diff --git a/chart.php b/chart.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2c18a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chart.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1987 @@
+ 0 ? '+' : '-';
+ $time_zone = abs( $time_zone ) * 3600;
+ $time_zone = gmdate( 'H:i', $time_zone );
+ $time_zone = $prefix . $time_zone;
+ $today = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
+ $date = new DateTime( $today );
+ $tzn = abs( $time_zone_orig ) * 3600;
+ $tzh = intval( gmdate( 'H', $tzn ) );
+ $tzm = intval( gmdate( 'i', $tzn ) );
+ try {
+ if ( intval( $time_zone_orig ) < 0 ) {
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P0DT' . $tzh . 'H' . $tzm . 'M' ) );
+ } else {
+ $date->add( new DateInterval( 'P0DT' . $tzh . 'H' . $tzm . 'M' ) );
+ }
+ } catch ( Exception $e ) {
+ return array( 'tz' => $time_zone, 'today' => time() );
+ }
+ $today = $date->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
+ $today = strtotime( $today );
+ return array( 'tz' => $time_zone, 'today' => $today );
+ }
+ public static function lastxdays_chart_info( $form_id, $chart, $x ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $tz = self::get_mysql_tz_offset();
+ $tz_offset = esc_sql( $tz['tz'] );
+ $tday = $tz['today'];
+ $n = $t = '';
+ $series = $options = $datat = $tooltips = $revenue_label = $revenue_week = $sales_label = $sales_week = $mid_label = $mid = $midt_label = $midt = '';
+ if ( $chart == 1 ) {
+ $c = 'blue';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'diamond', fillColor: '#058DC7' }, color: '#058DC7'}";
+ $t = __( 'پیپینگ این فرم', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 2 ) {
+ $c = 'green';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'square', fillColor: '#50B432' }, color: '#50B432'}";
+ $t = __( 'همه روشهای این فرم', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 3 ) {
+ $c = 'orang';
+ $dt = "}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرمهای پیپینگ", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 4 ) {
+ $c = 'red';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'triangle', fillColor: '#AA4643' }, color: '#AA4643'}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرمهای سایت", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ $sales_week = 0;
+ $revenue_week = 0;
+ $tooltips = "";
+ $today = date( 'Y-m-d', $tday );
+ $today_n = date( 'Ymd', $tday );
+ $targetdb = $today_n;
+ if ( ! empty( $results ) ) {
+ $data = "[";
+ foreach ( $results as $result ) {
+ $timeX_tooltips = GF_jdate( 'l - d F', strtotime( $result->date ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'fa' );
+ $timeX = self::get_graph_timestamp( $result->date );
+ $target = date( 'Ymd', strtotime( $result->date ) );
+ $target2 = date( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( $result->date ) );
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ if ( $x == 7 ) {
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P6DT0H0M' ) );
+ }
+ if ( $x == 30 ) {
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P29DT0H0M' ) );
+ }
+ $lastxt = $date->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ $lastxtf = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ if ( $target > $targetdb ) {
+ $targetdb = $target;
+ $today = $target2;
+ }
+ if ( $target >= $lastxtf && $today_n >= $target ) {
+ $sales_week += $result->new_sales;
+ $revenue_week += $result->amount_sold;
+ $datat = isset( $result->amount_sold ) ? $result->amount_sold : 0;
+ }
+ if ( $target >= $lastxtf && $targetdb >= $target ) {
+ $datat = isset( $result->amount_sold ) ? $result->amount_sold : 0;
+ }
+ $datat = isset( $datat ) ? $datat : '';
+ $data .= "[{$timeX},{$datat}],";
+ $sales_line = "" . __( "تعداد پرداخت ", "gravityformspayping" ) . ": " . $result->new_sales . "
+ $tooltips .= "\"\",";
+ }
+ $data = substr( $data, 0, strlen( $data ) - 1 );
+ $tooltips = substr( $tooltips, 0, strlen( $tooltips ) - 1 );
+ $data .= "]";
+ $series = "{data:" . $data . ", " . $dt . "";
+ $options = "{
+ series: {lines: {show: true},
+ points: {show: true}},
+ grid: {hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: '#F1F1F1', backgroundColor:'#FFF', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#CCC'},
+ xaxis: {mode: 'time', timeformat: '%d',tickFormatter: shamsi_1, minTickSize:[1, 'day'],min: (new Date('$lastxt')).getTime(),max: (new Date('$today')).getTime()},
+ yaxis: {tickFormatter: convertToMoney}
+ }";
+ }
+ if ( $x == 7 ) {
+ $n = __( '7 روز', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $mid = 7;
+ }
+ if ( $x == 30 ) {
+ $n = __( '30 روز', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $mid = 30;
+ }
+ $sales_label = sprintf( __( "تعداد پرداخت های %s گذشته %s", 'gravityformspayping' ), $n, $t );
+ $midt = $mid ? $sales_week / $mid : 0;
+ $mid = ( $mid ? GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_week / $mid ) : 0 ) . __( " در روز", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $midt = number_format( $midt, 3, '.', '' ) . __( " در روز", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $midt_label = sprintf( __( "میانگین تعداد پرداخت های %s گذشته %s", 'gravityformspayping' ), $n, $t );
+ $mid_label = sprintf( __( "میانگین پرداخت های %s گذشته %s", 'gravityformspayping' ), $n, $t );
+ $revenue_week = GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_week );
+ $revenue_label = sprintf( __( "جمع پرداخت های %s گذشته %s", 'gravityformspayping' ), $n, $t );
+ return array(
+ "series" => $series,
+ "options" => $options,
+ "tooltips" => "[$tooltips]",
+ "revenue_label" => $revenue_label,
+ "revenue" => $revenue_week,
+ "sales_label" => $sales_label,
+ "sales" => $sales_week,
+ "mid_label" => $mid_label,
+ "mid" => $mid,
+ "midt_label" => $midt_label,
+ "midt" => $midt
+ );
+ }
+ public static function thisweek_chart_info( $form_id, $chart ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $tz = self::get_mysql_tz_offset();
+ $tz_offset = esc_sql( $tz['tz'] );
+ $tday = $tz['today'];
+ $series = $options = $datat = $tooltips = $revenue_label = $revenue_week = $sales_label = $sales_week = $mid_label = $mid = $midt_label = $midt = '';
+ if ( $chart == 1 ) {
+ $c = 'blue';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'diamond', fillColor: '#058DC7' }, color: '#058DC7'}";
+ $t = __( "پیپینگ این فرم", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 2 ) {
+ $c = 'green';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'square', fillColor: '#50B432' }, color: '#50B432'}";
+ $t = __( "همه روشهای این فرم", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 3 ) {
+ $c = 'orang';
+ $dt = "}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرمهای پیپینگ", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 4 ) {
+ $c = 'red';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'triangle', fillColor: '#AA4643' }, color: '#AA4643'}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرم های سایت", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ $sales_week = 0;
+ $revenue_week = 0;
+ $tooltips = "";
+ $today_n = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $tday );
+ $today_w = date( 'w', $tday );
+ if ( $today_w < 6 ) {
+ $today_w = $today_w + 1;
+ } else if ( $today_w == 6 ) {
+ $today_w = 0;
+ }
+ switch ( $today_w ) {
+ case "0" : // شنبه
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P0DT0H0M' ) );
+ $abz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $abz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->add( new DateInterval( 'P6DT0H0M' ) );
+ $ebz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $ebz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ break;
+ case "1" : //یکشنبه
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P1DT0H0M' ) );
+ $abz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $abz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->add( new DateInterval( 'P5DT0H0M' ) );
+ $ebz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $ebz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ break;
+ case "2" : //دوشنبه
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P2DT0H0M' ) );
+ $abz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $abz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->add( new DateInterval( 'P4DT0H0M' ) );
+ $ebz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $ebz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ break;
+ case "3" : //سه شنبه
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P3DT0H0M' ) );
+ $abz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $abz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->add( new DateInterval( 'P3DT0H0M' ) );
+ $ebz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $ebz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ break;
+ case "4" : //چهار شنبه
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P4DT0H0M' ) );
+ $abz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $abz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->add( new DateInterval( 'P2DT0H0M' ) );
+ $ebz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $ebz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ break;
+ case "5" : // پنجشنبه
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P5DT0H0M' ) );
+ $abz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $abz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->add( new DateInterval( 'P1DT0H0M' ) );
