File tree
8,057 files changed
lines changed- .github
- abuseipdb
- bin
- komand_abuseipdb
- actions
- check_cidr
- check_ip
- report_ip
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- active_directory_ldap
- bin
- komand_active_directory_ldap
- actions
- add_user
- delete
- disable_user
- enable_user
- force_password_reset
- modify_groups
- move_object
- query
- reset_password
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- anomali_threatstream
- bin
- komand_anomali_threatstream
- actions
- add_approval_indicator
- lookup_hash
- lookup_ip
- lookup_url
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- att_cybersecurity_alienvault_otx
- bin
- komand_att_cybersecurity_alienvault_otx
- actions
- get_indicator_details
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- awk
- bin
- komand_awk
- actions
- process_file
- process_string
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- azure_compute
- bin
- komand_azure_compute
- actions
- availability_set_vm
- delete_vm
- generalized_vm
- info_vm
- list_vm
- restart_vm
- save_image_vm
- sizes_vm
- sizes_vm_subscription
- start_vm
- stop_deallocate_vm
- stop_vm
- vm_in_subscription
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- barracuda_waf
- bin
- komand_barracuda_waf
- actions
- create_content_rule
- create_data_theft
- create_global_acl_rule
- create_security_policy
- create_trusted_host
- create_trusted_host_group
- create_virtual_service
- delete_content_rule
- delete_data_theft
- delete_global_acl_rule
- delete_security_policy
- delete_trusted_host
- delete_trusted_host_group
- delete_virtual_service
- delete_vsite
- retrieve_attack_actions
- retrieve_attack_groups
- retrieve_content_rules
- retrieve_data_theft
- retrieve_global_acl_rules
- retrieve_security_policies
- retrieve_virtual_service
- update_action_policy
- update_content_rule
- update_data_theft
- update_global_acl_rule
- update_security_policy
- update_trusted_host
- vsites
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- base64
- bin
- komand_base64
- actions
- decode
- encode
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- basename
- bin
- komand_basename
- actions
- basename
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- bhr
- bin
- komand_bhr
- actions
- block
- get_list
- mblock
- query
- stats
- unblock
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- bitbucket
- bin
- komand_bitbucket
- actions
- create_issue
- create_repo
- delete_repo
- user
- connection
- triggers
- issue
- util
- tests
- blockade
- bin
- komand_blockade
- actions
- add_indicators
- add_user
- get_events
- get_indicators
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- bluecoat_labs
- bin
- komand_bluecoat_labs
- actions
- site_reviewer
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- box
- bin
- komand_box
- actions
- create_user
- delete_file
- delete_folder
- delete_user
- download_file
- get_file
- get_folder
- lock_file
- unlock_file
- upload_file
- user_info
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- carbon_black_defense
- bin
- komand_carbon_black_defense
- actions
- find_event
- get_details_for_specific_event
- connection
- triggers
- get_notifications
- util
- tests
- carbon_black_live_response
- bin
- komand_carbon_black_live_response
- actions
- delete_file
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- carbon_black_protection
- bin
- examples
- komand_carbon_black_protection
- actions
- approve_file_locally
- ban_file
- create_file_rule
- get_file_rule
- resolve_approval_request
- retrieve_file_catalog_entry
- retrieve_file_instance
- unapprove_file_locally
- unban_file
- connection
- triggers
- new_approval_request
- util
- tests
- carbon_black_response
- bin
- komand_carbon_black_response
- actions
- add_feed
- add_watchlist
- blacklist_hash
- delete_feed
- delete_watchlist
- get_binary
- isolate_sensor
- list_alerts
- list_binaries
- list_feeds
- list_processes
- list_sensors
- list_watchlists
- unisolate_sensor
- update_alert
- connection
- triggers
- new_alert
- util
- tests
- cef
- bin
- komand_cef
- actions
- create_string
- parse_multiple
- parse_single
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- chaosreader
- bin
- komand_chaosreader
- actions
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- checkdmarc
- bin
- examples
- icon_checkdmarc
- actions
- check_domains
- check_domains_alternate_nameservers
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- checkpoint_sand_blast
- bin
- komand_checkpoint_sand_blast
- actions
- query_report
- upload
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- cherwell
- bin
- komand_cherwell
- actions
- create_incident
- lookup_incident
- perform_ad_hoc_search
- update_incident
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- cif
- bin
- komand_cif
- actions
- ping
