Service for accepting a DOI and returning a Journal ID and Crossref metadata for the DOI via the /doi/journal endpoint, or returning information about a manuscript from Unpaywall via the /doi/manuscript endpoint.
This service accepts a journal DOI as a query parameter:
DOIs must contain a form like 10.1234/ ...
If a DOI is of a longer URL form containing the string
, then we truncate the DOI to take everything after
this substring.
The service validates the form of the doi - if it is valid, then we hit the Crossref API to get information about the
corresponding journal. We then check to see if there is a
object in PASS for this journal. If not we create one. The service then returns to the caller a JSON object
containing the journal-id
of the PASS journal, and a crossref
object representing the data returned to the service
as a result of the Crossref call.
The service will look for an environment variable called PASS_DOI_SERVICE_MAILTO to specify a value on the User-Agent
header on the Crossref request. Default value os pass@jhu/edu
This service accepts a manuscript DOI as a query parameter:
DOIs must contain a form like 10.1234/ ...
If a DOI is of a longer URL form containing the string
, then we truncate the DOI to take everything after
this substring.
The service validates the form of the doi - if it is valid, then we hit the Unpaywall API to get information about the corresponding locations on the web for manuscript PDFs related to the article referenced by the DOI.
Just as for the /doi/journal endpoint, this service will look for an environment variable called PASS_DOI_SERVICE_MAILTO
to specify a value for the email
query parameter on the Unpaywall request. In addition, we may supply values for XREF_BASEURI
and UNPAYWALL_BASEURI, which default to