Refer to the extension
Dependabot will log more diagnostic information when verbose logs are enabled; i.e. System.Debug
variable is set to true
When verbose logs are enable, Dependabot will also generate a Flame Graph performance metrics report, which can be viewed by downloading the pipeline logs, then locating the corresponding HTML report file in the Job
folder. To understand how to read Flame Graph reports, see:
When sharing pipeline logs, please be aware that the task log contains potentionally sensitive information such as your DevOps organisation name, project names, repository names, private package feeds URLs, list of used dependency names/versions, and the contents of any dependency files that are updated (e.g. package.json
, *.csproj
, etc). The Flame Graph report does not contain any sensitive information about your DevOps environment.
To mask environment secrets from the task log, set the System.Secrets
variable to true
in your pipeline.
Install Node.js (18+), Go (1.22+), and Docker (with Linux containers); Install project dependencies using NPM:
cd extension
npm install
cd extension
npm run build
To then generate the a Azure DevOps .vsix
extension package for testing, you'll first need to create a publisher account for the Visual Studio Marketplace Publishing Portal. After this, use npm run package
to build the package, with an override for your publisher ID:
npm run package -- --overrides-file overrides.local.json --rev-version --publisher your-publisher-id-here
To test the extension in a Azure DevOps organisation:
- Build the extension
package - Publish the extension to your publisher account
- Share the extension with the organisation.
To run the latest task version:
npm start
To run a specific task version:
npm run start:V1 # runs dependabot@1 task
npm run start:V2 # runs dependabot@2 task
cd extension
npm test
High-level sequence diagram illustrating how the dependabot@2
task performs versioned updates using dependabot-cli. For more technical details, see how dependabot-cli works.
participant ext as Dependabot DevOps Extension
participant agent as DevOps Pipeline Agent
participant devops as DevOps API
participant cli as Dependabot CLI
participant core as Dependabot Updater
participant feed as Package Feed
ext->>ext: Read and parse `dependabot.yml`
ext->>ext: Write `job.yaml`
ext->>agent: Download dependabot-cli from github
ext->>+cli: Execute `dependabot update -f job.yaml -o update-scenario.yaml`
cli->>+core: Run update for `job.yaml` with proxy and dependabot-updater docker containers
core->>devops: Fetch source files from repository
core->>core: Discover dependencies
loop for each dependency
core->>feed: Fetch latest version
core->>core: Update dependency files
core-->>-cli: Report outputs
cli->>cli: Write outputs to `update-sceario.yaml`
cli-->>-ext: Update completed
ext->>ext: Read and parse `update-sceario.yaml`
loop for each output
alt when output is "create_pull_request"
ext->>devops: Create pull request source branch
ext->>devops: Push commit to source branch
ext->>devops: Create pull request
ext->>devops: Set auto-approve
ext->>devops: Set auto-complete
alt when output is "update_pull_request"
ext->>devops: Push commit to pull request
ext->>devops: Update pull request description
ext->>devops: Set auto-approve
ext->>devops: Set auto-complete
alt when output is "close_pull_request"
ext->>devops: Create comment thread on pull request with close reason
ext->>devops: Abandon pull request
ext->>devops: Delete source branch
High-level sequence diagram illustrating how the dependabot@2
task performs security-only updates using dependabot-cli.
participant ext as TaskV2
participant cli as Dependabot CLI
participant gha as GitHub Advisory Database
ext->>ext: Write `list-dependencies-job.yml`
Note right of ext: The job file contains `ignore: [ 'dependency-name': '*' ]`.<br>This will make Dependabot to discover all dependencies, but not update anything.<br>We can then extract the dependency list from the "depenedency_list" output.
ext->>+cli: Execute `dependabot update -f list-dependencies-job.yml -o output.yml`
cli->>cli: Run update job
cli->>cli: Write `output.yaml`
cli-->>-ext: Update completed
ext->>ext: Read and parse `output.yaml`, extract "dependency_list"
loop for each dependency
ext->>gha: Check security advisories for dependency
ext->>ext: Filter dependency list to only ones containing security advisories
ext->>ext: Write `security-only-update-job.yml`
Note right of ext: The job file contains the list of `dependency-names` and `security-advisories`.<br>This will make Dependanbot only update the dependencies named in the job file.
ext->>+cli: Execute `dependabot update -f security-only-update-job-job.yml -o output.yml`
cli->>cli: Run update job
cli->>cli: Write `output.yaml`
cli-->>-ext: Update completed
ext->>ext: Read and parse `output.yaml`
Note right of ext: Normal update logic resumes from this point.<br/>Outputs are parsed, pull requests are created/updated/closed based on the outputs