The standard library documentation for the `env::args` function shows that the
type of the iterator it returns is `std::env::Args`, and that type implements
@@ -103,14 +100,13 @@ Next, we’ll fix the body of `Config::build`. Because `args` implements the
`Iterator` trait, we know we can call the `next` method on it! Listing 13-20
updates the code from Listing 12-23 to use the `next` method:
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-20/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 13-20: Changing the body of `Config::build` to use
-iterator methods
Remember that the first value in the return value of `env::args` is the name of
the program. We want to ignore that and get to the next value, so first we call
@@ -125,14 +121,13 @@ the same thing for the `file_path` value.
We can also take advantage of iterators in the `search` function in our I/O
project, which is reproduced here in Listing 13-21 as it was in Listing 12-19:
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch12-an-io-project/listing-12-19/src/lib.rs:ch13}}
-Listing 13-21: The implementation of the `search`
-function from Listing 12-19
We can write this code in a more concise way using iterator adaptor methods.
Doing so also lets us avoid having a mutable intermediate `results` vector. The
@@ -141,14 +136,13 @@ make code clearer. Removing the mutable state might enable a future enhancement
to make searching happen in parallel, because we wouldn’t have to manage
concurrent access to the `results` vector. Listing 13-22 shows this change:
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch13-functional-features/listing-13-22/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 13-22: Using iterator adaptor methods in the
-implementation of the `search` function
Recall that the purpose of the `search` function is to return all lines in
`contents` that contain the `query`. Similar to the `filter` example in Listing
diff --git a/rustbook-en/src/ch14-02-publishing-to-crates-io.md b/rustbook-en/src/ch14-02-publishing-to-crates-io.md
index d4d33babc..b4cfb22d6 100644
--- a/rustbook-en/src/ch14-02-publishing-to-crates-io.md
+++ b/rustbook-en/src/ch14-02-publishing-to-crates-io.md
@@ -26,14 +26,13 @@ Markdown notation for formatting the text. Place documentation comments just
before the item they’re documenting. Listing 14-1 shows documentation comments
for an `add_one` function in a crate named `my_crate`.
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/listing-14-01/src/lib.rs}}
-Listing 14-1: A documentation comment for a
Here, we give a description of what the `add_one` function does, start a
section with the heading `Examples`, and then provide code that demonstrates
@@ -115,14 +114,13 @@ crate that contains the `add_one` function, we add documentation comments that
start with `//!` to the beginning of the *src/lib.rs* file, as shown in Listing
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/listing-14-02/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 14-2: Documentation for the `my_crate` crate as a
Notice there isn’t any code after the last line that begins with `//!`. Because
we started the comments with `//!` instead of `///`, we’re documenting the item
@@ -172,14 +170,13 @@ Within this library are two modules: a `kinds` module containing two enums
named `PrimaryColor` and `SecondaryColor` and a `utils` module containing a
function named `mix`, as shown in Listing 14-3:
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/listing-14-03/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 14-3: An `art` library with items organized into
-`kinds` and `utils` modules
Figure 14-3 shows what the front page of the documentation for this crate
generated by `cargo doc` would look like:
@@ -198,14 +195,13 @@ bring the items from `art` into scope, specifying the module structure that’s
currently defined. Listing 14-4 shows an example of a crate that uses the
`PrimaryColor` and `mix` items from the `art` crate:
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/listing-14-04/src/main.rs}}
-Listing 14-4: A crate using the `art` crate’s items with
-its internal structure exported
The author of the code in Listing 14-4, which uses the `art` crate, had to
figure out that `PrimaryColor` is in the `kinds` module and `mix` is in the
@@ -220,14 +216,13 @@ To remove the internal organization from the public API, we can modify the
`art` crate code in Listing 14-3 to add `pub use` statements to re-export the
items at the top level, as shown in Listing 14-5:
-Filename: src/lib.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/listing-14-05/src/lib.rs:here}}
-Listing 14-5: Adding `pub use` statements to re-export
The API documentation that `cargo doc` generates for this crate will now list
and link re-exports on the front page, as shown in Figure 14-4, making the
@@ -242,14 +237,13 @@ The `art` crate users can still see and use the internal structure from Listing
14-3 as demonstrated in Listing 14-4, or they can use the more convenient
structure in Listing 14-5, as shown in Listing 14-6:
-Filename: src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/listing-14-06/src/main.rs:here}}
-Listing 14-6: A program using the re-exported items from
-the `art` crate
In cases where there are many nested modules, re-exporting the types at the top
level with `pub use` can make a significant difference in the experience of
diff --git a/rustbook-en/src/ch14-03-cargo-workspaces.md b/rustbook-en/src/ch14-03-cargo-workspaces.md
index cbece8233..afc9c65a7 100644
--- a/rustbook-en/src/ch14-03-cargo-workspaces.md
+++ b/rustbook-en/src/ch14-03-cargo-workspaces.md
@@ -142,14 +142,13 @@ Next, let’s use the `add_one` function (from the `add_one` crate) in the
top to bring the new `add_one` library crate into scope. Then change the `main`
function to call the `add_one` function, as in Listing 14-7.
-Filename: adder/src/main.rs
{{#rustdoc_include ../listings/ch14-more-about-cargo/listing-14-07/add/adder/src/main.rs}}
-Listing 14-7: Using the `add_one` library crate from the
- `adder` crate
Let’s build the workspace by running `cargo build` in the top-level *add*