cargo run --bin proj-5-render-buffers [OPTIONAL: Path to Wavefront OBJ file]
IMPORTANT: Current working directory is the workspace directory (repository root), not the project directory.
Good for comparing different texture filtering (see Controls for changing Texture Filter modes)
cargo run --bin proj-5-render-buffers
cargo run --bin proj-5-render-buffers common-assets/teapot/teapot.obj
cargo run --bin proj-5-render-buffers common-assets/yoda/yoda.obj
Mouse | Action |
Right button drag | Camera zoom in/out |
Left button drag | Camera orbits |
Alt/Option + Right button drag | Camera zoom in/out model rendered to texture |
Alt/Option + Left button drag | Camera orbits model rendered to texture |
Key | Action |
1 | Texture Filter: Nearest |
2 | Texture Filter: Bilinear |
3 | Texture Filter: Trilinear |
4 | Texture Filter: Anisotropic (max 4) |
Alt + 0 | Ambient + Diffuse + Specular (default) |
Alt + 1 | Normals |
Alt + 2 | Ambient |
Alt + 3 | Ambient + Diffuse |
Alt + 4 | Specular |