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File metadata and controls

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Ajax and Javascript API

PHPLucidFrame makes use of jQuery to take advantage of the increased interest in developing Web 2.0 rich media applications. There are a wide range of built-in Javascript API functions provided.

The framework has a Javascript object declared LC and it has some global variables available to use. You can check them in the section Core Defined Constants & Variables. Moreover, LC has there core objects - LC.Page, LC.Form and LC.List. They all provide utilities to make your pages, forms and lists easier.

PHPLucidFrame recommends the code organization in a Javascript file so-called app.js, but it is by no means required and you are free to use your prefer file name. You can extend the global Javascript object LC.Page and you can create namespace for each page in your application. You are suggested to check the sample example code /app/js/app.js in the release.

// /app/js/app.js

LC.Page.init = function() {
    // do some fancy stuff.

LC.Page.Blog = {
    url: LC.Page.url('blog'), /* mapping directory or route */

    /* Initialization of the blog page */
    init: function() {

    /* Load list by Ajax */
    list: function() {
        LC.Page.request('list', LC.Page.Blog.url + 'list.php');

$(function() {

The file can be included in /inc/tpl/head.php or /app/inc/tpl/head.php to use it globally.

<?php _js('app.js'); ?>

The Page

PHPLucidFrame has an object declared LC.Page and it provides API functions available to use.


The helper callback for language switch required in multi-language sites.


Name Type Description
lng string The language code to be switched

LC.Page.request(id, url, params, callback)

The Ajax helper. It is a wrapper function to jQuery.get or


Name Type Description
id string An HTML element id to attach Ajax and respond HTML to. If POST/GET is given, no HTML is responded and any script can be executed upon the request complete.
url string URL to be requested
params object The object of query string passing to the page requested, e.g, { key: value, key2, value2 }
callback function The callback function to be executed upon page request complete.

LC.Page.throbber.register(id, callback)

Register a custom throbber for ajax requests by overriding the default throbber provided by LucidFrame which is triggered whenever Ajax request is thrown.


Name Type Description
id string An HTML element id to attach Ajax pager.
callback function The functional object like { start: function() { .. }, stop: function() { .. } }


Attach ajax to the pager element. Internal call after LC.Page.request(). You can also use this for your own requirement.


Name Type Description
id string An HTML element id to attach Ajax pager.


Get the absolute URL corresponding to the given route path.


Name Type Description
path string The route path.


<string> The complete absolute URL, for example,<language>/blog if Page.url('blog').


Check to see if CSS support is available in the browser.


Name Type Description
featureName string The CSS feature/property name in camel case


<boolean> true if the CSS feature is supported; otherwise false.

The Form

PHPLucidFrame has a global object LC.Form which provides several useful functions.

Ajaxing your form

Forms are by default initialized for ajax submission if they have a type="submit" button or a type="button" button which has class="submit". By adding a class no-ajax to the form tag, you can detach Ajax from the form.

jQuery Datepicker

If HTML element has a class datepicker, it will bind to jQuery datepicker.

jQuery Button

If HTML element has a class jqbutton, it will bind to jQuery UI button theme.


Clear the form element values and form messages.


Name Type Description
formId string HTML element id set to <form> tag

LC.Form.getFormData(formId, id)

Get the embedded JSON form data.


Name Type Description
formId integer HTML Form ID
id integer The data row unique id

This function is useful when passing data from PHP to Javascript in the form of JSON and get them in JS for further usage such as loading data into the form elements of the jQuery dialog



Generate slug value from the given string


Name | Type | Description
str | string | The string to generate slug


<string> The slug value


Bind beforeSubmit hook to AJAX form


Name Type Description
formId string HTML form id
callback function A callback function that handles the event before the form is submitted.


Bind afterSubmit hook to AJAX form


Name Type Description
formId string HTML form id
callback function A callback function that handles the event after the form is submitted.

The List

As of PHPLucidFrame 3.0, LC.List is added to help create AJAX list easily.