+ $ebz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $ebz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ break;
+ case "6" : //جمعه
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P6DT0H0M' ) );
+ $abz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $abz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $date = new DateTime( $today_n );
+ $date->add( new DateInterval( 'P0DT0H0M' ) );
+ $ebz = $date->format( 'm d, Y' );
+ $ebz_t = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $results ) ) {
+ $data = "[";
+ foreach ( $results as $result ) {
+ $timeX_tooltips = GF_jdate( 'l - d F Y', strtotime( $result->date ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'fa' );
+ $timeX = self::get_graph_timestamp( $result->date );
+ $target = date( 'Ymd', strtotime( $result->date ) );
+ if ( $target >= $abz_t && $ebz_t >= $target ) {
+ $sales_week += $result->new_sales;
+ $revenue_week += $result->amount_sold;
+ $datat = isset( $result->amount_sold ) ? $result->amount_sold : 0;
+ }
+ $datat = isset( $datat ) ? $datat : '';
+ $data .= "[{$timeX},{$datat}],";
+ $sales_line = "" . __( "تعداد پرداخت ", "gravityformspayping" ) . ": " . $result->new_sales . "
+ $tooltips .= "\"\",";
+ }
+ $data = substr( $data, 0, strlen( $data ) - 1 );
+ $tooltips = substr( $tooltips, 0, strlen( $tooltips ) - 1 );
+ $data .= "]";
+ $series = "{data:" . $data . ", " . $dt . "";
+ $options = "{
+ series: {lines: {show: true},
+ points: {show: true}},
+ grid: {hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: '#F1F1F1', backgroundColor:'#FFF', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#CCC'},
+ xaxis: {mode: 'time',timeformat: '%d',tickFormatter: weekday, tickSize:[1, 'day'],min: (new Date('$abz 00:00:00')).getTime(),max: (new Date('$ebz 23:59:59')).getTime()},
+ yaxis: {tickFormatter: convertToMoney}
+ }";
+ }
+ $sales_label = __( "تعداد پرداخت های این هفته ", 'gravityformspayping' ) . $t;
+ $midt = $sales_week / 7;
+ $midt = ( $midt ? number_format( $midt, 3, '.', '' ) : 0 ) . __( " در روز", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $midt_label = __( "میانگین تعداد پرداخت های این هفته ", 'gravityformspayping' ) . $t;
+ $mid = GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_week / 7 ) . __( " در روز", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $mid_label = __( "میانگین پرداخت های این هفته ", 'gravityformspayping' ) . $t;
+ $revenue_week = GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_week );
+ $revenue_label = __( "جمع پرداخت های این هفته ", 'gravityformspayping' ) . $t;
+ return array(
+ "series" => $series,
+ "options" => $options,
+ "tooltips" => "[$tooltips]",
+ "revenue_label" => $revenue_label,
+ "revenue" => $revenue_week,
+ "sales_label" => $sales_label,
+ "sales" => $sales_week,
+ "mid_label" => $mid_label,
+ "mid" => $mid,
+ "midt_label" => $midt_label,
+ "midt" => $midt
+ );
+ }
+ public static function targetmdays_chart_info( $form_id, $chart, $xmonth ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $tz = self::get_mysql_tz_offset();
+ $tz_offset = esc_sql( $tz['tz'] );
+ $tday = $tz['today'];
+ $n = $t = '';
+ $strd = '';
+ $series = $options = $datat = $tooltips = $revenue_label = $revenue_thistday = $sales_label = $sales_thistday = $mid_label = $mid = $midt_label = $midt = '';
+ if ( $chart == 1 ) {
+ $c = 'blue';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'diamond', fillColor: '#058DC7' }, color: '#058DC7'}";
+ $t = __( "پیپینگ این فرم", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 2 ) {
+ $c = 'green';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'square', fillColor: '#50B432' }, color: '#50B432'}";
+ $t = __( "همه روشهای این فرم", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 3 ) {
+ $c = 'orang';
+ $dt = "}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرمهای پیپینگ", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 4 ) {
+ $c = 'red';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'triangle', fillColor: '#AA4643' }, color: '#AA4643'}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرمهای پیپینگ", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ $sales_thistday = 0;
+ $revenue_thistday = 0;
+ $tooltips = "";
+ $today = date( 'Y-m-d', $tday );
+ $saremaheshamsi = strtotime( $today ) + ( ( GF_jdate( 't', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) - GF_jdate( 'j', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) ) * 86400 );
+ $entbaz = date( 'm d , Y', $saremaheshamsi );
+ $endd = date( 'Y-m-d', $saremaheshamsi );
+ if ( ! empty( $results ) ) {
+ if ( $xmonth == 2 ) {
+ $date = new DateTime( $today );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P1M' ) );
+ $today = $date->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ $saremaheshamsi = strtotime( $today ) + ( ( GF_jdate( 't', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) - GF_jdate( 'j', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) ) * 86400 );
+ $entbaz = date( 'm d , Y', $saremaheshamsi );
+ $endd = date( 'Y-m-d', $saremaheshamsi );
+ $saremaheshamsi = strtotime( $today ) - ( ( GF_jdate( 'j', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) ) * 86400 ) + 86400;
+ $ebtbaz = date( 'm d , Y', $saremaheshamsi );
+ $strd = date( 'Y-m-d', $saremaheshamsi );
+ }
+ if ( $xmonth == 1 ) {
+ $saremaheshamsi = strtotime( $today ) - ( ( GF_jdate( 'j', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) ) * 86400 ) + 86400;
+ $ebtbaz = date( 'm d , Y', $saremaheshamsi );
+ $strd = date( 'Y-m-d', $saremaheshamsi );
+ }
+ if ( $xmonth == 60 ) {
+ $date = new DateTime( $today );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P1M' ) );
+ $today = $date->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ $saremaheshamsi = strtotime( $today ) - ( ( GF_jdate( 'j', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) ) * 86400 ) + 86400;
+ $ebtbaz = date( 'm d , Y', $saremaheshamsi );
+ $strd = date( 'Y-m-d', $saremaheshamsi );
+ }
+ if ( $xmonth == 3 ) {
+ $date = new DateTime( $today );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P2M' ) );
+ $today = $date->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ $saremaheshamsi = strtotime( $today ) - ( ( GF_jdate( 'j', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) ) * 86400 ) + 86400;
+ $ebtbaz = date( 'm d , Y', $saremaheshamsi );
+ $strd = date( 'Y-m-d', $saremaheshamsi );
+ }
+ if ( $xmonth == 6 ) {
+ $date = new DateTime( $today );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P5M' ) );
+ $today = $date->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ $saremaheshamsi = strtotime( $today ) - ( ( GF_jdate( 'j', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) ) * 86400 ) + 86400;
+ $ebtbaz = date( 'm d , Y', $saremaheshamsi );
+ $strd = date( 'Y-m-d', $saremaheshamsi );
+ }
+ if ( $xmonth == 9 ) {
+ $date = new DateTime( $today );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P8M' ) );
+ $today = $date->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ $saremaheshamsi = strtotime( $today ) - ( ( GF_jdate( 'j', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) ) * 86400 ) + 86400;
+ $ebtbaz = date( 'm d , Y', $saremaheshamsi );
+ $strd = date( 'Y-m-d', $saremaheshamsi );
+ }
+ if ( $xmonth == 12 ) {
+ $date = new DateTime( $today );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P11M' ) );
+ $today = $date->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ $saremaheshamsi = strtotime( $today ) - ( ( GF_jdate( 'j', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) ) * 86400 ) + 86400;
+ $ebtbaz = date( 'm d , Y', $saremaheshamsi );
+ $strd = date( 'Y-m-d', $saremaheshamsi );
+ }
+ list( $m, $d, $n, $y ) = explode( " ", $ebtbaz );
+ $date = new DateTime( "$y-$m-$d" );
+ $ebtbaz_w = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ list( $m, $d, $n, $y ) = explode( " ", $entbaz );
+ $date = new DateTime( "$y-$m-$d" );
+ $entbaz_w = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $data = "[";
+ foreach ( $results as $result ) {
+ $timeX_tooltips = GF_jdate( 'l - d F Y', strtotime( $result->date ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'fa' );
+ $timeX = self::get_graph_timestamp( $result->date );
+ $target = date( 'Ymd', strtotime( $result->date ) );
+ if ( $entbaz_w >= $target && $target >= $ebtbaz_w ) {
+ $sales_thistday += $result->new_sales;
+ $revenue_thistday += $result->amount_sold;
+ $datat = isset( $result->amount_sold ) ? $result->amount_sold : 0;
+ }
+ $datat = isset( $datat ) ? $datat : '';
+ $data .= "[{$timeX},{$datat}],";
+ $sales_line = "" . __( " تعداد پرداخت", "gravityformspayping" ) . ": " . $result->new_sales . "
+ $tooltips .= "\"\",";
+ }
+ $data = substr( $data, 0, strlen( $data ) - 1 );
+ $tooltips = substr( $tooltips, 0, strlen( $tooltips ) - 1 );
+ $data .= "]";
+ if ( $xmonth == 1 || $xmonth == 2 ) {
+ $n = GF_jdate( 'F', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' );
+ $n = $n . __( " ماه", "gravityformspayping" );
+ }
+ if ( $xmonth == 60 || $xmonth == 3 || $xmonth == 6 || $xmonth == 9 || $xmonth == 12 ) {
+ $n = $xmonth;
+ if ( $xmonth == 60 ) {
+ $n = 2;
+ }
+ $n = $n . __( " ماه اخیر", "gravityformspayping" );
+ if ( $xmonth == 12 ) {
