diff --git a/.github/workflows/auto-bump.yaml b/.github/workflows/auto-bump.yaml
index 71cbce2d03..25743c6132 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/auto-bump.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/auto-bump.yaml
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ jobs:
echo "make chart-bump package=${{ env.CHART }} branch=${{ env.BRANCH }}"
last_line=$(make chart-bump package="${{ env.CHART }}" branch="${{ env.BRANCH }}" | tail -n 1)
echo "new_version=$last_line" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo "${{ env.new_version }}"
- name: Git status
@@ -76,4 +77,23 @@ jobs:
GH_TOKEN: ${{ steps.app-token.outputs.token }}
run: |
- gh pr create --base ${{ env.BRANCH }} --head "auto-bump_${{ env.CHART }}" --title "[${{ env.BRANCH }}] auto bump: ${{ env.CHART }} - ${{ env.new_version }}" --body $'This PR auto-bumps the chart version for ${{ env.CHART }} - ${{ env.new_version }}.\n---\n## Review Checklist: \n- [ ] CRDs\n- [ ] templates folder if any\n- [ ] Version \n##### Checkpoints for Chart Bumps \n'\nrelease.yaml`: \n- [ ] Each chart version in release.yaml DOES NOT modify an already released chart. If so, stop and modify the versions so that it releases a net-new chart.\n- [ ] Each chart version in release.yaml IS exactly 1 more patch or minor version than the last released chart version. If not, stop and modify the versions so that it releases a net-new chart.\n\n`Chart.yaml and index.yaml`: \n- [ ] The `index.yaml` file has an entry for your new chart version. \n- [ ] The `index.yaml` entries for each chart matches the `Chart.yaml` for each chart. \n- [ ] Each chart has ALL required annotations \n- kube-version annotation \n- rancher-version annotation \n- permits-os annotation (indicates Windows and/or Linux) \n`
+ gh pr create --base \{\{ env\.BRANCH \}\} \-\-head "auto\-bump\_{{ env.CHART }}" --title "[${{ env.BRANCH }}] auto bump: ${{ env.CHART }} - ${{ env.new_version }}" --body <