Source code for torch.nn.attention
+""" This module contains functions and classes that alter the behavior of torch.nn.functional.scaled_dot_product_attention """
+import contextlib
+from typing import List, Union
+from warnings import warn
+from torch.backends.cuda import (
+ can_use_efficient_attention,
+ can_use_flash_attention,
+ enable_flash_sdp,
+ enable_math_sdp,
+ enable_mem_efficient_sdp,
+ flash_sdp_enabled,
+ math_sdp_enabled,
+ mem_efficient_sdp_enabled,
+ SDPAParams,
+__all__: List[str] = ["SDPBackend", "sdpa_kernel", "WARN_FOR_UNFUSED_KERNELS"]
+# Note: [SDPA warnings]
+# TODO: Consider using this for sdpa regardless of subclasses
+# This only effects users of bias subclasses
+# If this is set to True, we will warn the user if they are not using the fused kernels
+# As well, it will raise warnings for all the reasons why the fused kernels can't be run.
+# To set this to True, run
+# torch.nn.attention.WARN_FOR_UNFUSED_KERNELS = True
+from torch._C import _SDPBackend as SDPBackend
+# Hacks for Sphinx documentation:
+SDPBackend = SDPBackend
+r"""An enum-like class that contains the different backends for scaled dot product attention.
+ This backend class is designed to be used with the sdpa_kernel context manager.
+ See :func: torch.nn.attention.sdpa_kernel for more details.
+ ... warning:: This class is in beta and subject to change.
+SDPBackend.__module__ = __name__
+SDPBackend.__name__ = "SDPBackend"
+def _raise_kernel_warnings(params: SDPAParams) -> None:
+ """
+ If WARN_FOR_UNFUSED_KERNELS is set to True, this will raise warnings
+ for all the reasons why the fused kernels can't be run. If using subclasses
+ """
+ if not can_use_efficient_attention(params):
+ warn("Efficient attention can't be used because:")
+ can_use_efficient_attention(params, True)
+ if not can_use_flash_attention(params):
+ warn("Flash attention can't be used because:")
+ can_use_flash_attention(params, True)
+def sdpa_kernel(backends: List[SDPBackend]):
+ r"""
+ Context manager to select which backend to use for scaled dot product attention.
+ .. warning:: This function is beta and subject to change.
+ Args:
+ backend (Union[List[SDPBackend], SDPBackend]): A backend or list of backends for scaled dot product attention.
+ This context manager can be used to select which backend to use for scaled dot product attention.
+ Upon exiting the context manager, the previous state of the flags will be restored, enabling all backends.
+ """
+ assert backends is None or isinstance(
+ backends, list
+ ), "Backend must be an instance of SDPBackend or a list of SDPBackend instances"
+ backends = set(backends)
+ previous_flash: bool = flash_sdp_enabled()
+ previous_mem_efficient: bool = mem_efficient_sdp_enabled()
+ previous_math: bool = math_sdp_enabled()
+ try:
+ enable_flash = SDPBackend.FLASH_ATTENTION in backends
+ enable_mem_efficient = SDPBackend.EFFICIENT_ATTENTION in backends
+ enable_math = SDPBackend.MATH in backends
+ enable_flash_sdp(enable_flash)
+ enable_mem_efficient_sdp(enable_mem_efficient)
+ enable_math_sdp(enable_math)
+ yield {}
+ finally:
+ enable_flash_sdp(previous_flash)
+ enable_mem_efficient_sdp(previous_mem_efficient)
+ enable_math_sdp(previous_math)