Classes are Tuesdays and Fridays, 1:00--2:30pm.
- Tuesday classes are in 4-231 and are restricted to the MIT community.
- Friday classes are in 6-120 and are open to the MIT community.
Some of the Friday lectures will be videotaped and posted by the MIT ODL (Office of Digital Learning); here is a link to the collection of videos taken:
For dates that have happened already, this schedule sketches what was done, and gives related links/material.
For dates in the future, this schedule lists the intended plan (which is subject to change).
Week 1 (Sep 4–6, 2019)
- Fri 06 Sep L01, first class: introductions, syllabus, schedule
Week 2 (Sep 9–13, 2019)
Tue 10 Sep L02
- Reading assignment:
- What we know about Climate Change by Emanuel (copy handed out at L01)
- Alternatively, Climate Science and Climate Risk: A Primer by Kerry A. Emanuel
- Reading assignment:
Fri 13 Sep L03
- Guest speaker: Kerry Emanuel (MIT) on an overview of Climate Change
- Video of lecture: [click here]
- Lecture slides: [click here]
- 1D Radiative-Convective Model:
- Guest speaker: Kerry Emanuel (MIT) on an overview of Climate Change
Week 3 (Sep 16–20, 2019)
Tue 17 Sep L04
- Reading/viewing assignment:
- Modules 3 and 4 of Michael Mann's edX course: [click here]
- Resources from discussion:
- Zero-dimensional "rock-star" model of Earth's climate:
- Accurate computer model of the greenhouse effect (w/ movie):
- Paper on the linearity of outgoing longwave (thermal) radiation: Koll and Cronin (2018)
- Zero-dimensional "rock-star" model of Earth's climate:
- Reading/viewing assignment:
Fri 20 Sep
- NO CLASS (Student Holiday)
- Optional fieldtrip:
- Henri (TA) will be leading (in conjunction with the broader MIT contingent) an optional trip to the Boston Climate Strike. We are meeting at 10:45am in front of the Stratton Student Center!
Week 4 (Sep 23–27, 2019)
- Tue 24 Sep L05
- Reading assignment:
- Optional additional reading:
- Fri 27 Sep L06
Guest speaker: David McGee (MIT) on Paleoclimatology and Extreme Climates
- Video of lecture: [click here]
- Lecture slides: [click here]
- Some resources mentioned by David McGee during (or after) the lecture:
Additional reading suggested by the guest speaker:
Project deadline:
- Submit public post to piazza with:
- project team (names of 1-2 people)
- 2-3 possible topics for project (a short paragraph desribing each)
- Submit public post to piazza with:
Week 5 (Sep 30–Oct 4, 2019)
- Tue 01 Oct L07
- Reading assignment:
- Chapter 6: "Processes" of Introduction to Climate Science by Schmittner
- Carbonbrief Q&A: How do climate models work?
Read the following sections:- What is a climate model?
- What are the different types of climate models?
- What are the inputs and outputs of a climate model?
- What types of experiments to scientists run on climate models?
- How do scientists validate climate models?
- How are climate models “parameterised” and tuned?
- Additional reading:
- Chapter 7: "Global warming and the ocean" of Climate and the Oceans by Vallis
- Reading assignment:
- Fri 04 Oct L08
- Guest speaker: Raffaele Ferrari (MIT) on Ocean Dynamics and Modelling
- Video of lecture: [click here]
- Lecture slides (student access only): [click here]
- Additional readings and resources:
- Website for The Climate Modelling Alliance (CliMA):
- Guest speaker: Raffaele Ferrari (MIT) on Ocean Dynamics and Modelling
Week 6 (Oct 7–11, 2019)
- Tue 08 Oct L09
- Reading assignment:
- Short-lived climate pollutant mitigation and the Sustainable Development Goals by Haines et al. (2017)
- Reading assignment:
- Fri 11 Oct L10
- Guest speaker: Noelle Selin (MIT) on Environmental Science and Governance
Title: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Sustainability: Decision-Making for Human Well-Being- Video of lecture: [click here]
- Lecture slides (student access only): [click here]
- Additional references: Thompson et al. (2014) on air pollution co-benefits of U.S. emissions reducitons and Li et al. (2019) on air pollution co-benefits of Chinese emissions reductions.
- Guest speaker: Noelle Selin (MIT) on Environmental Science and Governance
Week 7 (Oct 14–18, 2019) [Oct 14–15 Columbus Holiday]
- Tue 15 Oct
- NO CLASS (Columbus Day)
- Fri 18 Oct L11
- John Deutch (MIT) on The Optimum Allocation of Available Budget to Joint Climate Control Mechanisms
- Lecture slides: [click here]
- Video unavailable at request of lecturer.