- query
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- cisco_cloudlock
- bin
- komand_cisco_cloudlock
- actions
- list_activities
- list_all_incidents
- list_all_organization_applications
- list_all_organization_policies
- list_all_suspicious_IP_entries
- list_entities
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- cisco_firepower
- bin
- komand_cisco_firepower
- actions
- add_scan_result
- bulk_add_scan_result
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- good_tests
- cisco_ise
- bin
- komand_cisco_ise
- actions
- get_anc_endpoint
- quarantine
- query_endpoint
- remove_from_quarantine
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- cisco_umbrella_enforcement
- bin
- komand_cisco_umbrella_enforcement
- actions
- add_event
- delete_domain_by_id
- delete_domain_by_name
- domains
- api
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- cisco_umbrella_investigate
- bin
- komand_cisco_umbrella_investigate
- actions
- categorization
- cooccurrences
- domain_tags
- domain_whois
- email_whois
- latest_domains
- ns_whois
- rr_history
- rr_history_ip
- sample
- sample_artifacts
- sample_connections
- sample_samples
- samples
- search
- security
- connection
- investigate
- triggers
- types
- util
- tests
- cloudshark
- bin
- komand_cloudshark
- actions
- delete
- download
- info
- merge
- upload
- upload_url
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- compression
- bin
- komand_compression
- actions
- compress_bytes
- create_archive
- decompress_bytes
- extract_archive
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- confluence
- bin
- komand_confluence
- actions
- get_page
- get_page_content
- store_page_content
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- vendor/confluence
- confluence
- docs
- static
- tests
- cortex
- bin
- komand_cortex
- actions
- delete_job
- get_analyzer
- get_analyzer_by_type
- get_job_details
- get_job_report
- get_jobs
- run_analyzer
- run_file_analyzer
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- cortex_v2
- bin
- komand_cortex_v2
- actions
- bulk_analyze
- delete_job
- get_analyzer
- get_analyzer_by_type
- get_job_details
- get_job_report
- get_jobs
- run_analyzer
- run_file_analyzer
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- crits
- bin
- komand_crits
- actions
- add_actor
- add_actor_identifier
- add_campaign
- add_certificate
- add_domain
- add_email
- add_event
- add_indicator
- add_ip
- add_pcap
- add_raw_data
- add_sample
- add_target
- get_collection
- get_item
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- csv
- bin
- komand_csv
- actions
- filter_bytes
- filter_string
- json_to_csv
- to_json
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- cuckoo
- bin
- komand_cuckoo
- actions
- cuckoo_status
- delete_task
- exit
- get_file
- get_memory
- get_pcap
- get_report
- get_screenshots
- list_machines
- list_memory
- list_tasks
- reboot_task
- rerun_report
- reschedule_task
- submit_files
- submit_url
- view_file
- view_machine
- view_task
- vpn_status
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- datadog
- bin
- komand_datadog
- actions
- post_event
- post_metrics
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- datetime
- bin
- komand_datetime
- actions
- add_to_datetime
- date_from_epoch
- epoch_from_date
- get_datetime
- subtract_from_datetime
- time_elapsed
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- diff
- bin
- komand_diff
- actions
- diff
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- dig
- bin
- komand_dig
- actions
- forward
- reverse
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- digitalocean
- bin
- komand_digitalocean
- actions
- add_domain_record
- convert_image_to_snapshot
- create_snapshot_from_volume
- delete_domain_record
- delete_droplet
- delete_floating_ip
- delete_snapshot
- delete_ssh_key
- delete_volume
- get_user_information
- list_domain_records
- list_domains
- list_droplets
- list_floating_ips
- list_snapshots
- list_ssh_keys
- password_reset_droplet
- power_off_droplet
- power_on_droplet
- reboot_droplet
- rebuild_droplet
- retrieve_existing_floating_ip
- retrieve_snapshot
- shutdown_droplet
- update_domain_record
- update_ssh_key
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- dirname
- bin
- komand_dirname
- actions
- dirname
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- docker_engine
- bin
- komand_docker_engine
- actions
- container_kill
- container_list
- container_logs
- container_remove
- container_stop
- image_list
- network_disconnect
- network_get
- network_list
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- ssl
- domaintools
- bin
- komand_domaintools
- actions
- brand_monitor
- domain_profile
- domain_search
- hosting_history
- ip_monitor
- name_server_monitor
- parsed_whois
- registrant_monitor