+ $n = __( " یکسال اخیر", "gravityformspayping" );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $xmonth == 1 || $xmonth == 2 || $xmonth == 60 ) {
+ $mt = 1;
+ }
+ if ( $xmonth == 3 || $xmonth == 6 ) {
+ $mt = 5;
+ }
+ if ( $xmonth == 9 || $xmonth == 12 ) {
+ $mt = 10;
+ }
+ $series = "{data:" . $data . ", " . $dt . "";
+ $options = "{
+ series: {lines: {show: true},
+ points: {show: true}},
+ grid: {hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: '#F1F1F1', backgroundColor:'#FFF', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#CCC'},
+ xaxis: {mode: 'time',timeformat: '%d',tickFormatter: shamsi_1, minTickSize:[$mt, 'day'],min: (new Date('$ebtbaz 00:00:00')).getTime(),max: (new Date('$entbaz 23:59:59')).getTime()},
+ yaxis: {tickFormatter: convertToMoney}
+ }";
+ }
+ if ( $xmonth == 1 || $xmonth == 2 ) {
+ $n = GF_jdate( 'F', strtotime( $today ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' );
+ $n = $n . __( " ماه", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ }
+ if ( $xmonth == 60 || $xmonth == 3 || $xmonth == 6 || $xmonth == 9 || $xmonth == 12 ) {
+ $n = $xmonth;
+ if ( $xmonth == 60 ) {
+ $n = 2;
+ }
+ $n = $n . __( ' ماه اخیر', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ if ( $xmonth == 12 ) {
+ $n = __( 'یک سال اخیر', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ }
+ }
+ $sales_label = __( 'تعداد پرداخت های ', 'gravityformspayping' ) . $n . ' ' . $t;
+ $strd = date_create( $strd );
+ $endd = date_create( $endd );
+ $diff = date_diff( $strd, $endd );
+ $midd = $diff->format( "%a" ) + 1;
+ $midt = $midd ? $sales_thistday / $midd : 0;
+ $midt = number_format( $midt, 3, '.', '' ) . __( " در روز", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $midt_label = __( 'میانگین تعداد پرداخت های ', 'gravityformspayping' ) . $n . ' ' . $t;
+ $mid = ( $midd ? GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_thistday / $midd ) : 0 ) . __( " در روز", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $mid_label = __( 'میانگین پرداخت های ', 'gravityformspayping' ) . $n . ' ' . $t;
+ $revenue_label = __( 'جمع پرداخت های ', 'gravityformspayping' ) . $n . ' ' . $t;
+ $revenue_thistday = GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_thistday );
+ return array(
+ "series" => $series,
+ "options" => $options,
+ "tooltips" => "[$tooltips]",
+ "revenue_label" => $revenue_label,
+ "revenue" => $revenue_thistday,
+ "sales_label" => $sales_label,
+ "sales" => $sales_thistday,
+ "mid_label" => $mid_label,
+ "mid" => $mid,
+ "midt_label" => $midt_label,
+ "midt" => $midt
+ );
+ }
+ public static function tyday_chart_info( $form_id, $chart, $day ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $tz = self::get_mysql_tz_offset();
+ $tz_offset = esc_sql( $tz['tz'] );
+ $tday = $tz['today'];
+ $series = $options = $datat = $tooltips = $revenue_label = $revenue_today = $sales_label = $sales_today = $mid_label = $mid = $midt_label = $midt = '';
+ if ( $chart == 1 ) {
+ $c = 'blue';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'diamond', fillColor: '#058DC7' }, color: '#058DC7'}";
+ $t = __( "پیپینگ این فرم", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ GROUP BY hour(date) , day(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 2 ) {
+ $c = 'green';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'square', fillColor: '#50B432' }, color: '#50B432'}";
+ $t = __( "همه روشهای این فرم", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ GROUP BY hour(date) , day(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 3 ) {
+ $c = 'orang';
+ $dt = "color: '#EDC240'}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرمهای پیپینگ", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ GROUP BY hour(date) , day(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 4 ) {
+ $c = 'red';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'triangle', fillColor: '#AA4643' }, color: '#AA4643'}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرم های سایت", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ GROUP BY hour(date) , day(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ $sales_today = 0;
+ $revenue_today = 0;
+ $tooltips = "";
+ $n = '';
+ $today = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $tday );
+ $date = new DateTime( $today );
+ if ( $day == 1 ) {
+ $n = __( "امروز", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $baze = date( 'm d , Y', $tday );
+ $ty = date( 'Ymd', $tday );
+ } else if ( $day == 2 ) {
+ $n = __( "دیروز", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P1DT0H0M' ) );
+ $baze = $date->format( 'm d , Y' );
+ $ty = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $results ) ) {
+ $data = "[";
+ foreach ( $results as $result ) {
+ $h = GF_jdate( 'H', strtotime( $result->date ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' );
+ $h = intval( $h ) + 1;
+ if ( $h < 10 ) {
+ $h = "0" . $h;
+ }
+ $timeX_tooltips = GF_jdate( "l - d F Y ساعت H تا $h", strtotime( $result->date ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'fa' );
+ $target = date( 'Ymd', strtotime( $result->date ) );
+ $date = new DateTime( $result->date );
+ $H = $date->format( 'H' );
+ $H = intval( $H ) + 1;
+ if ( $H < 10 ) {
+ $H = "0" . $H;
+ }
+ $d = $date->format( 'd' );
+ $m = $date->format( 'm' );
+ $y = $date->format( 'Y' );
+ if ( $target == $ty ) {
+ $sales_today += $result->new_sales;
+ $revenue_today += $result->amount_sold;
+ $datat = isset( $result->amount_sold ) ? $result->amount_sold : 0;
+ }
+ $data .= "[(new Date('$m $d , $y $H:00:30')).getTime(),{$datat}],";
+ $sales_line = "" . __( "تعداد پرداخت ", "gravityformspayping" ) . ": " . $result->new_sales . "
+ $tooltips .= "\"\",";
+ }
+ $data = substr( $data, 0, strlen( $data ) - 1 );
+ $tooltips = substr( $tooltips, 0, strlen( $tooltips ) - 1 );
+ $data .= "]";
+ $series = "{data:" . $data . ", " . $dt . "";
+ $options = "{
+ xaxis: {mode: 'time',timeformat: '%d',tickFormatter: shamsi_2, tickSize:[1, 'hour'],
+ min: (new Date('$baze 00:00:00')).getTime(),max: (new Date('$baze 24:59:00')).getTime()},
+ yaxis: {tickFormatter: convertToMoney},
+ bars: {show:true, align:'right', barWidth: (1 * 59 * 60 * 1000)},
+ colors: ['#a3bcd3', '#14568a'],
+ grid: {hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: '#F1F1F1', backgroundColor:'#FFF', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#CCC'}
+ }";
+ }
+ $sales_label = __( "تعداد پرداخت های ", "gravityformspayping" ) . $n . " " . $t;
+ $midt = $sales_today / 24;
+ $midt = number_format( $midt, 3, '.', '' ) . __( " در ساعت", "gravityformspayping" );
+ $midt_label = __( "میانگین تعداد پرداخت های ", "gravityformspayping" ) . $n . " " . $t;
+ $mid = GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_today / 24 ) . __( " در ساعت", "gravityformspayping" );
+ $mid_label = __( "میانگین پرداخت های ", "gravityformspayping" ) . $n . " " . $t;
+ $revenue_today = GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_today );
+ $revenue_label = __( "جمع پرداخت های ", "gravityformspayping" ) . $n . " " . $t;
+ return array(
+ "series" => $series,
+ "options" => $options,
+ "tooltips" => "[$tooltips]",
+ "revenue_label" => $revenue_label,
+ "revenue" => $revenue_today,
+ "sales_label" => $sales_label,
+ "sales" => $sales_today,
+ "mid_label" => $mid_label,
+ "mid" => $mid,
+ "midt_label" => $midt_label,
+ "midt" => $midt
+ );
+ }
+ public static function yearly_chart_info( $form_id, $chart ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $tz = self::get_mysql_tz_offset();
+ $tz_offset = esc_sql( $tz['tz'] );
+ $tday = $tz['today'];
+ $t = '';
+ $series = $options = $datat = $tooltips = $revenue_label = $revenue_season = $sales_label = $sales_season = $mid_label = $mid = $midt_label = $midt = '';
+ if ( $chart == 1 ) {
+ $c = 'blue';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'diamond', fillColor: '#058DC7' }, color: '#058DC7'}";
+ $t = __( "پیپینگ این فرم", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ group by date
+ order by date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 2 ) {
+ $c = 'green';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'square', fillColor: '#50B432' }, color: '#50B432'}";
+ $t = __( "همه روشهای این فرم", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ group by date
+ order by date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 3 ) {
+ $c = 'orang';
+ $dt = "}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرمهای پیپینگ", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ group by date
+ order by date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 4 ) {
+ $c = 'red';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'triangle', fillColor: '#AA4643' }, color: '#AA4643'}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرمهای سایت", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ group by date
+ order by date desc" );
+ }
+ $sales_yearly = 0;
+ $revenue_yearly = 0;
+ $tooltips = "";
+ $emsal = date( 'Y', $tday );
+ $kabise = GF_jdate( 'L', $tday, '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' );
+ if ( $kabise == 1 ) {
+ $avalesal = new DateTime( "$emsal-03-20" );
+ $emsal ++;
+ $akharesal = new DateTime( "$emsal-03-19" );
+ } else {
+ $avalesal = new DateTime( "$emsal-03-21" );
+ $emsal ++;
+ $akharesal = new DateTime( "$emsal-03-20" );
+ }
