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Regen Network - Aplikiĝo Testnet Planning


  • Everything is subject to change. Pay attention to the discord [dev-validator announcement channel] ( for announcements. We are testing complex, opensource beta software. Expect things to break. If the dcoumentation is inadequit, make a PR.


  • 3 Phases (min)
  • 4 governance proposals, 2 Upgrades, 2 community spend proposals
  • Rewards: 1800+ points possible per participant with a total of 500,000 Regen tokens available for winners.
  • Schedule: Feb 8th - Mar 8th

Phase - 1: Genesis Phase - max 400 points

  • Gentx submission : 5th-7th Feb, 2021 1500 UTC. Up to 125 Gentx will be accepted.
  • Genesis file release: 7th Feb, 2021 1600 UTC
  • Network start time: 8th Feb, 2021 1500 UTC - 50 points for everyone who brings up their nodes in first 10 blocks (votes).

Celebrate Stargate: - 100 points

  • Send 1TREE to others - 10 points
  • Delegate some TREEs to others - 10 points
  • Tweet url linked in a memo - 30 points
  • LinkedIn post url linked in a memo - 30 points
  • memo with your discord handle - 20 points (come to discord, leave telegram behind!)
  • Blogpost describing about Regen linked in memo
    • 20 teams will get 50 each (Regen network team will review the blogs and finalize top-20)
  • Participants get to raise a PR with the details onto regen-ledger/testnets repo
    • Time: Feb 9th, 1500UTC - Feb 11th, 1200 UTC (Only the txs in this time period are considered to be valid)
    • Instructions to submit the PR:
      • Clone regen-network/testnets repo,
      $ git clone
      $ cd testnets
      $ git pull origin master
      $ cd aplikigo-1/tasks/phase-1/1-celebrate
      $ cp sample.json <your_moniker>.json
      • Add/Update the details
      • Push to the repo and create a PR

Network security and performance testing - upto 100 points:

  • Make transactions for continuous 3 hours from 1500UTC to 1800UTC 11 Feb, 2021.
  • Validators can use multiple addresses to send the transactions. It can be any transaction, even failed transactions would count. All the transactions a validator performs, should include the validator moniker as a memo so that we can map the transactions to your validator.
  • PR Time: 1800 UTC 11 Feb, 2021 - 1800 UTC 12 Feb, 2021.
  • Top 10 teams will get 100 points each
  • Next 10 (11 to 20) will get 60 points each
  • 21 to 50 teams will get 50 points each NOTE: Please check bonus section below for appropriate bonuses.

Upgrade-1: The Gir Upgrade

Lead validator team will create a governance proposal on 15th Feb, 2021 at ~1500 UTC, to upgrade the network to a new release i.e., v0.6.1.

New to upgrades? Read this

Upgrade Schedule:

  • Proposal: 15th Feb, 2021 ~1500 UTC
  • Voting Period: 15th Feb-17th Feb, ~1500 UTC
  • Upgrade Height: 138650 (Close to 18th Feb, ~1500 UTC)
    • First 10 teams to sign the upgrade block will get 100points each (upgrade height + 1's consensus state dump + prevotes will be used).
    • Next 20 teams will get 60 points each
    • Next 20 teams will get 40 points each
    • Other teams who are part of the upgrade will share 20 points each
    • Note: Teams are eligible for this reward only if they vote on the proposal

What should validators do?

  • Review the software upgrade proposal and cast your vote before voting period endtime.
  • Upgrade your nodes

For detailed instructions click here

Phase - 2: Regen Times - max 750 points | 22-Feb 2021 - 01-Mar 2021

  • Upgrade proposal to enable IBC transfers - 22nd Feb, 1500 UTC
  • Voting Period: 22-02-2021 1500 to 24-02-2021 - 25 points
  • Test IBC Transfers of utree token - max 200 points
    • Schedule 24-25th Feb, 1600 UTC (IBC transactions should be made in this time period)
    • Make a PR with ibc-path info (see tasks/phase-2/4-ibc/sample.json for reference). Last date for submitting PRs is : 26th Feb, 0600 UTC
    • Please find more detailed instructions here
  • Run a custom ibc-enabled chain and transfer tokens back and forth - 200 points [24th Feb-26th Feb, 1600UTC]
  • Network test - 200 points max
    • Schedule 26-Feb-2021 from 1200-1600UTC
    • Maximum Transactions in a block and Max Messages in a transaction
    • Top-1 validator in each category will get 100 points each (It can be a single validator too)
    • Top-10 (2-10), will get 150 points each (in both categories)
  • Upgrade proposal - 25points
    • voting period: 26-Feb, 2021 1500 UTC - 28-Feb, 2021 1500 UTC
  • upgrade time 1-March, 2021 1500 UTC - 100points max
    • top-10 teams will get 100 points each
    • Next 20 will get 80 points each
    • Next 20 will get 60 points each
    • Next 75 (max) will get 30 points each
    • Note: the one's who voted on the proposal will be eligible for these rewards