Initialize an AJAX list


Name Type Default Description
options object   The object with the following properties
options.url string LC.Page.url(LC.vars.baseDir) The URL for AJAX request to render the list
options.params string {} Optional parameters to options.url string list HTML id for the list container element
options.modalStyle string jquery Modal dialog style - jquery or bootstrap
options.formModal string #dialog-item HTML id of jQuery dialog modal to create/edit an entity
options.formModalCancelButton string #btn-cancel HTML id of the button to close the dialog modal
options.formId string dialog-form HTML id of the form in the dialog modal
options.confirmModal string #dialog-confirm HTML id of the confirm modal to delete an entity
options.confirmModalTitle string Confirm Delete Title of the confirm modal to delete an entity
options.confirmModalMessage string Are you sure you want to delete? Message of the confirm modal to delete an entity
options.confirmModalPositiveMessage string Yes, continue Button caption for positive action to delete an entity
options.confirmModalNegativeMessage string Close Button caption to close the modal
options.createButton string #btn-new HTML id of the button to launch the dialog modal to create a new entry
options.editButtonClass string .table .actions .edit HTML id/class of the button to launch the dialog modal to edit an entry
options.deleteButtonClass string .table .actions .delete HTML id/class of the button to delete an entry
options.createCallback string null A callback function to be invoked before the dialog modal is opened for creation
options.editCallback string null A callback function to be invoked before the dialog modal is opened for editing
options.deleteCallback string null A callback function to be invoked after the entry is deleted

LC.List.list(listId, [arg1, arg2])

Load the list by AJAX


When three parameters are provided,

Name Type Description
listId string HTML id of the list container; default is list
arg1 string URL to request
arg2 object Parameters to URL

When two parameters are provided and the second parameter is string,

Name Type Description
listId string HTML id of the list container; default is list
arg1 string URL to request

When two parameters are provided and the second parameter is object,

Name Type Description
listId string HTML id of the list container; default is list
arg1 object Parameter to URL to request


When no parameter is provided to the function, the first parameter listId would be list by default.


Launch the dialog to create a new entity


Name Type Description
listId string HTML id of the list container; default is list

LC.List.edit(id, listId)

Launch the dialog to edit an existing entity


Name Type Description
id mixed ID (from db) to edit (required)
listId string HTML id of the list container; default is list

LC.List.remove(id, listId)

Launch the dialog to confirm for deleting an entity


Name Type Description
id mixed ID (from db) to edit (required)
listId string HTML id of the list container; default is list


Do delete action upon confirmation (after approval of the dialog launched by LC.List.remove())


Name Type Description
listId string HTML id of the list container; default is list


Change another select dropdown (child) upon one select dropdown (parent) change using AJAX request.

HTML Attributes for The Parent <select> Element:

Name Required Description
data-dependency Yes The HTML element (select) ID of the child element
data-url Yes URL for AJAX request to retrieve data by the selected id of the parent element
data-callback No A js callback function to invoke after the AJAX request is completed.

HTML Attributes for The Child <select> Element:

Name Required Description
data-value No The value to be selected after the AJAX request is completed.

The example scenario is to generate townships by a region selected. Here is an example code:

<!-- parent element -->
<select class="form-control" id="region" name="region"
        data-url="<?php echo _url('api/townships') ?>">
    <option value=""><?php echo _t('Select Region') ?></option>
    <option value="1">Yangon</option>
    <option value="2">Mandalay</option>

<!-- child element -->
<select class="form-control" id="township" name="township">
    <option value=""><?php echo _t('Select Township') ?></option>

You need to create /app/api/townships.php (the URL you would provide in the data-url attribute) with the following similar code to return a json response.

$regionId = _arg('parentId');

$qb = db_select('town', 't')
    ->fields('t', array('id', 'name'))
        ->condition('region_id', $regionId)

$result = array();
while ($row = $qb->fetchRow()) {
    $result[$row->id] = $row->name;


Then, the township dropdown will be re-generated whenever the region dropdown is changed.


Evaluates JavaScript code represented as a string.


Name Type Description
statement string The javascript expression as string to evaluate


Get a key in an object by its value


Name Type Description
object object The object to search in
value mixed The value to search in the first parameter object