+ $avalesal_w = $avalesal->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $strd = $avalesal->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ $avalesal = $avalesal->format( 'm d , Y' );
+ $akharesal_w = $akharesal->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $endd = $akharesal->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ $akharesal = $akharesal->format( 'm d , Y' );
+ if ( ! empty( $results ) ) {
+ $data = "[";
+ foreach ( $results as $result ) {
+ //
+ $timeX_tooltips = GF_jdate( "d F Y", strtotime( $result->date ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'fa' );
+ $timeX = self::get_graph_timestamp( $result->date );
+ //
+ $target = date( 'Ymd', strtotime( $result->date ) );
+ if ( $akharesal_w >= $target && $target >= $avalesal_w ) {
+ $sales_yearly += $result->new_sales;
+ $revenue_yearly += $result->amount_sold;
+ $datat = isset( $result->amount_sold ) ? $result->amount_sold : 0;
+ }
+ $datat = isset( $datat ) ? $datat : '';
+ $data .= "[{$timeX},{$datat}],";
+ $sales_line = "" . __( "تعداد پرداخت ", "gravityformspayping" ) . ": " . $result->new_sales . "
+ $tooltips .= "\"\",";
+ }
+ $data = substr( $data, 0, strlen( $data ) - 1 );
+ $tooltips = substr( $tooltips, 0, strlen( $tooltips ) - 1 );
+ $data .= "]";
+ $series = "{data:" . $data . ", " . $dt . "";
+ $options = "{
+ series: {lines: {show: true},
+ points: {show: true}},
+ grid: {hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: '#F1F1F1', backgroundColor:'#FFF', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#CCC'},
+ xaxis: {mode: 'time',timeformat: '%d',tickFormatter: shamsi_1, minTickSize:[10, 'day'],min: (new Date('$avalesal 00:00:00')).getTime(),max: (new Date('$akharesal 00:00:00')).getTime()},
+ yaxis: {tickFormatter: convertToMoney}
+ }";
+ }
+ $sales_label = __( "تعداد پرداخت های امسال ", "gravityformspayping" ) . $t;
+ $strd = date_create( $strd );
+ $endd = date_create( $endd );
+ $diff = date_diff( $strd, $endd );
+ $midd = $diff->format( "%a" ) + 1;
+ $midt = $midd ? $sales_yearly / $midd : 0;
+ $midt = number_format( $midt, 3, '.', '' ) . __( " در روز", "gravityformspayping" );
+ $midt_label = __( "میانگین تعداد پرداخت های امسال ", "gravityformspayping" ) . $t;
+ $mid = ( $midd ? GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_yearly / $midd ) : 0 ) . __( " در روز", "gravityformspayping" );
+ $mid_label = __( "میانگین پرداخت های امسال ", "gravityformspayping" ) . $t;
+ $revenue_yearly = GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_yearly );
+ $revenue_label = __( "جمع پرداخت های امسال ", "gravityformspayping" ) . $t;
+ return array(
+ "series" => $series,
+ "options" => $options,
+ "tooltips" => "[$tooltips]",
+ "revenue_label" => $revenue_label,
+ "revenue" => $revenue_yearly,
+ "sales_label" => $sales_label,
+ "sales" => $sales_yearly,
+ "mid_label" => $mid_label,
+ "mid" => $mid,
+ "midt_label" => $midt_label,
+ "midt" => $midt
+ );
+ }
+ public static function season_chart_info( $form_id, $chart, $season ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $tz = self::get_mysql_tz_offset();
+ $tz_offset = esc_sql( $tz['tz'] );
+ $tday = $tz['today'];
+ $t = '';
+ $midd = '';
+ $series = $options = $tooltips = $revenue_label = $revenue_today = $sales_label = $sales_today = $mid_label = $mid = $midt_label = $midt = '';
+ if ( $chart == 1 ) {
+ $c = 'blue';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'diamond', fillColor: '#058DC7' }, color: '#058DC7'}";
+ $t = __( "پیپینگ این فرم", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 2 ) {
+ $c = 'green';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'square', fillColor: '#50B432' }, color: '#50B432'}";
+ $t = __( "همه روشهای این فرم", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 3 ) {
+ $c = 'orang';
+ $dt = "}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرمهای پیپینگ", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 4 ) {
+ $c = 'red';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'triangle', fillColor: '#AA4643' }, color: '#AA4643'}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرم های سایت", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ $sales_season = 0;
+ $revenue_season = 0;
+ $tooltips = "";
+ $today = date( 'Y-m-d', $tday );
+ $avalesal = strtotime( $today ) - ( GF_jdate( 'z', $tday, '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) * 86400 );
+ $avalesal = date( 'm d , Y', $avalesal );
+ $akharesal = strtotime( $today ) + ( GF_jdate( 'Q', $tday, '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' ) * 86400 );
+ $akharesal = date( 'm d , Y', $akharesal );
+ list( $m, $d, $n, $y ) = explode( " ", $avalesal );
+ $date = new DateTime( "$y-$m-$d" );
+ $avalesal_w = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $avalesal_t = $date->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ list( $m, $d, $n, $y ) = explode( " ", $akharesal );
+ $date = new DateTime( "$y-$m-$d" );
+ $akharesal_w = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $akharesal_t = $date->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ $endd = $akharesal_t;
+ if ( $season == 1 ) {
+ $n = __( 'بهار', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $ebtda = $avalesal_t;
+ $enteha = strtotime( $ebtda ) + ( 93 * 86400 ) - 86400;
+ $enteha = date( 'm d , Y', $enteha );
+ $ebtda = $avalesal;
+ $midd = 93;
+ }
+ if ( $season == 2 ) {
+ $n = __( 'تابستان', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $ebtda = $avalesal_t;
+ $ebtda = strtotime( $ebtda ) + ( 93 * 86400 );
+ $ebtda = date( 'm d , Y', $ebtda );
+ $enteha = $avalesal_t;
+ $enteha = strtotime( $enteha ) + ( 186 * 86400 ) - 86400;
+ $enteha = date( 'm d , Y', $enteha );
+ $midd = 93;
+ }
+ if ( $season == 3 ) {
+ $n = __( 'پاییز', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $ebtda = $avalesal_t;
+ $ebtda = strtotime( $ebtda ) + ( 186 * 86400 );
+ $ebtda = date( 'm d , Y', $ebtda );
+ $enteha = $avalesal_t;
+ $enteha = strtotime( $enteha ) + ( 276 * 86400 ) - 86400;
+ $enteha = date( 'm d , Y', $enteha );
+ $midd = 90;
+ }
+ if ( $season == 4 ) {
+ $n = __( 'زمستان', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $ebtda = $avalesal_t;
+ $ebtda = strtotime( $ebtda ) + ( 276 * 86400 );
+ $strd = date( 'Y-m-d', $ebtda );
+ $ebtda = date( 'm d , Y', $ebtda );
+ $strd = date_create( $strd );
+ $endd = date_create( $endd );
+ $diff = date_diff( $strd, $endd );
+ $midd = $diff->format( "%a" ) + 1;
+ $enteha = $akharesal;
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $results ) ) {
+ $data = "[";
+ foreach ( $results as $result ) {
+ $timeX_tooltips = GF_jdate( 'l - d F Y', strtotime( $result->date ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'fa' );
+ $timeX = self::get_graph_timestamp( $result->date );
+ $faslt = GF_jdate( 'b', strtotime( $result->date ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' );
+ $target = date( 'Ymd', strtotime( $result->date ) );
+ if ( ( $akharesal_w >= $target && $target >= $avalesal_w && $faslt == $season ) || ( $enteha >= $target && $target >= $ebtda ) ) {
+ $sales_season += $result->new_sales;
+ $revenue_season += $result->amount_sold;
+ $datat = isset( $result->amount_sold ) ? $result->amount_sold : 0;
+ }
+ $datat = isset( $datat ) ? $datat : '';
+ $data .= "[{$timeX},{$datat}],";
+ $sales_line = "" . __( "تعداد پرداخت ", "gravityformspayping" ) . ": " . $result->new_sales . "
+ $tooltips .= "\"\",";
+ }
+ $data = substr( $data, 0, strlen( $data ) - 1 );
+ $tooltips = substr( $tooltips, 0, strlen( $tooltips ) - 1 );
+ $data .= "]";
+ $series = "{data:" . $data . ", " . $dt . "";
+ $options = "{
+ series: {lines: {show: true},
+ points: {show: true}},
+ grid: {hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: '#F1F1F1', backgroundColor:'#FFF', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#CCC'},
+ xaxis: {mode: 'time',timeformat: '%d',tickFormatter: shamsi_1, minTickSize:[3, 'day'],min: (new Date('$ebtda 00:00:00')).getTime(),max: (new Date('$enteha 23:59:59')).getTime()},
+ yaxis: {tickFormatter: convertToMoney}
+ }";
+ }
+ $sales_label = __( "تعداد پرداخت های ", 'gravityformspayping' ) . $n . " " . $t;
+ $midt = $midt ? $sales_season / $midd : 0;
+ $midt = ( $midt ? number_format( $midt, 3, '.', '' ) : 0 ) . __( " در روز", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $midt_label = __( "میانگین تعداد پرداخت های ", 'gravityformspayping' ) . $n . " " . $t;
+ $mid = ( $midd ? GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_season / $midd ) : 0 ) . __( " در روز", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $mid_label = __( "میانگین پرداخت های ", 'gravityformspayping' ) . $n . " " . $t;
+ $revenue_label = __( "جمع پرداخت های ", 'gravityformspayping' ) . $n . " " . $t;
+ $revenue_season = GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_season );
+ return array(
+ "series" => $series,
+ "options" => $options,
+ "tooltips" => "[$tooltips]",
+ "revenue_label" => $revenue_label,
+ "revenue" => $revenue_season,
+ "sales_label" => $sales_label,
+ "sales" => $sales_season,
+ "mid_label" => $mid_label,
+ "mid" => $mid,
+ "midt_label" => $midt_label,
+ "midt" => $midt
+ );
+ }
+ public static function selection_chart_info( $form_id, $chart, $min, $max ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $tz = self::get_mysql_tz_offset();
+ $tz_offset = esc_sql( $tz['tz'] );
+ $midd = '';
