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| 130 | +\ifdefined\listfigurename |
| 131 | + \renewcommand*\listfigurename{List of Figures} |
| 132 | +\else |
| 133 | + \newcommand\listfigurename{List of Figures} |
| 134 | +\fi |
| 135 | +\ifdefined\listtablename |
| 136 | + \renewcommand*\listtablename{List of Tables} |
| 137 | +\else |
| 138 | + \newcommand\listtablename{List of Tables} |
| 139 | +\fi |
| 140 | +\ifdefined\figurename |
| 141 | + \renewcommand*\figurename{Figure} |
| 142 | +\else |
| 143 | + \newcommand\figurename{Figure} |
| 144 | +\fi |
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| 146 | + \renewcommand*\tablename{Table} |
| 147 | +\else |
| 148 | + \newcommand\tablename{Table} |
| 149 | +\fi |
| 150 | +} |
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| 152 | +\floatstyle{ruled} |
| 153 | +\@ifundefined{c@chapter}{\newfloat{codelisting}{h}{lop}}{\newfloat{codelisting}{h}{lop}[chapter]} |
| 154 | +\floatname{codelisting}{Listing} |
| 155 | +\newcommand*\listoflistings{\listof{codelisting}{List of Listings}} |
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| 157 | +\makeatletter |
| 158 | +\makeatother |
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| 179 | +\title{Untitled} |
| 180 | +\author{} |
| 181 | +\date{} |
| 182 | + |
| 183 | +\begin{document} |
| 184 | +\maketitle |
| 185 | + |
| 186 | +\begin{Shaded} |
| 187 | +\begin{Highlighting}[] |
| 188 | +\FunctionTok{library}\NormalTok{(knitr)} |
| 189 | +\FunctionTok{kable}\NormalTok{(}\FunctionTok{head}\NormalTok{(cars))} |
| 190 | +\FunctionTok{kable}\NormalTok{(}\FunctionTok{head}\NormalTok{(pressure))} |
| 191 | +\end{Highlighting} |
| 192 | +\end{Shaded} |
| 193 | + |
| 194 | +\begin{table} |
| 195 | + |
| 196 | +\caption{\label{tbl-tables}Tables} |
| 197 | + |
| 198 | +\begin{minipage}{0.50\linewidth} |
| 199 | + |
| 200 | +\subcaption{\label{tbl-tables-1}cars} |
| 201 | + |
| 202 | +\centering{ |
| 203 | + |
| 204 | +\begin{tabular}{rr} |
| 205 | +\toprule |
| 206 | +speed & dist\\ |
| 207 | +\midrule |
| 208 | +4 & 2\\ |
| 209 | +4 & 10\\ |
| 210 | +7 & 4\\ |
| 211 | +7 & 22\\ |
| 212 | +8 & 16\\ |
| 213 | +9 & 10\\ |
| 214 | +\bottomrule |
| 215 | +\end{tabular} |
| 216 | + |
| 217 | +} |
| 218 | + |
| 219 | +\end{minipage}% |
| 220 | +% |
| 221 | +\begin{minipage}{0.50\linewidth} |
| 222 | + |
| 223 | +\subcaption{\label{tbl-tables-2}pressure} |
| 224 | + |
| 225 | +\centering{ |
| 226 | + |
| 227 | +\begin{tabular}{rr} |
| 228 | +\toprule |
| 229 | +temperature & pressure\\ |
| 230 | +\midrule |
| 231 | +0 & 0.0002\\ |
| 232 | +20 & 0.0012\\ |
| 233 | +40 & 0.0060\\ |
| 234 | +60 & 0.0300\\ |
| 235 | +80 & 0.0900\\ |
| 236 | +100 & 0.2700\\ |
| 237 | +\bottomrule |
| 238 | +\end{tabular} |
| 239 | + |
| 240 | +} |
| 241 | + |
| 242 | +\end{minipage}% |
| 243 | + |
| 244 | +\end{table}% |
| 245 | + |
| 246 | +See Table~\ref{tbl-tables} for examples. In particular, |
| 247 | +Table~\ref{tbl-tables-2}. |
| 248 | + |
| 249 | + |
| 250 | + |
| 251 | +\end{document} |
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