diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6517726..245a880 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ Privacy Pioneer is implemented as a browser extension for Firefox (currently the
-Privacy Pioneer is developed and maintained by **Dominik Dadak (@dadak-dom)**, **Nate Levinson (@natelevinson10)**, **Harry Yu (@atlasharry)**, and **Sebastian Zimmeck (@SebastianZimmeck)** of the [privacy-tech-lab](https://privacytechlab.org/). **Hamza Harkous (@harkous)** is also collaborating with the team on the research. **Daniel Goldelman (@danielgoldelman)**, **Joe Champeau (@JoeChampeau)**, **Judeley Jean-Charles (@jjeancharles)**, **Wesley Tan (@wesley-tan)**, **Justin Casler (@JustinCasler)**, **Logan Brown (@Lr-Brown)**, **Owen Kaplan (@notowen333)**, **Rafael Goldstein (@rgoldstein01)**, and **David Baraka (@davebaraka)** contributed earlier.
+Privacy Pioneer is developed and maintained by **Dominik Dadak (@dadak-dom)**, **Nate Levinson (@natelevinson10)**, **Harry Yu (@atlasharry)**, and **Sebastian Zimmeck (@SebastianZimmeck)** of the [privacy-tech-lab](https://privacytechlab.org/). **Hamza Harkous (@harkous)** is also collaborating with the team on the research.
+**Daniel Goldelman (@danielgoldelman)**, **Joe Champeau (@JoeChampeau)**, **Judeley Jean-Charles (@jjeancharles)**, **Wesley Tan (@wesley-tan)**, **Justin Casler (@JustinCasler)**, **Logan Brown (@Lr-Brown)**, **Owen Kaplan (@notowen333)**, **Rafael Goldstein (@rgoldstein01)**, and **David Baraka (@davebaraka)** contributed earlier.
Contact us with any questions or comments at .