+ $t = $n = '';
+ $series = $options = $datat = $tooltips = $revenue_label = $revenue_today = $sales_label = $sales_today = $mid_label = $mid = $midt_label = $midt = '';
+ if ( $chart == 1 ) {
+ $c = 'blue';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'diamond', fillColor: '#058DC7' }, color: '#058DC7'}";
+ $t = __( "پیپینگ این فرم", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 2 ) {
+ $c = 'green';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'square', fillColor: '#50B432' }, color: '#50B432'}";
+ $t = __( "همه روشهای این فرم", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE form_id={$form_id} AND l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 3 ) {
+ $c = 'orang';
+ $dt = "}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرمهای پیپینگ", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1 AND l.payment_method='payping'
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ if ( $chart == 4 ) {
+ $c = 'red';
+ $dt = "points: { symbol: 'triangle', fillColor: '#AA4643' }, color: '#AA4643'}";
+ $t = __( "همه فرمهای سایت", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT CONVERT_TZ(l.payment_date, '+00:00', '{$tz_offset}') as date, sum(l.payment_amount) as amount_sold, count(l.id) as new_sales
+ FROM " . GFPersian_DB_payping::get_entry_table_name() . " l
+ WHERE l.status='active' AND l.is_fulfilled=1
+ GROUP BY date(date)
+ ORDER BY payment_date desc" );
+ }
+ $sales_today = 0;
+ $revenue_today = 0;
+ $tooltips = "";
+ if ( ! empty( $results ) && isset( $_POST['submit'] ) && $max && $min ) {
+ list( $y2, $m2, $d2 ) = explode( "-", $max );
+ if ( $y2 < 2000 ) {
+ $max = GF_jalali_to_gregorian( $y2, $m2, $d2 );
+ $date = new DateTime( "$max[0]-$max[1]-$max[2]" );
+ } else {
+ $date = new DateTime( "$y2-$m2-$d2" );
+ }
+ $max_w = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $max_t = $date->format( 'm d , Y' );
+ $endd = $date->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ list( $y1, $m1, $d1 ) = explode( "-", $min );
+ if ( $y1 < 2000 ) {
+ $min = GF_jalali_to_gregorian( $y1, $m1, $d1 );
+ $date = new DateTime( "$min[0]-$min[1]-$min[2]" );
+ } else {
+ $date = new DateTime( "$y1-$m1-$d1" );
+ }
+ $min_w = $date->format( 'Ymd' );
+ $min_t = $date->format( 'm d , Y' );
+ $strd = $date->format( 'Y-m-d' );
+ $data = "[";
+ foreach ( $results as $result ) {
+ $timeX_tooltips = GF_jdate( 'l - d F Y', strtotime( $result->date ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'fa' );
+ $timeX = self::get_graph_timestamp( $result->date );
+ $target = date( 'Ymd', strtotime( $result->date ) );
+ if ( $max_w >= $target && $target >= $min_w ) {
+ $sales_today += $result->new_sales;
+ $revenue_today += $result->amount_sold;
+ $datat = isset( $result->amount_sold ) ? $result->amount_sold : 0;
+ }
+ $datat = isset( $datat ) ? $datat : '';
+ $data .= "[{$timeX},{$datat}],";
+ $sales_line = "" . __( "تعداد پرداخت ", "gravityformspayping" ) . ": " . $result->new_sales . "
+ $tooltips .= "\"\",";
+ }
+ $data = substr( $data, 0, strlen( $data ) - 1 );
+ $tooltips = substr( $tooltips, 0, strlen( $tooltips ) - 1 );
+ $data .= "]";
+ $series = "{data:" . $data . ", " . $dt . "";
+ $strd = date_create( $strd );
+ $endd = date_create( $endd );
+ $diff = date_diff( $strd, $endd );
+ $midd = $diff->format( "%a" ) + 1;
+ $mt = 1;
+ $tt = 'day';
+ if ( $midd > 30 ) {
+ $mt = 5;
+ }
+ if ( $midd > 63 ) {
+ $mt = 10;
+ }
+ if ( $midd > 100 ) {
+ $mt = 20;
+ }
+ if ( $midd > 364 ) {
+ $mt = 1;
+ $tt = 'month';
+ }
+ $options = "{
+ series: {lines: {show: true},
+ points: {show: true}},
+ grid: {hoverable: true, clickable: true, tickColor: '#F1F1F1', backgroundColor:'#FFF', borderWidth: 1, borderColor: '#CCC'},
+ xaxis: {mode: 'time',timeformat: '%d',tickFormatter: shamsi_1, minTickSize:[$mt, '$tt'],min: (new Date('$min_t 00:00:00')).getTime(),max: (new Date('$max_t 23:59:59')).getTime()},
+ yaxis: {tickFormatter: convertToMoney}
+ }";
+ }
+ $sales_label = __( "تعداد پرداخت های بازه انتخابی ", 'gravityformspayping' ) . $t;
+ $midt = $midd ? $sales_today / $midd : 0;
+ $midt = number_format( $midt, 3, '.', '' ) . __( " در روز", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $midt_label = __( "میانگین تعداد پرداخت های ", 'gravityformspayping' ) . $t . "";
+ $mid = ( $midd ? GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_today / $midd ) : 0 ) . __( " در روز", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $mid_label = __( "میانگین پرداخت های ", 'gravityformspayping' ) . $t . "";
+ $revenue_today = GFCommon::to_money( $revenue_today );
+ $revenue_label = __( "جمع پرداخت های بازه انتخابی ", 'gravityformspayping' ) . $t;
+ return array(
+ "series" => $series,
+ "options" => $options,
+ "tooltips" => "[$tooltips]",
+ "revenue_label" => $revenue_label,
+ "revenue" => $revenue_today,
+ "sales_label" => $sales_label,
+ "sales" => $sales_today,
+ "mid_label" => $mid_label,
+ "mid" => $mid,
+ "midt_label" => $midt_label,
+ "midt" => $midt
+ );
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/database.php b/database.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61dfe0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database.php
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+prefix . "rg_payping";
+ if ( $wpdb->get_var( "SHOW TABLES LIKE '$old_table'" ) ) {
+ $wpdb->query( "RENAME TABLE $old_table TO $table_name" );
+ }
+ $charset_collate = '';
+ if ( ! empty( $wpdb->charset ) ) {
+ $charset_collate = "DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $wpdb->charset";
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $wpdb->collate ) ) {
+ $charset_collate .= " COLLATE $wpdb->collate";
+ }
+ $feed = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table_name (
+ id mediumint(8) unsigned not null auto_increment,
+ form_id mediumint(8) unsigned not null,
+ is_active tinyint(1) not null default 1,
+ meta longtext,
+ KEY form_id (form_id)
+ )$charset_collate;";
+ require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' );
+ dbDelta( $feed );
+ }
+ public static function get_table_name() {
+ global $wpdb;
+ return $wpdb->prefix . "gf_payping";
+ }
+ public static function get_entry_table_name() {
+ $version = GFCommon::$version;
+ if ( method_exists( 'GFFormsModel', 'get_database_version' ) ) {
+ $version = GFFormsModel::get_database_version();
+ }
+ return version_compare( $version, '2.3-dev-1', '<' ) ? GFFormsModel::get_lead_table_name() : GFFormsModel::get_entry_table_name();
+ }
+ public static function drop_tables() {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $wpdb->query( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . self::get_table_name() );
+ }
+ public static function get_available_forms() {
+ $forms = RGFormsModel::get_forms();
+ $available_forms = array();
+ foreach ( $forms as $form ) {
+ $available_forms[] = $form;
+ }
+ return $available_forms;
+ }
+ public static function get_feed( $id ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $table_name = self::get_table_name();
+ $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id, form_id, is_active, meta FROM $table_name WHERE id=%d", $id );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );
+ if ( empty( $results ) ) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $result = $results[0];
+ $result["meta"] = maybe_unserialize( $result["meta"] );
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public static function get_feeds() {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $table_name = self::get_table_name();
+ $form_table_name = RGFormsModel::get_form_table_name();
+ $sql = "SELECT s.id, s.is_active, s.form_id, s.meta, f.title as form_title
+ FROM $table_name s
+ INNER JOIN $form_table_name f ON s.form_id = f.id";
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );
+ $count = sizeof( $results );
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++ ) {
+ $results[ $i ]["meta"] = maybe_unserialize( $results[ $i ]["meta"] );
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ public static function get_feed_by_form( $form_id, $only_active = false ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $table_name = self::get_table_name();
+ $active_clause = $only_active ? " AND is_active=1" : "";
+ $sql = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT id, form_id, is_active, meta FROM $table_name WHERE form_id=%d $active_clause", $form_id );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );
+ if ( empty( $results ) ) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $count = sizeof( $results );
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++ ) {
+ $results[ $i ]["meta"] = maybe_unserialize( $results[ $i ]["meta"] );
+ }
+ return $results;
+ }
+ public static function update_feed( $id, $form_id, $is_active, $setting ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $table_name = self::get_table_name();
+ $setting = maybe_serialize( $setting );
+ if ( $id == 0 ) {
+ $wpdb->insert( $table_name, array(
+ "form_id" => $form_id,
+ "is_active" => $is_active,
+ "meta" => $setting
+ ), array( "%d", "%d", "%s" ) );
+ $id = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" );
+ } else {
+ $wpdb->update( $table_name, array(
+ "form_id" => $form_id,
+ "is_active" => $is_active,
+ "meta" => $setting
+ ), array( "id" => $id ), array( "%d", "%d", "%s" ), array( "%d" ) );
