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URL Routing

PHPLucidFrame typically requires mod_rewrite enabled on web server. As per the default configuration in /inc/route.config.php, the app home page is by default set to /home which is mapped to the directory /app/home/ and it is accessible via http://localhost/phplucidframe or You can change it according to your need.

// inc/route.config.php
 * The named route example `lc_home`
route('lc_home')->map('/', '/home');

PHPLucidFrame is already designed for friendly URL without any custom route defined. Let’s say for example, you have a page /app/post/index.php and URL The URL will be mapped to the file /app/post/index.php by passing 2 arguments - 1 and edit.

// => /app/post/index.php
echo _arg(1); // 1
echo _arg(2); // edit
echo _url('post', array(1, 'edit')); //

Custom Routes

If you are not enough with PHPLucidFrame basic routing and if you need your own custom routes, you can easily define them in /inc/route.config.php. The following example shows the route key lc_blog_show of the route path /blog/{id}/{slug} mapping to /app/blog/show/index.php by passing two arguments id and slug with the requirements of id to be digits and slug to be alphabets/dashes/underscores.

// inc/route.config.php
 * The named route example `lc_blog_show`
 * This is an example routed to the directory `/app/blog/show`
route('lc_blog_show')->map('/blog/{id}/{slug}', '/blog/show', 'GET', array(
    'id'    => '\d+', # {id} must be digits
    'slug'  => '[a-zA-Z\-_]+' # {slug} must only contain alphabets, dashes and underscores

Then you can get the argument values from _get('id') and _get('slug') in /app/blog/show/index.php.

// app/blog/show/index.php
$id   = _get('id');
$slug = _get('slug');

Here is the custom routing configuration syntax:

route($name)->map($path, $to, $method = 'GET', $patterns = null)

Argument for route():

Argument Name Type Description
$name string Any unique route name to the mapped $path

Arguments for map():

Argument Name Type Description
$path string URL path with optional dynamic variables such as /post/{id}/edit
$to string|Closure The real path to a directory or file under /app or Closure that responds HTML/JSON
$method string GET, POST, PUT or DELETE or any combination with | such as GET|POST. Default to GET.
$pattern array|null Array of the regex patterns for variables in $path such as array('id' => '\d+')

As of version 3.4, you can define a route that renders a HTML page using a closure.

route('lc_about')->map('/about', function() {
    # /about maps to /app/example/pages/about.php
    $pageTitle = _t('About');
    _app('title', $pageTitle);

    return _app('view')->block('example/pages/about'); // <-- renders app/example/pages/about.php

Route Groups

PHPLucidFrame 2.0 supports route groups using prefix which allows you to prepend a URI prefix to a large number of routes. In the following example, the URI prefix /api/posts is added to all routes defined inside route_group():

route_group('/api/posts', function () {
    route('lc_post')->map('/', '/example/api/post', 'GET');
    route('lc_post_create')->map('/', '/example/api/post/create', 'POST');
    route('lc_post_update')->map('/{id}', '/example/api/post/update', 'PUT', array('id' => '\d+'));
    route('lc_post_delete')->map('/{id}', '/example/api/post/delete', 'DELETE', array('id' => '\d+'));

The above route groups definition is equal to these individual route definitions:

route('lc_post')->map('/api/posts', '/example/api/post', 'GET');
route('lc_post_create')->map('/api/posts', '/example/api/post/create', 'POST');
route('lc_post_update')->map('/api/posts/{id}', '/example/api/post/update', 'PUT', array('id' => '\d+'));
route('lc_post_delete')->map('/api/posts/{id}', '/example/api/post/delete', 'DELETE', array('id' => '\d+'));


  • You can define your custom routes in /inc/route.config.php or /app/inc/route.config.php

Accessing URL

You can get the current routing path using a function _r() and you can get a component of the current path using _arg().

// url is
echo _r();    // home
echo _arg(0); // home

// url is
echo _r();    // user/1
echo _arg(0); // user
echo _arg(1); // 1

PHPLucidFrame also provides to use URL component key preceding by a dash -. For example, which reflects

// url is
echo _r();    // posts/-page/1/-sort/title
echo _arg(0); // posts
echo _arg(1); // -page
echo _arg(2); // 1
echo _arg(3); // -sort
echo _arg(4); // title
echo _arg(5); // asc

// The following is a formal way of getting the URI component "page"
echo _arg('page'); // 1
// The following is a formal way of getting the URI component "sort"
_pr(_arg('sort')); // array( 'title', 'asc' )
// _pr() is an convenience method for print_r.

Creating and Getting URL

You can use the function _url() or route_url() to make an absolute URL.

echo _url('user', array(1));

echo _url('posts', array('page' => 1, 'sort' => array('title','asc'));

echo _url(); // same as echo _self();
// it would return the current URL

When you have a custom route defined in /inc/route.config.php as described above at :ref:`Custom Routes`, you can use the route name as below:

_url('lc_blog_show', array('id' => 1, 'slug' => 'hello-world'))

Redirecting URL

You can use the function _redirect() to redirect to a URL.

// redirect to the home page according to $lc_homeRouting in /inc/config.php
// 'home' is a constant whatever you defined for $lc_homeRouting

// redirect to
_redirect('user', array(1));

// redirect to
_redirect('posts', array('page' => 1, 'sort' => array('title','asc')));

// assuming that the current URL is
// you can redirect to the current page itself by updating the query strings 'page' and 'sort'
// in this case, you can use NULL or an empty string for the first parameter to _redirect()
// redirect to
_redirect(NULL, array('page' => 2, 'sort' => array('title','desc'));

// redirect to the current page itself
_redirect(); // or _redirect('self');

// permanent redirect to the new page

// redirect to 401 page
_page401(); // or _redirect('401')

// redirect to 403 page
_page403(); // or _redirect('403')

// redirect to 404 page
_page404(); // or _redirect('404')

Check more details in /lib/helpers/utility_helper.php and /lib/helpers/route_helper.php.

Custom URL Rewrite


This needs knowledge of Apache .htaccess rewrite rule syntax.

You may also write RewriteRule in .htaccess of the root directory, but by no means required.

# to ~/app/post/?lang=en&id=99&slug=foo-bar
# to ~/app/post/?lang=zh-CN&id=99&slug=foo-bar
RewriteRule ^(([a-z]{2}|[a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2})/)?([0-9]+)/(.*)$ app/index.php?lang=$1&id=$3&slug=$4&route=post [NC,L]

As the default routing name of LucidFrame is route and according to the RewriteRule above, route=post will map to the file /app/post/index.php or /app/post.php given the three URI components – lang, id and slug. For example, if the requested URL is, this will be rewritten to /app/post/index.php?lang=en&id=99&slug=foo-bar or /app/post.php?lang=en&id=99&slug=foo-bar. In this case you can get the id and slug using _get() or _arg():

$id = _get('id'); // or _arg('id')
$slug = _get('slug'); // or _arg('slug')