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File metadata and controls

526 lines (408 loc) · 21.5 KB

Working With Data

To insert, update, delete data, PHPLucidFrame provides the helper functions - db_insert(), db_update(), db_delete() and db_delete_multi().

Inserting Your Data

db_insert() will save you when you are trying to insert your data into the database without writing INSERT statement. The syntax is

db_insert('table_name', $data = array(), $useSlug = true)

For example,

$success = db_insert('post', array(
    'title' => 'New Title', // this will be used for the slug field while third argument is true
    'body' => 'Post complete description here',

if ($success) {
    // do something with db_insertId() or db_insertSlug()

You can also provide a custom slug in the $data array.

$slug = 'your-custom-slug-string';
$success = db_insert('post', array(
    'slug' => $slug,
    'title' => 'Updated Title',
    'body' => 'Updated post complete description here'
  • db_insertId() which returns the auto generated id used in the last query.
  • db_insertSlug() returns the generated slug used in the last query.


  • The first field in data array will be used to insert into the slug field.
  • Table prefix to the table name of the first parameter is optional.

Updating Your Data

db_update() is a convenience method for your SQL UPDATE operation. The syntax is

db_update('table_name', $data = array(), $useSlug = true, array $condition = array())

For example,

$success = db_update('post', array(
    'id'    => 1, // The first field/value pair will be used as condition when you do not provide the fourth argument
    'title' => 'Updated Title', // this will be used for the slug field while third parameter is true
    'body'  => 'Updated post complete description here'

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   slug = "updated-title",
//   title = "Updated Title",
//   body = "Updated post complete description here
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1

if ($success) {
    // do something

You can also provide a custom slug in the $data array.

$success = db_update('post', array(
    'id'    => 1, // The first field/value pair will be used as condition when you do not provide the fourth argument
    'slug'  => 'custom-updated-title', // providing custom slug string
    'title' => 'Updated Title',
    'body'  => 'Updated post complete description here'

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   slug = "custom-updated-title",
//   title = "Updated Title",
//   body = "Updated post complete description here
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1

You can provide the third or fourth parameter $condition. See Query Conditions. As third parameter,

        'title' => 'Updated Title', // this will be used for slug as well
        'body'  => 'Updated post complete description here'
    array('id' => 1) // condition for update as third parameter

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   slug = "updated-title",
//   title = "Updated Title",
//   body = "Updated post complete description here
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1

As fouth parameter,

        'title' => 'Updated Title',
        'body'  => 'Updated post complete description here'
    false, // To not update the slug field
    array('id' => 1) // condition for update as fouth parameter

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   title = "Updated Title",
//   body = "Updated post complete description here
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1

If you want to update the records by OR condition, use $or operator as key in the condition array.

        'status' => 'active'
        '$or' => array(
            'created <=' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
            'created >=' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   status = 'active'
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE created <= 'xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx' OR created >= 'xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx'

Deleting Your Data

db_delete() is a handy method for your SQL DELETE operation. This is only applicable for single record deletion. The syntax is

db_delete('table_name', array $condition = array(), $softDelete = false)

LucidFrame encourages MYSQL Foreign Key Constraints to use. If ON DELETE RESTRICT is found, it performs soft delete (logical delete) by updating the current date/time into the field deleted, otherwise it performs hard delete (physical delete).

if (db_delete('post', array('id' => $idToDelete))) {
    $success = true;

db_delete_multi() is useful for batch record deletion for the given condition, but it does not check foreign key constraints.

db_delete_multi('table_name', $condition = array(
    'field_name1'    => $value1,
    'field_name2 >=' => $value2,
    'field_name3'    => null,

If you want to delete the records by OR condition, use $or operator as key in the condition array.

db_delete_multi('table_name', $condition = array(
    '$or' => array(
        'field_name1'    => $value1,
        'field_name2 >=' => $value2,
        'field_name3'    => null,

See next section for query conditions with db_delete() and db_delete_multi().

Query Conditions

You can provide a condition array to third or fourth parameter to db_update() and second parameter to db_delete() or db_delete_multi(). You can use $and and $or operators as key in the condition array. The following are some examples.