+ }
+ return $id;
+ }
+ public static function delete_feed( $id ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $table_name = self::get_table_name();
+ $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( "DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE id=%s", $id ) );
+ }
+ //----جمع پرداخت های این درگاه این فرم----------
+ public static function get_transaction_totals( $form_id ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $entry_table_name = self::get_entry_table_name();
+ $sql = $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT l.status, sum(l.payment_amount) revenue, count(l.id) transactions
+ FROM {$entry_table_name} l
+ WHERE l.form_id=%d AND l.status=%s AND l.is_fulfilled=%d AND l.payment_method=%s
+ GROUP BY l.status", $form_id, 'active', 1, self::$method );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );
+ $totals = array();
+ if ( is_array( $results ) ) {
+ foreach ( $results as $result ) {
+ $totals[ $result["status"] ] = array(
+ "revenue" => empty( $result["revenue"] ) ? 0 : $result["revenue"],
+ "transactions" => empty( $result["transactions"] ) ? 0 : $result["transactions"]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return $totals;
+ }
+ //-----جمع پرداخت های همه فرمهای این درگاه-----------
+ public static function get_transaction_totals_this_gateway() {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $entry_table_name = self::get_entry_table_name();
+ $sql = $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT l.status, sum(l.payment_amount) revenue, count(l.id) transactions
+ FROM {$entry_table_name} l
+ WHERE l.status=%s AND l.is_fulfilled=%d AND l.payment_method=%s
+ GROUP BY l.status", 'active', 1, self::$method );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );
+ $totals = array();
+ if ( is_array( $results ) ) {
+ foreach ( $results as $result ) {
+ $totals[ $result["status"] ] = array(
+ "revenue" => empty( $result["revenue"] ) ? 0 : $result["revenue"],
+ "transactions" => empty( $result["transactions"] ) ? 0 : $result["transactions"]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return $totals;
+ }
+ //-----جمع پرداخت های همه روشهای این فرم---------------
+ public static function get_transaction_totals_gateways( $form_id ) {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $entry_table_name = self::get_entry_table_name();
+ $sql = $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT l.status, sum(l.payment_amount) revenue, count(l.id) transactions
+ FROM {$entry_table_name} l
+ WHERE l.form_id=%d AND l.status=%s AND l.is_fulfilled=%d
+ GROUP BY l.status", $form_id, 'active', 1 );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );
+ $totals = array();
+ if ( is_array( $results ) ) {
+ foreach ( $results as $result ) {
+ $totals[ $result["status"] ] = array(
+ "revenue" => empty( $result["revenue"] ) ? 0 : $result["revenue"],
+ "transactions" => empty( $result["transactions"] ) ? 0 : $result["transactions"]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return $totals;
+ }
+ //-----جمع کل پرداخت های همه فرمهای سایت-------------
+ public static function get_transaction_totals_site() {
+ global $wpdb;
+ $entry_table_name = self::get_entry_table_name();
+ $sql = $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT l.status, sum(l.payment_amount) revenue, count(l.id) transactions
+ FROM {$entry_table_name} l
+ WHERE l.status=%s AND l.is_fulfilled=%d
+ GROUP BY l.status", 'active', 1 );
+ $results = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );
+ $totals = array();
+ if ( is_array( $results ) ) {
+ foreach ( $results as $result ) {
+ $totals[ $result["status"] ] = array(
+ "revenue" => empty( $result["revenue"] ) ? 0 : $result["revenue"],
+ "transactions" => empty( $result["transactions"] ) ? 0 : $result["transactions"]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return $totals;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1ea4cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ 'gf_payping',
+ 'tab_label' => __( 'درگاه پیپینگ', 'gravityformspayping' ),
+ 'title' => __( 'تنظیمات درگاه پیپینگ', 'gravityformspayping' ),
+ 'handler' => array( __CLASS__, 'settings_page' ),
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ if ( self::is_payping_page() ) {
+ wp_enqueue_script( array( "sack" ) );
+ self::setup();
+ }
+ add_action( 'wp_ajax_gf_payping_update_feed_active', array( __CLASS__, 'update_feed_active' ) );
+ }
+ if ( get_option( "gf_payping_configured" ) ) {
+ add_filter( "gform_disable_post_creation", array( __CLASS__, "delay_posts" ), 10, 3 );
+ add_filter( "gform_is_delayed_pre_process_feed", array( __CLASS__, "delay_addons" ), 10, 4 );
+ add_filter( "gform_confirmation", array( __CLASS__, "Request" ), 1000, 4 );
+ add_action( 'wp', array( __CLASS__, 'Verify' ), 5 );
+ }
+ add_filter( "gform_logging_supported", array( __CLASS__, "set_logging_supported" ) );
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ add_filter( 'gf_payment_gateways', array( __CLASS__, 'gravityformspayping' ), 2 );
+ do_action( 'gravityforms_gateways' );
+ do_action( 'gravityforms_payping' );
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function admin_notice_persian_gf() {
+ $class = 'notice notice-error';
+ $message = sprintf( __( "برای استفاده از نسخه جدید درگاه های پرداخت گرویتی فرم نصب بسته فارسی ساز نسخه 2.3.1 به بالا الزامی است. برای نصب فارسی ساز %sکلیک کنید%s.", "gravityformspayping" ), '', ' ' );
+ printf( '', $class, $message );
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function admin_notice_gf_support() {
+ $class = 'notice notice-error';
+ $message = sprintf( __( "درگاه پیپینگ نیاز به گرویتی فرم نسخه %s به بالا دارد. برای بروز رسانی هسته گرویتی فرم به %sسایت گرویتی فرم فارسی%s مراجعه نمایید .", "gravityformspayping" ), self::$min_gravityforms_version, "", " " );
+ printf( '', $class, $message );
+ }
+ // #1
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function gravityformspayping( $form, $entry ) {
+ $payping = array(
+ 'class' => ( __CLASS__ . '|' . self::$author ),
+ 'title' => __( 'پیپینگ', 'gravityformspayping' ),
+ 'param' => array(
+ 'email' => __( 'ایمیل', 'gravityformspayping' ),
+ 'mobile' => __( 'موبایل', 'gravityformspayping' ),
+ 'desc' => __( 'توضیحات', 'gravityformspayping' )
+ )
+ );
+ return apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_payping_detail', apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_gateway_detail', $payping, $form, $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function add_permissions() {
+ global $wp_roles;
+ $editable_roles = get_editable_roles();
+ foreach ( (array) $editable_roles as $role => $details ) {
+ if ( $role == 'administrator' || in_array( 'gravityforms_edit_forms', $details['capabilities'] ) ) {
+ $wp_roles->add_cap( $role, 'gravityforms_payping' );
+ $wp_roles->add_cap( $role, 'gravityforms_payping_uninstall' );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function members_get_capabilities( $caps ) {
+ return array_merge( $caps, array( "gravityforms_payping", "gravityforms_payping_uninstall" ) );
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ private static function setup() {
+ if ( get_option( "gf_payping_version" ) != self::$version ) {
+ GFPersian_DB_payping::update_table();
+ update_option( "gf_payping_version", self::$version );
+ }
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function tooltips( $tooltips ) {
+ $tooltips["gateway_name"] = __( "تذکر مهم : این قسمت برای نمایش به بازدید کننده می باشد و لطفا جهت جلوگیری از مشکل و تداخل آن را فقط یکبار تنظیم نمایید و از تنظیم مکرر آن خود داری نمایید .", "gravityformspayping" );
+ return $tooltips;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function menu( $menus ) {
+ $permission = "gravityforms_payping";
+ if ( ! empty( $permission ) ) {
+ $menus[] = array(
+ "name" => "gf_payping",
+ "label" => __( "پیپینگ", "gravityformspayping" ),
+ "callback" => array( __CLASS__, "payping_page" ),
+ "permission" => $permission
+ );
+ }
+ return $menus;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function toolbar( $menu_items ) {
+ $menu_items[] = array(
+ 'name' => 'payping',
+ 'label' => __( 'پیپینگ', 'gravityformspayping' )
+ );
+ return $menu_items;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ private static function is_gravityforms_supported() {
+ if ( class_exists( "GFCommon" ) ) {
+ $is_correct_version = version_compare( GFCommon::$version, self::$min_gravityforms_version, ">=" );
+ return $is_correct_version;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ protected static function has_access( $required_permission = 'gravityforms_payping' ) {
+ if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_get_current_user' ) ) {
+ include( ABSPATH . "wp-includes/pluggable.php" );
+ }
+ return GFCommon::current_user_can_any( $required_permission );
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ protected static function get_base_url() {
+ return plugins_url( null, __FILE__ );
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ protected static function get_base_path() {
+ $folder = basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) );
+ return WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/" . $folder;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function set_logging_supported( $plugins ) {
