This document represents our discussions and plans at early stages of development, it is no longer being updated.
This document describes design of a new formatter for Haskell source code. It also includes recommendations for future implementers.
We set for the following goals (mostly taken from brittany):
- Preserve the meaning of the formatted functions;
- Make reasonable use of screen space;
- Use linear space and computation time on the size of the input;
- Preserve comments;
- Be idempotent.
In order to design a new formatter we need to study the existing solutions so we can borrow the good bits and avoid making the same mistakes.
Brittany builds on top of ghc-exactprint
library that uses parser of GHC itself for parsing and thus it guarantees
that at least parsing phase is bug-free (which is admittedly the cause of
majority of bugs in other projects, see below).
After parsing, Haskell AST and a collection of annotations are available.
The annotations are there because Haskell AST doesn't provide enough
information to reconstruct source code (for example it doesn't include
comments). The AST and the annotations are converted into a BriDoc
A BriDoc
value is a document representation like the Doc
from the
pretty or the wl-pprint libraries.
Brittany implements its own document type in an attempt to find a
satisfactory rendering of the source code that fits a page-width
constraint. Because of this, a BriDoc
value represents a collection
of many candidate layouts (i.e. renderings) of the source code.
This collection is pruned until it contains a single layout. The structure of the chosen layout is then adjusted to leave it in a form which can be easily traversed to produce the final rendering.
Brittany invests the majority of its implementation to manage
the BriDoc
values. Given that the amount of possible layouts is
exponential, the representation is clever enough to fit them in
linear space. There are multiple ways to build a BriDoc
, not all
of which fit in linear space. So care is necessary to keep memory
The compexities of the BriDoc
structure, together with the lack of
documentation, make Brittany at least challenging to maintain.
Hindent uses haskell-src-exts
for parsing
like all older projects. haskell-src-exts
does not use parser of GHC
itself, and is a source of endless parsing bugs. Hindent
is affected by
these upstream issues as well as Stylish Haskell and Haskell formatter (see
below). This already makes all these projects unusable with some valid
Haskell source code, but let's continue studying Hindent anyway.
Hindent is quite different from Brittany in the sense that it does not attempt to build a document representation to render afterwards, instead it just prints the parsed code straight away. This means that the 70-80% of what the code does is a printing traversal.
Hindent code is easier to read and debug. Pretty-printing functions are very straightforward. If there is a bug (in pretty-printer, not in parser which Hindent cannot control), it's easy to fix AFAIU.
Hindent is also notable for its ability to handle CPP and inputs that do not constitute complete modules. It splits input stream into so-called “code blocks” recognizing CPP macros and then only pretty-prints “normal code” without touching CPP directives. After that CPP is inserted between pretty-printed blocks of source code. The approach fails when CPP breaks code in such a way that separate blocks do not form valid Haskell expressions, see this for example.
Looking at the bug tracker there are many bugs. Part of them is because of
the use of haskell-src-exts
, the other part is because the maintainer
doesn't care (anymore?) and doesn't fix them. Well it's as simple as that,
with any sort of commercial backing the bugs in pretty printer would be
fixed long time ago.
Stylish Haskell also uses haskell-src-exts
and suffers
from the same upstream problems. I haven't studied the transformations it
performs, but it looks like it transforms the parsed source code partially
by manipulating AST and partially by manipulating raw text (e.g. to drop
trailing whitspace from each line). CPP Macros are just filtered out
silently as a preprocessing step before feeding the code to
Stylish Haskell is not so invasive as the other formatters and most reported bugs are about parsing issues and CPP. As I understand it, people mostly use it to screw their import lists.
Haskell formatter is an older project that didn't get
much traction. It also uses haskell-src-ext
and also tries to do
manipulations on the parsed AST. The issue tracker doesn't have many issues
probably because it never got popular enough (only 15 stars on GitHub). All
the issues are about upstream problems with haskell-src-exts
This section describes a solution that combines all the good things from the projects above.
It is clear that ghc-exactprint
is better than haskell-src-exts
, so we
should use that. If we go with ghc-exactprint
though, we'll need to
specify which parser to use, e.g. the parser that parses whole module or the
one which parsers declarations/expressions/etc. It seems that in general
it's better to use the parser for modules because it should work with all
input files containing complete modules, while with other parsers it's
impossible to guess what they'll be called on.
Formatting a module which uses CPP directives won't be supported. Instead, we hope for a solution to replace CPP to do conditional compilation.
There are the following challenges when formatting a module with CPP:
GHC parser won't accept anything but a valid, complete module. Therefore, formatting the Haskell code between CPP directives is not an option.
Ignoring the CPP directives and formatting the Haskell code can change its meaning. An example follows.
Let's suppose that we want to format the following program:
$ cat test.hs
main = print (g && f1)
f1 = h
h = True
#ifdef C1
g = g1
g1 = g2
g2 = False
g = True
#ifndef C1
g = False
$ runhaskell test.hs
At the time of this writing, formatting this program with Hindent produces the same output we would get if the CPP directives were considered comments:
$ hindent --version
hindent 5.2.7
$ hindent test.hs
$ cat test.hs
main = print (g && f1)
f1 = h
h = True
#ifdef C1
g = g1
g1 = g2
g2 = False
g = True
#ifndef C1
g = False
$ runhaskell test.hs
Running the formatter causes the output of the program to change
from True
to False
when C1
is not defined.
