- Markup reference for Platform.sh docs
These docs are written in Markdown with GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax supported. It also supports definition lists, footnotes, and smart typography. Plus the modifications noted below.
It's rendered by the Goldmark parser.
All pages should start with front matter. The following table presents the available options:
Item | Type | Description |
title |
string | The title that appears as an <h1> element at the top of the page. |
sidebarTitle |
string | An optional short version of the title to appear in the navigation sidebar. |
weight |
integer | Defines the order in which the page should appear in the sidebar. Higher numbers are lower. |
toc |
Boolean | Optionally allows you to hide the table of contents on a page (by setting to false ). |
layout |
single or list |
Set to single on _index.md files to give them the same layout as other pages. |
description |
string | Appears on list pages as a description of the page's content. Also overrides generic content for the <meta name="description"> tag for SEO. Can be used in the page with the description shortcode. |
multipleTabs |
Boolean | If set to true, code tabs are changed across the page. So changing the tabs in one place changes them for the entire page. Useful when code tabs are repeated often with the same title (such as comparing actions in the CLI and Console). |
banner |
list of strings | Include to put a banner at the top. Under banner , add type: tiered-feature to indicate that the feature is only available to Enterprise and Elite customers. Add type: observability-suite to indicate that the feature is only available as part of the Observability Suite. Add your own title and body to generate a custom banner. |
sectionBefore |
string | Title of a header to add before the given page in the main navigation. |
keywords |
single or list |
Improve search by providing additional, related terms. |
Because the title of a page should come from the front matter,
top-level headings in the document should be H2 (##
You can add sub-headings at the next lower level,
just be sure not to skip any levels.
Headings should be in sentence case (only the first word capitalized).
For the reasons outlined at the Semantic Line Breaks website, you're encouraged to break Markdown lines at semantic breaks in paragraphs. This means adding a line break at the ends of sentences and at other semantic boundaries.
So instead of writing this:
Long paragraphs without breaks are hard to read. Breaking in semantic ways helps increase comprehension and also makes it easier to track changes in version control systems.
You can write this:
Long paragraphs without breaks are hard to read.
Breaking in semantic ways helps increase comprehension
and also makes it easier to track changes in version control systems.
Always use inline links (in the format: [link text](link-location)
Remember to use meaningful link text.
Internal links (links to other docs pages) should be relative to the file they're in.
That way, they work in the docs and on GitHub and locally in a cloned repository.
Link to the specific .md
file, for example: [available services](../docs/src/add-services/_index.md
If you are linking from a file for reuse, link relative to the src
directory and start with /
For example: [available services](/add-services/_index.md
Both of these ways help prevent broken links in the docs by putting them through a check to see if the page exists. If the page doesn't exist, the build fails.
The check is done in a template with a render hook.
See the Hugo docs on render hooks
and the relref
function that does the check.
To link to a header, use #
plus the lowercase heading name.
Special characters are removed and spaces replaced by hyphens.
So to link to a heading with the text Code & Style
on the same page, use [link-text](#code--style)
To add extra information or a warning that stands outside the normal text flow, add a note.
By default, a title of Note:
is added.
{{< note >}}
A short note.
{{< /note >}}
This shortcode accepts two optional parameters:
: Determines the color and the default title. The defaulttheme
and may be set toinfo
: Sets the title of the note. The default is thetheme
with the first letter capitalized and a colon (Note:
). To have no title, set this tonone
{{< note theme="warning" title="Danger, Will Robinson" >}}
Be careful!
{{< /note >}}
See the content guidelines for notes.
It's possible to use notes inside other shortcodes. To do so, use the following syntax:
{{ $inner := `
` }}
{{ partial "note" (dict "Inner" $inner "context" .) }}
You can also add a title and theme.
{{ $inner := `
` }}
{{ partial "note" (dict "Inner" $inner "context" . "title" "<TTILE>" "theme" "<THEME>") }}
Note that backticks to denote code aren't possible. You can use HTML tags instead.
{{ $inner := `
This is text with inline <code>code</code>.
<div class="highlight"><pre class="chroma"><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash">This is a code block</code></pre></div>
` }}
{{ partial "note" (dict "Inner" $inner "context" .) }}
To include variables from a shortcode, use print
as in the following example:
{{ $inner := print `This is text in the ` ( .Get "name" ) ` shortcode.`}}
{{ partial "note" (dict "Inner" $inner "context" .) }}
To add a footnote, add two parts:
Mark the spot in the text where you want to add a note:
This text will have a note.[^<FOOTNOTE_NAME>]
The name can be anything as long as it's unique within the document. Don't use numbers as the notes are numbered automatically.
Add the note at the end of the document:
[^<FOOTNOTE_NAME>]: Here is the note about the text above.
To have multiple paragraphs in the note, align them with four spaces at the start:
[^<FOOTNOTE_NAME>]: This is the first paragraph. This is the second paragraph.
You can add images using the standard Markdown syntax, except it is not possible to add titles.
Instead of titles, you can pass scaling values on a scale of 0 to 1 to set a maximum width on the image (every 0.1 = 10rem) and make it displayed inline.
<!-- Normal image syntax -->