+ $plugins[ basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ] = "payping";
+ return $plugins;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function uninstall() {
+ if ( ! self::has_access( "gravityforms_payping_uninstall" ) ) {
+ die( __( "شما مجوز کافی برای این کار را ندارید . سطح دسترسی شما پایین تر از حد مجاز است . ", "gravityformspayping" ) );
+ }
+ GFPersian_DB_payping::drop_tables();
+ delete_option( "gf_payping_settings" );
+ delete_option( "gf_payping_configured" );
+ delete_option( "gf_payping_version" );
+ $plugin = basename( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . "/index.php";
+ deactivate_plugins( $plugin );
+ update_option( 'recently_activated', array( $plugin => time() ) + (array) get_option( 'recently_activated' ) );
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ private static function is_payping_page() {
+ $current_page = in_array( trim( strtolower( rgget( "page" ) ) ), array( 'gf_payping', 'payping' ) );
+ $current_view = in_array( trim( strtolower( rgget( "view" ) ) ), array( 'gf_payping', 'payping' ) );
+ $current_subview = in_array( trim( strtolower( rgget( "subview" ) ) ), array( 'gf_payping', 'payping' ) );
+ return $current_page || $current_view || $current_subview;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function feed_page() {
+ GFFormSettings::page_header(); ?>
+ ">
+ ">
+ $condition_field_ids );
+ }
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $config['meta']['payping_conditional_value'] ) ) {
+ $condition_values = $config['meta']['payping_conditional_value'];
+ if ( ! is_array( $condition_values ) ) {
+ $condition_values = array( '1' => $condition_values );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $condition_values = array( '1' => '' );
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $config['meta']['payping_conditional_operator'] ) ) {
+ $condition_operators = $config['meta']['payping_conditional_operator'];
+ if ( ! is_array( $condition_operators ) ) {
+ $condition_operators = array( '1' => $condition_operators );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $condition_operators = array( '1' => 'is' );
+ }
+ $type = ! empty( $config['meta']['payping_conditional_type'] ) ? strtolower( $config['meta']['payping_conditional_type'] ) : '';
+ $type = $type == 'all' ? 'all' : 'any';
+ foreach ( $condition_field_ids as $i => $field_id ) {
+ if ( empty( $field_id ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $field = RGFormsModel::get_field( $form, $field_id );
+ if ( empty( $field ) ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $value = ! empty( $condition_values[ '' . $i . '' ] ) ? $condition_values[ '' . $i . '' ] : '';
+ $operator = ! empty( $condition_operators[ '' . $i . '' ] ) ? $condition_operators[ '' . $i . '' ] : 'is';
+ $is_visible = ! RGFormsModel::is_field_hidden( $form, $field, array() );
+ $field_value = RGFormsModel::get_field_value( $field, array() );
+ $is_value_match = RGFormsModel::is_value_match( $field_value, $value, $operator );
+ $check = $is_value_match && $is_visible;
+ if ( $type == 'any' && $check ) {
+ return true;
+ } else if ( $type == 'all' && ! $check ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $type == 'any' ) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function get_config_by_entry( $entry ) {
+ $feed_id = gform_get_meta( $entry["id"], "payping_feed_id" );
+ $feed = ! empty( $feed_id ) ? GFPersian_DB_payping::get_feed( $feed_id ) : '';
+ $return = ! empty( $feed ) ? $feed : false;
+ return apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_payping_get_config_by_entry', apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_gateway_get_config_by_entry', $return, $entry ), $entry );
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function delay_posts( $is_disabled, $form, $entry ) {
+ $config = self::get_active_config( $form );
+ if ( ! empty( $config ) && is_array( $config ) && $config ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return $is_disabled;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function delay_addons( $is_delayed, $form, $entry, $slug ) {
+ $config = self::get_active_config( $form );
+ if ( ! empty( $config["meta"] ) && is_array( $config["meta"] ) && $config = $config["meta"] ) {
+ $user_registration_slug = apply_filters( 'gf_user_registration_slug', 'gravityformsuserregistration' );
+ if ( $slug != $user_registration_slug && ! empty( $config["addon"] ) && $config["addon"] == 'true' ) {
+ $flag = true;
+ } elseif ( $slug == $user_registration_slug && ! empty( $config["type"] ) && $config["type"] == "subscription" ) {
+ $flag = true;
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $flag ) ) {
+ $fulfilled = gform_get_meta( $entry['id'], $slug . '_is_fulfilled' );
+ $processed = gform_get_meta( $entry['id'], 'processed_feeds' );
+ $is_delayed = empty( $fulfilled ) && rgempty( $slug, $processed );
+ }
+ }
+ return $is_delayed;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ private static function redirect_confirmation( $url, $ajax ) {
+ if ( headers_sent() || $ajax ) {
+ $confirmation = "';
+ } else {
+ $confirmation = array( 'redirect' => $url );
+ }
+ return $confirmation;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function get_active_config( $form ) {
+ if ( ! empty( self::$config ) ) {
+ return self::$config;
+ }
+ $configs = GFPersian_DB_payping::get_feed_by_form( $form["id"], true );
+ $configs = apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_payping_get_active_configs', apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_gateway_get_active_configs', $configs, $form ), $form );
+ $return = false;
+ if ( ! empty( $configs ) && is_array( $configs ) ) {
+ foreach ( $configs as $config ) {
+ if ( self::has_payping_condition( $form, $config ) ) {
+ $return = $config;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ self::$config = apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_payping_get_active_config', apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_gateway_get_active_config', $return, $form ), $form );
+ return self::$config;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function payping_page() {
+ $view = rgget( "view" );
+ if ( $view == "edit" ) {
+ self::config_page();
+ } else if ( $view == "stats" ) {
+ GFPersian_Chart_payping::stats_page();
+ } else {
+ self::list_page( '' );
+ }
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ private static function list_page( $arg ) {
+ if ( ! self::is_gravityforms_supported() ) {
+ die( sprintf( __( "درگاه پیپینگ نیاز به گرویتی فرم نسخه %s دارد. برای بروز رسانی هسته گرویتی فرم به %sسایت گرویتی فرم فارسی%s مراجعه نمایید .", "gravityformspayping" ), self::$min_gravityforms_version, "", " " ) );
+ }
+ if ( rgpost( 'action' ) == "delete" ) {
+ check_admin_referer( "list_action", "gf_payping_list" );
+ $id = absint( rgpost( "action_argument" ) );
+ GFPersian_DB_payping::delete_feed( $id );
+ ?>
+ $form_id,
+ 'entry' => $entry_id
+ ), $pageURL ) );
+ return apply_filters( self::$author . '_payping_return_url', apply_filters( self::$author . '_gateway_return_url', $pageURL, $form_id, $entry_id, __CLASS__ ), $form_id, $entry_id, __CLASS__ );
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function get_order_total( $form, $entry ) {
+ $total = GFCommon::get_order_total( $form, $entry );
+ $total = ( ! empty( $total ) && $total > 0 ) ? $total : 0;
+ return apply_filters( self::$author . '_payping_get_order_total', apply_filters( self::$author . '_gateway_get_order_total', $total, $form, $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ private static function get_mapped_field_list( $field_name, $selected_field, $fields ) {
+ $str = " ";
+ if ( is_array( $fields ) ) {
+ foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
+ $field_id = $field[0];
+ $field_label = esc_html( GFCommon::truncate_middle( $field[1], 40 ) );
+ $selected = $field_id == $selected_field ? "selected='selected'" : "";
+ $str .= "" . $field_label . " ";
+ }
+ }
+ $str .= " ";
+ return $str;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ private static function get_form_fields( $form ) {
+ $fields = array();
+ if ( is_array( $form["fields"] ) ) {
+ foreach ( $form["fields"] as $field ) {
+ if ( isset( $field["inputs"] ) && is_array( $field["inputs"] ) ) {
+ foreach ( $field["inputs"] as $input ) {
+ $fields[] = array( $input["id"], GFCommon::get_label( $field, $input["id"] ) );
+ }
+ } else if ( ! rgar( $field, 'displayOnly' ) ) {
+ $fields[] = array( $field["id"], GFCommon::get_label( $field ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $fields;
+ }
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //desc
+ private static function get_customer_information_desc( $form, $config = null ) {
+ $form_fields = self::get_form_fields( $form );
+ $selected_field = ! empty( $config["meta"]["customer_fields_desc"] ) ? $config["meta"]["customer_fields_desc"] : '';
+ return self::get_mapped_field_list( 'payping_customer_field_desc', $selected_field, $form_fields );
+ }
+ //email
+ private static function get_customer_information_email( $form, $config = null ) {
+ $form_fields = self::get_form_fields( $form );
+ $selected_field = ! empty( $config["meta"]["customer_fields_email"] ) ? $config["meta"]["customer_fields_email"] : '';