- Project deadline:
- Submit 1-2 page project proposal by sending a pdf to with subject line "6.S898 Project Proposal - [Your Name]"
- John Deutch (MIT) on The Optimum Allocation of Available Budget to Joint Climate Control Mechanisms
Week 8 (Oct 21–25, 2019)
- Tue 22 Oct L12
- No Reading Assignment
- In-class climate model demo
- An extremely simple model of "worst-case" global warming (in julia): [click here] [on github]
- Analysis of "worst-case" global warming in state-of-the-art CMIP6 models (in python): [click here] [on github]
- Fri 25 Oct L13
- Guest Speaker: Francis O'Sullivan (MIT) on Energy and Climate
- Video of lecture: [click here]
- Lecture slides: [click here]
- Guest Speaker: Francis O'Sullivan (MIT) on Energy and Climate
Week 9 (Oct 28–Nov 1, 2019)
- Tue 29 Oct L14
- Reading assignment:
- What Are Climate Models Missing? by Stevens and Bony (2013)
- Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning by Rolnick et al. (2019)
- MIT Climate Symposium from 4-7pm: Challenges of Climate Policy
- Reading assignment:
- Fri 01 Nov L15
- Guest speaker: Paul O'Gorman (MIT) on Atmospheric Science and Machine Learning
- Video of lecture: [click here]
- Reading assignment:
- Guest speaker: Paul O'Gorman (MIT) on Atmospheric Science and Machine Learning
Week 10 (Nov 4–8, 2019)
- Tue 05 Nov L16
- Guest speaker: John Sterman (MIT) on Climate Policy Simulations
- Fri 08 Nov L17
- Guest speakers: Dava Newman and Gui Trotti (MIT) on Earth’s Vital Signs Revealed: A View from Space for Action on Earth
- Video of lecture: [click here]
- Additional resources:
- Guest speakers: Dava Newman and Gui Trotti (MIT) on Earth’s Vital Signs Revealed: A View from Space for Action on Earth
Week 11 (Nov 11–15, 2019) [Nov 11 Holiday]
- Tue 12 Nov L18
- Lecture slides: [click here]
- En-ROADS climate simulator (currently in beta, v1.0 release expected soon)
- Additional readings:
- Evaluation of Climate Models, Chapter 9 of Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) Working Group 1 (WG1)
- Assessing Climate Model Projections of Global Warming Patterns by Drake et al. (non peer-reveiwed preprint)
- Climate models can correctly simulate the continuum of global-average temperature variability by Zhu et al. (2019)
- Fri 15 Nov L19
- Guest speaker: John Reilly (MIT) on Economic Modelling
- Video of lecture: [click here]
- 2018 Food, Water, Energy, Climate Outlook by the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
- Project Deadline:
- Meet with staff member about project at least once
- Guest speaker: John Reilly (MIT) on Economic Modelling
Week 12 (Nov 18–22, 2019)
- Tue 19 Nov L20
- Guest speaker: Bill Weihl (MIT / Akamai / Google / Facebook / ...) on how companies can contribute
- Video unavailabe (no recording tech on Tuesdays)
- Lecture slides: [click here]
- Guest speaker: Bill Weihl (MIT / Akamai / Google / Facebook / ...) on how companies can contribute
- Fri 22 Nov L21
- Assigned readings:
- A Plan to Keep Carbon in Check by Socolow and Pacala (2006)
- Renewable Energy Policy Design and Framing Influence Public Support in the United States by Stokes and Warshaw (2017)
- Where 2020 Democrats stand on Climate change from the Washington Post
- Assigned readings:
Week 13 (Nov 25–27, 2019) [Nov 28–29 Holiday]
- Tue 26 Nov L22
- Debriefing: Lessons learned, confusions, and open questions
- Each student is expected to share one of their main takeaways from the course, something they are still confused about, or an open question they are interested in pursuing further.
- Debriefing: Lessons learned, confusions, and open questions
- Fri 29 Nov
- NO CLASS (Thanksgiving)
Week 14 (Dec 2–6, 2019)
Tue 03 Dec L23
- Project presentations (email pdf / ppt / mp4 file to hdrake at
- Yo Shavit
- Izzy Brand and Rami Manna
- Sabrina Drammis
- Jennifer Switzer
- Daniel Goodwin
- Project presentations (email pdf / ppt / mp4 file to hdrake at
Fri 06 Dec L24
- Project presentations (email pdf / ppt / mp4 file to hdrake at
- Meia Alsup
- Alex Cabral
- Govind Ramnarayan
- Kavya Ravichandran
- Lena Abdalla
- Karan Bhuwalka
- Project presentations (email pdf / ppt / mp4 file to hdrake at
Week 15 (Dec 9–11, 2019) [Wed 11 Last class]
- Tue 10 Dec L25
- Project presentations (email pdf / ppt / mp4 file to hdrake at
- Shannon Duffy
- Justin Xiang
- Vanshika Jain and Nitya Parthasarathy
- Manvitha Ponnapati, Janak Agrawal, and Ali Ramadhan
- Project Deadline: Final Written Report Due (email pdf to hdrake at
- Project presentations (email pdf / ppt / mp4 file to hdrake at