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174 lines (101 loc) · 6.9 KB

File metadata and controls

174 lines (101 loc) · 6.9 KB


  • Use minty instead of readr to reduce the number of dependencies
  • Fix #173, Use a modified vendored version of cpp11 to avoid the "non-API calls"

Bug fixes

  • Fix #185 - trim_ws for colnames behaves the same as readxl::read_xlsx().

readODS 2.2.0

  • Fix #151 - Now read_ods() and list_ods_sheets() can also be used to process flat ods files. read_fods() and list_fods_sheets() are still available, but not as the so-called "common interface."
  • Fix #154 - read_ods() and read_fods() have two arguments - trim_ws and n_max which are the same as the arguments of readxl::read_excel().

readODS 2.1.1

Bug fixes

  • Fix #170 - .name_repair is correctly passed.
  • Fix #180 - specify the minimum cpp11 version

readODS 2.1.0

CRAN version

readODS 2.0.7

append and update of write_ods in C++

Significant speed improvement; also xml2 is no longer a dependency.

POTENTIALLY BREAKING: reading single-row / single-column (F)ODS and col_names / row_names

Prior the previous stable release, <= 1.9.0, reading single-row / single-column with col_names = TRUE / row_names = TRUE produced errors.

In v1.9.0 (and the stable version v2.0.0 on CRAN), reading single-row / single-column (F)ODS with col_names = TRUE / row_names = TRUE will override the two parameters and return a non-empty data frame. This behaviour is consistent with other data reading R functions (see #146) such as readxl::read_xlsx(), readr::read_csv(), data.table::fread(), and openxlsx::read.xlsx(). For these functions, either a empty or zero-row data.frame is returned.

We changed this behaviour. The following will return a zero-row data.frame by default.

read_ods(write_ods(mtcars[0,])) ## col_names is TRUE by default

However, the previous behaviour is in the stable release and backward compatibility is needed. If you need that previous behaviour, please set the options("readODS.v200" = TRUE)

options("readODS.v200" = TRUE)
read_ods(write_ods(mtcars[0,])) ## col_names is TRUE by default

readODS 2.06

write_ods and write_fods allow list of data frames

Fix #56; and it is now the same as writexl::write_xlsx().

write_ods(list("some_car_data" = mtcars, "some_flower_data" = iris))

bug fixes

  • Fix #157 list_fods_sheets() and read_fods() cannot accept ~ as path
  • Fix #163 list_fods_sheets() can't guard non-fods XML disguised as fods

readODS 2.05

Reverse the decision to deprecate ods_sheets

See discussion #133

readODS 2.04

col_types can be character ("shorthand") or list

fix #135 and the review by Dr Ruedni

# Specifying col_types as shorthand, the third column as factor; other by guessing
read_ods("starwars.ods", col_types = "??f")
# Specifying col_types as list
read_ods("starwars.ods", col_types = list(species = "f"))

readODS 2.0.3

Add support for writing flat ODS

write_fods is available, fix #103

readODS 2.0.2

performance improvement for write_ods

write_ods has been partially rewritten in C++ #140

Ensure R 3.6 compatibility

To ensure UTF-8 everywhere, fix #107

Bump requirement to R>=3.6

Bug fixes

  • write empty sheet #142

readODS 2.0.1

Fix writing data time columns error #137

dttm column was incorrectly written with one more column. It's now fixed.

readODS 2.0.0

BREAKING CHANGES: Changed write_ods(na_as_string) behaviour

The default for na_as_string was getOption("write_ods_na", default = FALSE) in v1.8. The default now is FALSE, but it writes NA as blank cell (instead of the buggy behaviour of writing NA in the original type, which is rendered as 0 by LibreOffice for numeric types. see #79). This behaviour is compatible with the default of writexl::write_xlsx.

The behaviour of na_as_string = TRUE is the same as in v1.8: writes NA as string.

BREAKING CHANGES: Removed get_num_sheets_in_{f}ods()

The descendant of getNrOfSheetsInODS() is not very useful. If you really need to have the similar function:


BREAKING CHANGES: Removed several obsolete parameters of write_ods()

  • overwrite: always TRUE
  • verbose: always FALSE

BREAKING CHANGES: Limited size of sheets writable with write_ods()

  • Will now refuse to write sheets with size greater than 16384 x 1048576 (max sheet dimensions for Excel and LibreOffice Calc)

BREAKING CHANGES: read_ods now outputs as tibble by default

  • Added as_tibble and .name_repair as arguments. If as_tibble is true, outputs as a tibble using tibble::as_tibble() passing on .name_repair (default being "unique"). By default as_tibble is set to TRUE.
  • Removed check_names argument. All name repairs are now dealt with using vctrs::vec_as_names(). This will significantly change the default names given to outputs. (Names in the style of check_names = TRUE can be obtained by setting .name_repair = minimal, although this is not advised)

Defer the removal of ods_sheets to v3

There are many reverse dependencies using ods_sheets.

readODS 1.9.0

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • Rewrote all reading functions in C++ for significant speed increase

BREAKING CHANGES: Removed read.ods and ods_sheets

These have been deprecated for several years.


  • Added include_external_data as an argument (FALSE by default). This hides stored data from external sources not normally accessible to the user.


  • Changed behaviour when only one row is read. The row now correctly appears as the top row in the dataframe, and a warning is given if column headers are requested that this would cause the output to be empty (Note: in this case column names are not assigned)
  • Changed behaviour when only one column is read. Previously gave an error. If row names are requested, gives a warning that this would cause the output to be empty, and does not assign names.
  • Sheets are now accepted as part of the range argument, e.g. Range = "Sheet2!A2:B7". If this and the sheets argument are given, this is preferred.
  • Merged cells now have their value places in the top-left cell. All other cells that would be covered by the merge are filled with NA.
  • Added as_tibble and .name_repair as arguments. If as_tibble is true, outputs as a tibble using tibble::as_tibble() passing on .name_repair (default being "check_unique").


  • Reading (but not writing) flat ODS files is now supported using the functions read_fods(), list_fods_sheets(), get_num_sheets_in_fods(). These work the same way as their analogue ODS functions. The extension does not need to be fods, however they do need to conform to the OO specification.


  • Attempted to fix writing non UTF-8 strings to files. This still has some issues in versions of R < 4.2, however it should now correctly write most text within your current locale. See readme for more details.