v1.13.2 (2024-05-15)
- changelog auto-generation github workflow (commit by @Nimja1234)
- Geth updated to v1.14.3
- Lodestar updated to v1.18.1
- Besu updated to v24.5.1
- Feature to initialize voting and delegate voting power on the same transaction (after Houston);
- Added Global(non-filtering) and Regional (filtering) Titan Relays. After upgrading, make sure to check your MEV-Boost options if you want to start using these Relays;
- pDAO status command to show On-chain voting information (after Houston);
- Fix kick Security Council member command;
- Fixed error trying to query inexisting Security/oDAO proposals by id;
- Fixed error when voting on security proposals (comparing when the proposal was created and when the member joined the security council);
- Fixed jwt secret generation in Reth;
- Fixed missing time diff output;
- Fixed the attestation distance divergence between regular and rolling records implementations;
- Improved how voting power is displayed on the proposals details results;
- fix function names (commit by @kevincatty)
v1.13.1 (2024-05-02)
- Geth updated to v1.14.0
- Nethermind updated to v1.26.0
- Teku updated to v24.4.0
- Nimbus updated to v24.4.0
- Node exporter updated to v1.8.0
- Prometheus updated to v2.51.2
- Grafana updated to v9.5.18
- Added Geth Archive mode option on the TUI
- Added an evmTimeout TUI parameter for Geth
- Fixed Grafana EC peers query - Dashboard v1.3.1
- Fixed Reth RPC cors parameter
- Fixed check for hosts that registered pre-Houston
- Improved the pdao voting-power command
- Improved Snapshot/Onchain messages on node status.
- Fixed starting the SN with alerting enabled and metrics disabled
- Fixed RPL withdraw regression from v1.13.0
v1.13.0 (2024-04-23)
- Update Geth version
- Update Besu version
- Update Lodestar version
- Update Reth version
- Updated Go to v1.21 (#476)
- Implementation of an On-Chain pDAO. RPIP-33
- Stake ETH on behalf of node. RPIP-32
- RPL Withdrawal Address. RPIP-31
- Time-based Balance and RPL Price Submissions. RPIP-35
- Added a linter CI action to GitHub (#490)
- Added a Changelog (#504)
- v8-rolling records to have the same behavior as v8 rewards (#474)
- Allow scrubbed/dissolved minipools with refunds to be closed (#487)
- Fix invalid Smart Node Update available (rocket-pool/smartnode-install#126)
v1.12.1 (2024-04-02)
- Besu version corrected
v1.12.0 (2024-03-30)
- Update nethermind version
- Update Reth version
- Update Lighthouse version
- Update Teku version
- Update Prysm version
- Update Nimbus version
- Update Besu version
- Smartnode notification functionality for bounty BA022308 (#449)
- When bc status is not syncing fix progress to 1.0 (#469)
- rocketpool_node approximate rpl reward panel for RPIP-30 changes (#457)
- Support for using alerting in native mode (#465)
v1.11.9 (2024-03-11)
- Update Reth version
- Update Teku version
- Update Grafana (#456)
- Update Besu version
- Update Prysm version
- Update Lighthouse version
- Update Lodestar version
- Add MEV-Boost version in
rocketpool service version
(#455) - Add --all option for
rocketpool service prune
androcketpool service reset
per feedback in :(#323) - Rocketpool service reset for bounty BA0902402 (#452)
- Pruning Besu if not archive node
- Check node has more than maxRPLStake on withdrawals
- rocketpool node stake-rpl reads incorrect selection (#450)
- Generate state manager when needed (#453)
v1.11.8 (2024-02-27)
- Update Lodestar version
- Update Geth version
- Update Reth version
- Update Besu version
- Update Teku version
- Update Nethermind version
- Update Nimbus version
- Reth client
- Max stake fraction from contract
- Filter out duplicate pubkeys (#443)
hardcoded to 1.5 eth (#445)- Timeouts to rewards tree downloads (#446)
- Besu archive mdoe
- "-c" shorthand for subcommands (#441)
- Voluntary exit signatures (#447)
type encapsulates version range checks. Errors more verbose (#448)