A solution could be to make the formatter more careful with CPP directives, constraining how directives can be inserted in Haskell code to avoid changing the meaning by reformatting. But this would introduce additional complexity, and the problem would need to be solved repeteadly for every tool out there which wants to parse Haskell modules. If CPP is replaced with some language extension or mechanism to do conditional compilation, all tools will benefit from it.
Therefore, CPP won't be supported. If the CPP extension is enabled, we should signal an error right away.
Just pretty-printing code (following the approach of Hindent) seems sane. It is straightforward and when complemented with enough tests (see the section about testing below), it should work all right.
Implementation can be just a Reader
monad producing something like text
builder. The context of Reader
can store current indentation and
configuration options.
As the pretty-printing library we can use Outputable
) from the ghc
package itself (at least for pretty-printing
basic things like floating point literals and the like). The benefit is that
AST components that we'll want to print are already instances of
, so we'll get correct renderings for free.
In order to keep the output of the formatter simple, fast and correct, we introduce the following rule. The pretty-printing code can be in control of every formatting choice, except for two, which are left to the programmer:
- location of comments (comments are going to be attached to specific syntactic entities, so moving an entity will move its comment too),
- line breaking.
Regarding (2), the idea is that given any syntactic entity, the programmer has a choice:
- write it on one line, or
- write it on two lines or more.
If (1), then everything is kept in one line. If (2), i.e. a line break appears somewhere in the concrete syntax tree (CST), then additional line breaks are introduced everywhere possible in parent nodes, but not in any sibling or children nodes.
-- Stays as is.
data T = A | B
data T
= A | B
-- Is reformatted to:
data T
= A
| B
-- Stays as is.
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) ->
b -> [a] -> [b]
-- Is reformatted to:
foldr ::
(a -> b -> b) ->
b ->
[a] ->
t = let x = foo bar
in foo bar baz
-- Is reformatted to:
t =
let x =
in foo far baz
Crucially, no effort is made to fit within reasonable line lengths. That's up to the programmer. Style will still be consistent for everyone in every other aspect, and that's what counts.
We are not allowing to configure any aspect of the formatter. A module might be used in multiple projects, and we prefer to have it formatted the same in all of them.
See this this post by Chris Done (the author of Hindent) which says that as long as the default style is conventional and good it doesn't really matter how code gets formatted. Consistency is more important.
Some language extensions affect how parsing is done. We are going to deal with those in two ways:
- When language pragmas are present in source file, we must parse them before we run the main parser (I guess) and they should determine how the main parsing will be done.
- There also should be configuration file that may enable other language extensions to be used on all files.
- Later we could try to locate Cabal files and fetch the list of extensions that are enabled by default from there.
It should be possible to add tests incrementally as we develop pretty-printing code and new issues are discovered. For each Haskell module that we want to test, we perform the following steps:
- Given input snippet of source code parse it and pretty print it.
- Parse the result of pretty-printing again and make sure that AST is the same as AST of original snippet module span positions. We could make this part of a self-check in the formatter.
- Check the output against expected output. Thus all tests should include two files: input and expected output.
- Check that running the formatter on the output produces the same output again (the transformation is idempotent).
In order to grow our testsuite, we would borrow test cases from test suites of existing libraries like Brittany and Hindent. Then we may add test cases for opened issues that Brittany and Hindent have.
When we're confident enough, we can start “mining” new issues by running the program on real source code from Hackage till we don't get new issues anymore. For every issue that we find this way, a test case should be added.
- In all cases the program should test if the produced AST is the same as the one we originally parsed and if it differs, an error should be displayed suggesting reporting this on our issue tracker.
- Check mode: return non-zero exit code if any transformations would be applied.
- Modification in place and printing of formatted code to stdout.
- A flag for version/commit information.
- An option to specify location of config file.
- Options to specify parameters that come from config files on command line instead (currently this is just dynamic options enabled by default, such as langauge extensions).
We want to simultaneously optimize three goals:
- simplicity of implementation,
- efficiency,
- predictable and readable output that doesn't overuse vertical spacing.
Hindent aims for (1) and (2) by still producing something palatable in (3). Brittany gives up on (1) but goes a long way towards (3) and presumably does OK on (2). Ormolu goes for (1), (2) and (3), by outsourcing the hard part of (3) to the user. Ormolu is less normative than Brittany, and less normative than Hindent, but arguably stills achieves consistent style.
Forking or contributing to Hindent is not an option because if we replace
with ghc
(or ghc-exact-print
) then we'll have to work
with a different AST type and all the code in Hindent will become
incompatible and there won't be much code to be re-used in that case. It is
also possible that we'll find a nicer way to write pretty-printer.
A list of formatting examples can be found here.