<!-- Scaled image -->

<!-- Scaled image displayed inline, such as an icon in a sentence -->

Remember to use alternative text when appropriate.
You can add videos and asciinema recordings with shortcodes:
<!-- Video -->
{{< video src="videos/management-console/new-project-creation.mp4" >}}
<!-- Asciinema -->
{{< asciinema src="videos/asciinema/verify-cli-extended.cast" >}}
Inline code statements, file names, and YAML keys should use backticks like this
Longer code samples should be denoted with triple backticks before and after, with no extra whitespace between the backticks and the code block. Always specify the language of the code block. See the highlight.js docs for available language options.
In YAML files, use 4 spaces to indent lines:
'/': !include
type: yaml
path: 'main.yaml'
Keep the top-level key visible so readers can understand the code in context.
(For example, don't leave out web:
in the example above.)
When writing multiline strings in YAML, known as scalar content,
examples often use a literal style as shown with a |
In such cases, the string that comes needs to span multiple lines.
Otherwise, the parser doesn't accept it as a scalar and the spacing and highlighting is wrong.
To resolve this, either put the comment on a single line without the |
or add an ellipsis to indicate content is missing, as in the following example:
build: |
git pull
The highlighter also adds extra whitespace at the end of multiline strings. These are known issues.
If there's a complicated block (such as web.locations
) with many settings not relevant to the current idea,
show that they're missing with ellipses.
For example, to focus only on caching and not the rules for the location:
expires: -1
This is only necessary for items that aren't top-level.
In longer files (such as .platform.app.yaml
), it's fine to leave out other top-level items.
For example, only a web
block is shown above, even though it's not valid on its own.
It should still be enough to copy and paste into a larger file.
If it's helpful to note where the code should be placed (such as in a .platform.app.yaml
note that as an attribute of that block and it appears in a tab:
```yaml {location=".platform.app.yaml"}
database: 'mysqldb:db
To mark where users should replace text with their own data, use the variable
Add the variable name in all capital letters and underscores in quotes:
Run the following command:
platform project:set-remote --project {{< variable "PROJECT_ID" >}}
If this block is inside a shortcode, render the variable as in the following example:
Run the following command:
platform project:set-remote --project {{ `{{< variable "PROJECT_ID" >}}` | .Page.RenderString }}
When referring to text in the UI, use bold:
Click **Redeploy**.
To refer to buttons in the UI that use icons, use the icon
shortcode with the alternative text for the button:
To share a log, open the log and click {{< icon share >}} **Copy URL**.
To refer to keys users should use on their keyboards, use <kbd>
To select multiple lines, hold <kbd>Shift</kbd>.
Display code examples in multiple languages with code tabs.
Tabs are divided by <--->
and can each have different properties.
{{< codetabs >}}
from jwcrypto import jws, jwk
First, do this:
{{< /codetabs >}}
Property | Description |
title |
The title that appears on the tab. |
highlight |
The language to use for highlighting, as in code blocks. If not set, content renders as Markdown. |
file |
If set, the displayed code comes from the specified local file. |
markdownify |
Whether to transform the block to Markdown. Defaults to true . Set to false when the file/block is code. |
Note that if you're using code inside the given tab,
leave two empty lines after {{ /codetabs }}
to turn off spell checking inside the block.
To reuse Markdown content in multiple places, use transclusion to include it.
Create a new
file in thedocs/layouts/shortcodes
directory. Make sure the context is clear from the name, for examplereuse_markdown.md
. -
Fill it with the content you want to repeat.
Include the file in the other locations like so:
{{% reuse_markdown %}}
Note that if your files have HTML characters (<
, >
, &
, '
, and "
) inside a code block,
the characters are escaped (appear as <
and so on).
To avoid this problem, add the code block as a file to the snippets
Then include the block with the readFile
function as in the following example:
{{ readFile "<FILE_LOCATION>" | safeHTML }}
is the language for syntax highlighting<LOCATION_TO_DISPLAY>
is the location to show above the code block in the docs<FILE_LOCATION>
is where the snippet is
A complete example:
```yaml {location=".platform.app.yaml"}
{{ readFile "snippets/example.yaml" | safeHTML }}
You can pass variables to the file:
{{% reuse_markdown FileName="1" %}}
Use the variable in the file:
The file's name is: {{ .Get "FileName" }}
For longer content specific to each file, you can put content inside the shortcode:
{{% reuse_markdown %}}
This is longer content that only appears for the file it's in
and not all files that use the shortcode.
{{% /reuse_markdown %}}
Use the inner content in the file:
Here is some content before the inner content.
{{ .Inner | .Page.RenderString }}
Here is some content after the inner content.
For static files that have already been created, use the readFile
{{< readFile file="registry/images/tables/runtimes_supported.md" markdownify="true" >}}
{{< readFile file="registry/images/examples/full/php.app.yaml" highlight="yaml" >}}
{{< readFile file="registry/images/examples/full/elasticsearch.app.yaml" highlight="yaml" location=".platform.app.yaml" >}}
Property | Description |
file |
The location of the file to include relative to the docs root. |
markdownify |
Optional. For when you are using a .md file and want to include markdown. |
highlight |
Optional. For when you're including code examples. The language to use for highlighting, as in code blocks. |
location |
Optional. To mark where the included code should be placed, for example .platform.app.yaml . |
We check for consistency in Markdown using remark-lint via ESLint, specifically the ESLint MDX plugin.
Because no checking tool is perfect, the rules are set to warnings rather than errors. So automated checks show when something might be wrong, but use your common sense and ignore them when appropriate.
To see all feedback, install all dependencies
and run lint:markdown
from the docs
Or use it in your IDE, such as with the VS Code ESLint extension.
If the extension in VS Code doesn't immediately start working,
you may need to add the following to your settings:
"settings": {
"eslint.validate": [
The feedback for ordered lists may be a little confusion at first. If you have a loose list (a list with paragraphs or code blocks in it), the start of list item should be at 4 spaces.
If you have all list items aligned at 3 spaces, the first warning is to add 1 space
Then if you add 1 space, the second warning is to remove 1 space
Fix this by adding 1 space to the paragraphs or code blocks so they all align at 4 spaces.
All pull requests against the default branch are linted automatically.