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Natural Language Processing(NLP)

rameshjesswani edited this page Jun 16, 2017 · 2 revisions

Natural Language Processing Applications and Challenges


  • Machine Translation: Convert text from one language to another.
  • Spam Detection: Filter the spam emails.
  • Summarization: Make the conclusion from the text.
  • Information Extraction: Given text, extract important information such as date, timing, etcetra from e-mail.
  • Automatic Grading of Essays and Short Answers: Given model answer and student's response, determine score of similarity.

and so on.


  • Ambiguity in sentences, as words can have more than one meaning. Example: Red Tape holds up New Bridge, here word "holds" can have two meanings; one is "to support" and other one is "to delay"
  • Non-standard English in social media e.g @Messi , #neversaynever as models trained on standard English such as newspapers data.
  • Idioms have different meanings.
  • Segmentation issues.

and so on.

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