tools that facilitate sharing and publishing of already done research #2
🥼 Documentation
Back of house docs about researching and creating website
🧭 Information
Not issues specific issues
these are tools that interface existing research and collection of material with the internet
Note: The installed by default markdown processor includes syntax highlighting for bibtext code blocks. Syntax Highlighting
hugo cite
Hugo Cite:
Bibliography :: Asciidoctor Docs
External Helper Asciidoctor
Third hemisphere theme
Create Bibliographies in Hugo with a shortcode:
academic theme
Academic includes
related is: wowchemy-hugo-themes the website builder for Hugo thread
Make it easier to cite references · Issue #830 · wowchemy/wowchemy-hugo-themes
Jaan Tollander de Balsch
Scientific Writing with Markdown | Jaan Tollander de Balsch
jaantollander/Markdown-Templates: Templates for creating scientific, academic and technical documents using Markdown and Pandoc that support equations, code blocks, citations, Unicode symbols and vector graphics
discussion threads
How can I manage a publication list in Hugo, preferrably from Bibtex file?
How can I manage a publication list in Hugo, preferrably from Bibtex file? - support - HUGO
suggests using mmarkdown/mmark: Mmark: a powerful markdown processor in Go geared towards the IETF as md processror which includes Citations and adding XML References:
another solution:
plandes/zotsite - Export Zotero to a stand-alone web site
Zot_Bib_Web (npm)
davidswelt/zot_bib_web: Create interactive web bibliographies based on Zotero collections
docs: Interactive web bibliographies with Zotero
Mac users: See my issue to resolve python errors: ImportError: No module named pyzotero · Issue #17 · davidswelt/zot_bib_web
Zotero Translation Client
zotero/bib: Translation and bibliography management for ZoteroBib
implementation: ZoteroBib: Fast, free bibliography generator - MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard citations
csl-to-markdown (rust/cargo)
Eonm/csl-to-markdown - Makes your Zotero's/Mendeley's bibliography export compatible with markdown
argenos/zotero-mdnotes - A Zotero plugin to export item metadata and notes as markdown files
combined with
(python/pip3)papis/papis - Powerful and highly extensible command-line based document and bibliography manager.
papis/papis-zotero - Zotero compatiblity scripts for papis
papis-html · papis/scripts
misc zotero
Zotero Documentation - Plugins for Zotero
Turning a Zotero bibliography into an online, browsable catalog – The Digital Orientalist
whiskyechobravo/kerko - A web application component that provides a faceted search interface for bibliographies managed with Zotero.
Related: whiskyechobravo/kerkoapp: A web application that provides a faceted search interface for bibliographies managed with Zotero.
zotero misc (TBD)
video: Revolutionizing scholarly writing with Manubot: a foreshadow of the future - Daniel Himmelstein - YTPrivate (YouTube)
manubot/rootstock: Clone me to create your Manubot manuscript > Open collaborative writing with Manubot:
inukshuk/jekyll-scholar: jekyll extensions for the blogging scholar
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