- reputation
- reverse_ip
- reverse_ip_whois
- reverse_name_server
- reverse_whois
- whois
- whois_history
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- dumbno
- bin
- komand_dumbno
- actions
- add_acl
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- duo_admin
- bin
- komand_duo_admin
- actions
- add_user
- delete_user
- enroll_user
- get_logs
- get_phones_by_user_id
- get_user_by_id
- get_user_by_username
- get_user_status
- get_users
- modify_user
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- duo_auth
- bin
- komand_duo_auth
- actions
- auth
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- vendor/duo_client_python
- duo_client
- examples
- splunk
- tests
- elastalert
- bin
- komand_elastalert
- actions
- connection
- triggers
- receive
- util
- tests
- elasticsearch
- bin
- komand_elasticsearch
- actions
- cluster_health
- index_document
- search_documents
- update_document
- connection
- triggers
- poll_documents
- util
- tests
- eml
- bin
- komand_eml
- actions
- parse
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- facebook_threat_exchange
- bin
- komand_facebook_threat_exchange
- actions
- submit_descriptors
- threat_descriptors
- threat_indicators
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- finger
- bin
- komand_finger
- actions
- finger
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- fireeye_hx
- bin
- icon_fireeye_hx
- actions
- get_alerts_by_host_id
- get_host_id_from_hostname
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- foremost
- bin
- komand_foremost
- actions
- extract
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- freeipa
- bin
- komand_freeipa
- actions
- delete_user
- find_user
- show_user
- user_status
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- ftp
- bin
- komand_ftp
- actions
- delete
- download
- upload
- connection
- triggers
- monitor
- util
- tests
- geoip2precision
- bin
- komand_geoip2precision
- actions
- lookup
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- get_url
- bin
- komand_get_url
- actions
- get_file
- connection
- triggers
- poll_file
- util
- tests
- git
- bin
- komand_git
- actions
- add_file
- append_line_to_file
- remove_file
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- github
- bin
- komand_github
- actions
- add_collaborator
- add_membership
- block_user
- create
- get_issues_by_repo
- get_my_issues
- get_repo
- remove
- search
- unblock_user
- user
- connection
- triggers
- issue
- util
- tests
- github_enterprise
- bin
- komand_github_enterprise
- actions
- demote
- organization
- promote
- suspend
- unsuspend
- connection
- triggers
- issue
- util
- tests
- gitlab
- bin
- komand_gitlab
- actions
- block_user
- create_issue
- delete_ssh
- delete_user
- get_user
- list_ssh
- unblock_user
- connection
- triggers
- issue
- util
- tests
- google_admin
- bin
- komand_google_admin
- actions
- get_user
- suspend_user
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- google_cloud_compute
- bin
- komand_google_cloud_compute
- actions
- delete_firewall
- delete_snapshots
- disk_attach
- disk_detach
- disk_list
- disk_snapshot
- get_firewall
- insert_firewall
- list_firewalls
- list_instances
- list_snapshots
- start_instance
- stop_instance
- update_firewall
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- google_cloud_pub_sub
- bin
- komand_google_cloud_pub_sub
- actions
- create_subscription
- create_topic
- list_topics
- publish
- connection
- triggers
- subscription
- util
- tests
- google_directory
- bin
- icon_google_directory
- actions
- get_all_domain_users
- suspend_user
- unsuspend_user
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- google_docs
- bin
- examples
- icon_google_docs
- actions
- create_blank_document
- create_document
- get_document
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- google_drive
- bin
- komand_google_drive
- actions
- find_file_by_name
- get_file_contents
- overwrite_file
- upload_file
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- google_safe_browsing
- bin
- komand_google_safe_browsing
- actions
- lookup
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- google_search
- bin
- komand_google_search
- actions
- get_page
- search
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- google_sheets
- bin
- komand_google_sheets
- actions
- spread_list_to_sheet
- update_cell
- connection
- triggers
- util
- tests
- grafana
- bin
- komand_grafana
- actions
- add_organization_user
- delete_global_user
- delete_organization_user
- do_proxied_datasource_call
- get_organization_users
- get_user
- search_users
- update_organization
- update_organization_user
- connection
- triggers
- util
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
8,057 files changed
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0 commit comments