- Max rpl stake options
v1.11.7 (2024-02-02)
- Update Teku version
- Update Lighthouse version
- Update Besu version
- Update Nethermind version
- Update Geth version
- Update Nimbus version
- Update Lodestar version
- Update Prysm version
- Removed Goerli
- Removed Prater (#437)
v1.11.6 (2024-01-22)
- Update Nethermind version
- Update Lodestar version
- Update Nethermind version
- Go version of the Nethermind prune starter, replacing the dll (#434)
v1.11.5 (2024-01-13)
- Update Geth version
- Update Nethermind version
- Update Prysm version
- Update Besu version
- Prysm max peers increased
- Holesky to v8 on interval 93
- Total node weight printed in treegen logs (#431)
- Local file abstraction for treegen (#432)
- Arbitrum price messenger v2
- RR CID calculation
- Compression bugs with CID calculation (#432)
- CID filename usage
v1.11.4 (2024-01-10)
- Update Teku version
v1.11.3 (2024-01-09)
- Update Besu version
- Update Nimbus version
- Update Geth version
- Update Lodestar version
- Prompt if the user would prefer to skip key recovery when recovering wallet with unsynced clients (#425)
- Mainnet node sync check (#5)
- Treegen v8 (#424)
v1.11.2 (2023-12-19)
- Update Teku version
- Update Nethermind version
- Continue submission when the file upload fails (#416)
- Dedup calls to LoadConfig (#418)
- Print rescue node plugin info even when the EC is syncing (#419)
- Scroll submit price logic (#422)
- Checks to ensure if all ports in the configuration are unique (#423)
v1.11.1 (2023-12-05)
- Client versions updated (#417)
- Prevented truncation of user-settings.yml when disk is full by writing to /tmp first and moving the result to user-settings.yml (#411)
- PBSS the default for new installations (#404)
- Add a Rescue Node add-on to make it easier for people to connect and disconnect (#402)
v1.11.0 (2023-10-12)
- Update Besu version
- Update Teku version
- Update Nethermind version
- Update Lodestar version
- Update Lighthouse version
- Update Nimbus version
- Update Prysm version
- Update Grafana
- Update Prometheus
- RPL node op inflation goes to the pDAO if no nodes are eligible
- Mainnet and Prater V7 intervals
- Cache size for Nethermind
- Holesky support
- Rewards file v2 and accompanying interfaces
- No pruning for Geth with PBSS
- Cache for Geth
- Empty MPs from the index map during serialization
- Blocknative
- Non-staking MPs being added to the RR cache
v1.10.2 (2023-08-30)
- Update Teku version
- Update Besu version
- Update Prometheus version
- Update Geth version
- Update Prysm version
- Update Nimbus version
- Minipool distribute now sorts by most-to-least rewards and has a threshold flag
- 200 idle HTTP connections
- Note to the daemons about the current mode
- Bloxroute ethical and the non-sandwiching profile
v1.10.1 (2023-08-10)
- Update Lodestar version
- Update Lighthouse version
- Arbitrary ERC20 support to node-send
- Safety checks and warnings to node-send
- Support for price submission to Base
- RR issue during subsequent intervals if the first block is missing
- Missing interval rollover check for oDAO members
- Finalized validators from the staking count in Grafana
- Old flags from the daemon
v1.10.0 (2023-07-24)
- "Expose API Port" from bool to a ternary choice (#342)
- BN client Committees response optimizations (#361)
- Slash timer messaging more explicit, ominous, and linked to the docs (#377)
- google.golang.org/grpc from 1.52.3 to 1.53.0 (#375)
- Change []beacon.Committee to an interface to reduce copying on the hot path
- Client ready checks deduplicated (#378)
- Way smartnode downloads and runs the install script to catch errors with the download better is changed (#381)
- Hoisted nonce validation, refactored to fluent for client init (#383)
- Removed debug line (shared/services/rewards/rolling-record.go, line #197)
Full Changelog [v1.13.2]: https://github.com/rocket-pool/smartnode/compare/v2.0.0-b2...v1.13.2