Phase - 3: Internet of Regeneration - 800 points

  • Deploy a contract (with instructions) - 100 points
    • March 2nd, 0300 UTC - March 3r 2300UTC.
    • Instructions here
  • Deploy custom contract - 100 points (with no instructions, references will be shared)
    • Deploy cosmwasm based fixed multisig contract and transfer tokents (or any message) using it
    • Multisig should contain at least 3 accounts with equal weights
    • Required weight should atleas be 2/3
    • Reference contract can be found here (you can use the same contract but bonus for any extra additions/improvements):
    • March 3rd, 0300 UTC - March 4th 2300UTC
    • Create a PR by copying & editing sample.json
  • Test Groups Module - 250 points - - March 4th, 0300 UTC - March 5th 2300UTC
    • Create group, create policy and execute policy
    • Bonus for all group update txs (see $ regen tx group -h)
    • Instructions here
  • Deploy ibc contract - 150 points (with no instructions, references will be shared) [TBD]

Bonus Challenges

  • Uptime - 4000points
    • 2000 points will be distributed among who never misses signing a block (max 200 points per validator)
    • uptime >= 99% 1000 points will be distributed equally among all the eligible validators (max 100 points per validator)
    • 99% <= uptime >= 98% 1000 points (max 60 points per validator)
  • Never jailed validators - 2000 points
  • Max txs in a block (min 5000txs/block) - 100 points
    • If multiple blocks has same number of txs, only the txs from single or list of accounts owned/organized by the validator will be counted. Txs from others in the block will not be considered.
  • Max msgs in a transaction - 100 points
    • If multiple blocks has same number of messages in a tx, first 2 teams will share the reward (50 points each)
  • P2P/Mempool attacks - Bringing 60% nodes down (Should publish a blogpost with details and possible proofs) - 300 points
  • Exploits/bug bounty for x/groups and x/authz modules (Regen team will review and categorize the criticality into following categories)
    • Low - 20 points
    • Medium - 50 points
    • High - 100 points
    • Critical - 200points
  • Community reward
    • Top - 10 teams/individuals will receive 50points each for their contributions for the community. technical docs, helping/resolving community issues, etc.


Regen Network is committed to build a strong community. We would like to extend our thanks to our early adapters & supporters and they are given priority over new participants wherever there's a tie. Here are a possible cases (but not limited to) where we extend our support and prioritize early community members (participants from previous testnets, our partners and investors)

  • Allocate 10% extra tokens on genesis (gentxs)
  • Ranking boost (whenever there's a tie)

For the avoidance of doubt, a missed block, is a block for which the validator's signature is omitted from the finalised block, regardless of reason. Logs from a validator showing a signature was broadcast does not constitute inclusion of the signature in the finalised block.

Code Of Conduct

  • Testnet tokens are limited and valuable assets for the testnet. It is restricted/not allowed to receive external delegations. One should not try to increase their voting power by spamming the faucet. But it is encouraged to increase their stake by re-staking their rewards. There are no incentives related to the number of tokens you attain. The faucet should be used as a utility.
  • We expect formal and professional behaviour from the participants and encourage a healthy competition, as well as healthy cooperation. Any misbehaviour will potentially disqualify one from the contest. This includes trolling channels, and being dismissive or rude to teammembers or other testnet participants.
  • Participating as a group or running validators from multiple accounts should be strictly avoided and any hint on such activities would disqualify users staraight away. Everyone involved would get ZERO rewards. We are not running this testnet to uncover cartel behavior. There are testnets where that is perfectly acceptable and encouraged. Find those test nets. This testnet is explicitly to test Regen Ledger functionality and performance and create an opportunity for a livlihood helping to secure and govern the worlds firs tpublic ecological ledger. This is not an advisarial testnet in which the basic assumptions of PoS systems are being tested. Don't encourage your friends to spin up nodes just for the rewards sake.
  • If a user is flagged or blocked on Discord/Github/Twitter will be considered ineligible.
  • Same account/name should be used throughout the testnet. It's not allowed to raise PRs from different github accounts.