Process involved:
- UI : the HTML/React ui)
- Backend : the nodejs backend which receives request over websocket. It maintains a shared memory segment
- Image.CGI : process images, writing intermediate steps into a shared memory segment
Typical exchange:
UI Backend CGI
---SRC----> The UI request for an Image for a fit
<----UID--- The backend store the request and returns an UID
------/img?u=UID-----> query from UI:
<------------- What about UID ?
-------------> TODOList: E1:parse('/usr/local/bidule.fits')
<------------- Done(@produce size, depth, bayer)
The backend requalifie the UID request (apply auto size for example)
-------------> TODOList: E2:read('/usr/local/bidule.fits', buffer:in=@0x111002), E3:autoHisto(in=@0x111002, out@0x1432321), E4: sendImage(in=@0x14322321, bin=4)
=> backend reserve all memories now (to prevent starvation)
<------------- Done:E2 => backend may start other jobs using the content of bidule.fits
<--------------------- The backend can stream the result before E2 is completed
<------------- Done:E3 => backend may free the content of the first buffer
<------------- Done:E4 (when the buffer has been fully read)
<------------- Disconnect
On the backend side: * A list of CGI clients is maintened => status: waiting query, pending todolist (while waiting for resources), processing todolist => actual query (if received) => current todolist (with related buffers) => aborted received * A map of buffers is maintened. Each buffer has: => an identifier from the process parameters that built it (ie a json description) => the current producer xor the current readers => the status (todo, processing, done) => the last use time (for LRU discarding) => the number of pending client that want this buffer => the offset/size in shm (optional; fits description can be
When a query is received, the backend creates a todolist for the client and put it in the client pendinglist
Dispatch todolist to CGI:
When no more than x CGI is running (is should be limited since they are already multi-threaded) backend tries to allocate memory for the first client (fixme: prio ?). If not possible, the backend tries to free memory blocks (one by one in descending last use time/number of pending clients) until possible or no more blocs could be freed.
Cons: a hung CGI could stop the whole process by holding memory. The sendimage should buffer the resulting image buffer in its own memory space (if not too big) ? or timeout (controlable on client side)
check that net connection is closed when image loading aborts => ok with direct connection (firefox/chrome) => WTF with node proxy => nginx
Front server: * nodejs : lot of pipe * nginx: no support for cgi (fastcgi is not that fast) * lighttpd: * apache:
check no race condition can occur if a CGI close its conn to backend while still processing (shmdt first ?)