Updating with simple condition:

db_update('post', array(
    'title' => 'Updated Title',
), array(
    'id' => 1

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   slug = "updated-title",
//   title = "Updated Title",
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1

Updating using AND condition:

db_update('post', array(
        'cat_id' => 1 // The field to be updated
    false, // To not update the slug field
        'id' => 1,
        'delete !=' => NULL

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   cat_id = 1,
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1 AND deleted IS NOT NULL

Updating using IN condition:

db_update('post', array(
        'cat_id' => 1 // The field to be updated
    false, // To not update the slug field
        'id' => array(1, 2, 3)

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   cat_id = 1,
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3)

Updating using OR condition:

db_update('post', array(
        'cat_id' => 1 // The field to be updated
    false, // To not update the slug field
        '$or' => array(
            array('id' => 1),
            array('id' => 2)

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   cat_id = 1,
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id = 1 OR id = 2

Updating using IN and OR condition:

db_update('post', array(
        'cat_id' => 1 // The field to be updated
    false, // To not update the slug field
        '$or' => array(
            'id' => array(1, 2, 3),
            'id >' => 10,

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   cat_id = 1,
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3) OR id > 10

Updating with complex AND/OR condition:

db_update('post', array(
        'cat_id' => 1 // The field to be updated
    false, // To not update the slug field
        'title' => 'a project',
        'cat_id' => 2,
        '$or' => array(
            'id' => array(1, 2, 3),
            'id >=' => 10,

// # Generated query
// UPDATE post SET
//   cat_id = 1,
//   updated = "xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx"
// WHERE title = "a project"
// AND cat_id= 2
// AND ( id IN (1, 2, 3) OR id >= 10 )

Condition Operators

Operator Usage Example Equivalent SQL Condition
= array('id' => 1) array('id' => array(1, 2, 3)) WHERE id = 1 WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3)
!= array('id !=' => 1) array('id !=' => array(1, 2, 3)) WHERE id != 1 WHERE id NOT IN (1, 2, 3)
> array('id >' => 1) WHERE id > 1
>= array('id >=' => 1) WHERE id >= 1
< array('id <' => 1) WHERE id < 1
<= array('id <=' => 1) WHERE id <= 1
in array('id' => array(1, 2, 3)) WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3)
between array('id between' => array(1, 10)) WHERE id BETWEEN 1 and 10
nbetween array('id nbetween' => array(1, 10)) WHERE id NOT BETWEEN 1 and 10
like like%% array('title like' => 'a project') array('title like%%' => 'a project') WHERE title LIKE "%a project%"
like%~ array('title like%~' => 'a project') WHERE title LIKE "%a project"
like~% array('title like~%' => 'a project') WHERE title LIKE "a project%"
nlike nlike%% array('title nlike' => 'a project') array('title nlike%%' => 'a project') WHERE title NOT LIKE "%a project%"
nlike%~ array('title nlike%~' => 'a project') WHERE title NOT LIKE "%a project"
nlike~% array('title nlike~%' => 'a project') WHERE title NOT LIKE "a project%"

Finding Data

A couple of quick helpful functions are provided for fetching data from tables.


Returns a single entity result where the primary key matches the value passed in as the second parameter for the table name in the first parameter.


Name Type Description
table string The table name to fetch data from
id int The value of the primary key to match
``fields` array The array of fields to select


$result = db_find('post', 1);
// or
$result = db_find('post', 1, ['id', 'title']);


Returns a single entity result where the primary key matches the value passed in as the second parameter for the table name in the first parameter OR throws 404 if any result is not found.


Name Type Description
table string The table name to fetch data from
id int The value of the primary key to match
``fields` array The array of fields to select


$result = db_findOrFail('post', 1);
// or
$result = db_findOrFail('post', 1, ['id', 'title']);


Returns all rows from the given table.


Name Type Description
table string The table name to fetch data from
fields array The list of the field names to select (optional)
orderBy array The order by clause for query (optional)


$result = db_findAll('post', array('id', 'cat_id', 'title'));



Returns array of data row objects of a table by condition.


Name Type Description
table string The table name to fetch data from
condition array The condition array for query (optional)
orderBy array The order by clause for query (optional)
limit int The number of records to return; No limit by default


$result = db_findBy('post', array('cat_id' => 1), array('created' => 'desc'), 3);



Returns a single entity result of a table by condition


Name Type Description
table string The table name to fetch data from
condition array The condition array for query (optional)
orderBy array The order by clause for query (optional)


$result = db_findOneBy('post', array('cat_id' => 1), array('created' => 'desc'));



Returns a single entiry result of a table by condition or throw 404 if not found


Name Type Description
table string The table name to fetch data from
condition array The condition array for query (optional)
orderBy array The order by clause for query (optional)


$result = db_findOneBy('post', array('cat_id' => 1), array('created' => 'desc'));



Returns array of data row objects with pagination result.


Name Type Description
table string The table name to fetch data from
condition array The condition array for query (optional)
orderBy array The order by clause for query (optional)
pagerOption array Array of key/value pairs to Pager options (optional)


Array of three items:

  1. QueryBuilder - An instance of LucidFrame\Core\QueryBuilder
  2. Pager - An instance of LucidFrame\Core\Pager
  3. int - The total number of records


list($qb, $pager, $total) = db_findWithPager('post', array('cat_id' => 1), array('created' => 'desc'));