Sparrow is a state-of-the-art static analyzer that aims to verify the absence of fatal bugs in C source. Sparrow is designed based on the Abstract Interpretation framework and the analysis is sound in design. Sparrow adopts a number of well-founded static analysis techniques for scalability, precision, and user convenience. This is the academic version of Sparrow that is different from the commercial version.
Linux | MAC OSX |
To build Sparrow, you need
- OCaml >= 4.04.0
- OPAM >= 1.2.2
- Batteries >= 2.3.1
- Cil >= 1.7.3
- Ocamlgraph >= 1.8.7
- Apron >= 0.9.10
- Yojson >= 1.2.3
- Lymp >= 0.1.3
- Ppx_compare >= 113.33
- Ppx_deriving >= 4.1
Optionally, you need the following prerequisites to use machine-learning features
- Python >= 2.7
- Scikit-learn >= 0.18
The easiest way to install Sparrow is to use OPAM. Once you have cloned the source codes, run the build script to install the prerequisites and Sparrow:
$ git clone
$ cd sparrow
$ ./
$ eval `opam config env`
After that, you can directly run make
or make install
Optionally, you need to set up environment variables to use machine-learning features depending on the installation prefix.
For example, if you install Sparrow using OPAM:
$ export SPARROW_BIN_PATH=`opam config var sparrow:bin`
$ export SPARROW_DATA_PATH=`opam config var sparrow:etc`
You can run Sparrow for buffer overflow detection on pre-processed C files. For example:
$ ./bin/sparrow test.i
# partially flow-sensitive analysis with degree [0-100]
$ ./bin/sparrow -pfs 10 test.i
# selectively unsound analysis with bugfinder level [0-2]
$ ./bin/sparrow -bugfinder 2 test.i