+ return self::get_mapped_field_list( 'payping_customer_field_email', $selected_field, $form_fields );
+ }
+ //mobile
+ private static function get_customer_information_mobile( $form, $config = null ) {
+ $form_fields = self::get_form_fields( $form );
+ $selected_field = ! empty( $config["meta"]["customer_fields_mobile"] ) ? $config["meta"]["customer_fields_mobile"] : '';
+ return self::get_mapped_field_list( 'payping_customer_field_mobile', $selected_field, $form_fields );
+ }
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function payment_entry_detail( $form_id, $entry ) {
+ $payment_gateway = rgar( $entry, "payment_method" );
+ if ( ! empty( $payment_gateway ) && $payment_gateway == "payping" ) {
+ do_action( 'gf_gateway_entry_detail' );
+ ?>
+ sub( new DateInterval( 'P0DT' . $tzh . 'H' . $tzm . 'M' ) );
+ } else {
+ $date->add( new DateInterval( 'P0DT' . $tzh . 'H' . $tzm . 'M' ) );
+ }
+ $payment_date = $date->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
+ $payment_date = GF_jdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $payment_date ), '', date_default_timezone_get(), 'en' );
+ if ( $payment_status == 'Paid' ) {
+ $payment_status_persian = __( 'موفق', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ }
+ if ( $payment_status == 'Active' ) {
+ $payment_status_persian = __( 'موفق', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ }
+ if ( $payment_status == 'Cancelled' ) {
+ $payment_status_persian = __( 'منصرف شده', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ }
+ if ( $payment_status == 'Failed' ) {
+ $payment_status_persian = __( 'ناموفق', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ }
+ if ( $payment_status == 'Processing' ) {
+ $payment_status_persian = __( 'معلق', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ }
+ if ( ! strtolower( rgpost( "save" ) ) || RGForms::post( "screen_mode" ) != "edit" ) {
+ echo __( 'وضعیت پرداخت : ', 'gravityformspayping' ) . $payment_status_persian . ' ';
+ echo __( 'تاریخ پرداخت : ', 'gravityformspayping' ) . '' . $payment_date . ' ';
+ echo __( 'مبلغ پرداختی : ', 'gravityformspayping' ) . GFCommon::to_money( $payment_amount, rgar( $entry, "currency" ) ) . ' ';
+ echo __( 'کد رهگیری : ', 'gravityformspayping' ) . $transaction_id . ' ';
+ echo __( 'درگاه پرداخت : پیپینگ', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ } else {
+ $payment_string = '';
+ $payment_string .= '';
+ $payment_string .= '' . $payment_status_persian . ' ';
+ if ( $transaction_type == 1 ) {
+ if ( $payment_status != "Paid" ) {
+ $payment_string .= '' . __( 'موفق', 'gravityformspayping' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $transaction_type == 2 ) {
+ if ( $payment_status != "Active" ) {
+ $payment_string .= '' . __( 'موفق', 'gravityformspayping' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! $transaction_type ) {
+ if ( $payment_status != "Paid" ) {
+ $payment_string .= '' . __( 'موفق', 'gravityformspayping' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ if ( $payment_status != "Active" ) {
+ $payment_string .= '' . __( 'موفق', 'gravityformspayping' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $payment_status != "Failed" ) {
+ $payment_string .= '' . __( 'ناموفق', 'gravityformspayping' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ if ( $payment_status != "Cancelled" ) {
+ $payment_string .= '' . __( 'منصرف شده', 'gravityformspayping' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ if ( $payment_status != "Processing" ) {
+ $payment_string .= '' . __( 'معلق', 'gravityformspayping' ) . ' ';
+ }
+ $payment_string .= ' ';
+ echo __( 'وضعیت پرداخت :', 'gravityformspayping' ) . $payment_string . ' ';
+ ?>
+ ';
+ }
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function update_payment_entry( $form, $entry_id ) {
+ check_admin_referer( 'gforms_save_entry', 'gforms_save_entry' );
+ do_action( 'gf_gateway_update_entry' );
+ $entry = GFPersian_Payments::get_entry( $entry_id );
+ $payment_gateway = rgar( $entry, "payment_method" );
+ if ( empty( $payment_gateway ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( $payment_gateway != "payping" ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $payment_status = rgpost( "payment_status" );
+ if ( empty( $payment_status ) ) {
+ $payment_status = rgar( $entry, "payment_status" );
+ }
+ $payment_amount = rgpost( "payment_amount" );
+ $payment_transaction = rgpost( "payping_transaction_id" );
+ $payment_date_Checker = $payment_date = rgpost( "payment_date" );
+ list( $date, $time ) = explode( " ", $payment_date );
+ list( $Y, $m, $d ) = explode( "-", $date );
+ list( $H, $i, $s ) = explode( ":", $time );
+ $miladi = GF_jalali_to_gregorian( $Y, $m, $d );
+ $date = new DateTime( "$miladi[0]-$miladi[1]-$miladi[2] $H:$i:$s" );
+ $payment_date = $date->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
+ if ( empty( $payment_date_Checker ) ) {
+ if ( ! empty( $entry["payment_date"] ) ) {
+ $payment_date = $entry["payment_date"];
+ } else {
+ $payment_date = rgar( $entry, "date_created" );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $payment_date = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( $payment_date ) );
+ $date = new DateTime( $payment_date );
+ $tzb = get_option( 'gmt_offset' );
+ $tzn = abs( $tzb ) * 3600;
+ $tzh = intval( gmdate( "H", $tzn ) );
+ $tzm = intval( gmdate( "i", $tzn ) );
+ if ( intval( $tzb ) < 0 ) {
+ $date->add( new DateInterval( 'P0DT' . $tzh . 'H' . $tzm . 'M' ) );
+ } else {
+ $date->sub( new DateInterval( 'P0DT' . $tzh . 'H' . $tzm . 'M' ) );
+ }
+ $payment_date = $date->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
+ }
+ global $current_user;
+ $user_id = 0;
+ $user_name = __( "مهمان", 'gravityformspayping' );
+ if ( $current_user && $user_data = get_userdata( $current_user->ID ) ) {
+ $user_id = $current_user->ID;
+ $user_name = $user_data->display_name;
+ }
+ $entry["payment_status"] = $payment_status;
+ $entry["payment_amount"] = $payment_amount;
+ $entry["payment_date"] = $payment_date;
+ $entry["transaction_id"] = $payment_transaction;
+ if ( $payment_status == 'Paid' || $payment_status == 'Active' ) {
+ $entry["is_fulfilled"] = 1;
+ } else {
+ $entry["is_fulfilled"] = 0;
+ }
+ GFAPI::update_entry( $entry );
+ $new_status = '';
+ switch ( rgar( $entry, "payment_status" ) ) {
+ case "Active" :
+ $new_status = __( 'موفق', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ break;
+ case "Paid" :
+ $new_status = __( 'موفق', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ break;
+ case "Cancelled" :
+ $new_status = __( 'منصرف شده', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ break;
+ case "Failed" :
+ $new_status = __( 'ناموفق', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ break;
+ case "Processing" :
+ $new_status = __( 'معلق', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ break;
+ }
+ RGFormsModel::add_note( $entry["id"], $user_id, $user_name, sprintf( __( "اطلاعات تراکنش به صورت دستی ویرایش شد . وضعیت : %s - مبلغ : %s - کد رهگیری : %s - تاریخ : %s", "gravityformspayping" ), $new_status, GFCommon::to_money( $entry["payment_amount"], $entry["currency"] ), $payment_transaction, $entry["payment_date"] ) );
+ }
+ // #2
+ // -------------------------------------------------
+ public static function settings_page() {
+ if ( rgpost( "uninstall" ) ) {
+ check_admin_referer( "uninstall", "gf_payping_uninstall" );
+ self::uninstall();
+ echo '' . __( "درگاه با موفقیت غیرفعال شد و اطلاعات مربوط به آن نیز از بین رفت برای فعالسازی مجدد میتوانید از طریق افزونه های وردپرس اقدام نمایید .", "gravityformspayping" ) . '
+ return;
+ } else if ( isset( $_POST["gf_payping_submit"] ) ) {
+ check_admin_referer( "update", "gf_payping_update" );
+ $settings = array(
+ "merchent" => rgpost( 'gf_payping_merchent' ),
+ "gname" => rgpost( 'gf_payping_gname' ),
+ );
+ update_option( "gf_payping_settings", array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $settings ) );
+ if ( isset( $_POST["gf_payping_configured"] ) ) {
+ update_option( "gf_payping_configured", sanitize_text_field( $_POST["gf_payping_configured"] ) );
+ } else {
+ delete_option( "gf_payping_configured" );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $settings = get_option( "gf_payping_settings" );
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $_POST ) ) {
+ if ( isset( $_POST["gf_payping_configured"] ) && ( $Response = self::Request( 'valid_checker', '', '', '' ) ) && $Response != false ) {
+ if ( $Response === true ) {
+ echo '' . __( "ارتباط با درگاه برقرار شد و اطلاعات وارد شده صحیح است .", "gravityformspayping" ) . '
+ } else if ( $Response == 'sandbox' ) {
+ echo '' . __( "در حالت تستی نیاز به ورود اطلاعات صحیح نمی باشد .", "gravityformspayping" ) . '
+ } else {
+ echo '' . $Response . '
+ }
+ } else {
+ echo '' . __( "تنظیمات ذخیره شدند .", "gravityformspayping" ) . '
+ }
+ } else if ( isset( $_GET['subview'] ) && $_GET['subview'] == 'gf_payping' && isset( $_GET['updated'] ) ) {
+ echo '' . __( "تنظیمات ذخیره شدند .", "gravityformspayping" ) . '
+ }
+ ?>
+ ID ) ) {
+ $user_id = $current_user->ID;
+ $user_name = $user_data->display_name;
+ }
+ if ( ! $valid_checker ) {
+ $entry_id = $entry['id'];
+ if ( ! $custom ) {
+ if ( RGForms::post( "gform_submit" ) != $form['id'] ) {
+ return $confirmation;
+ }
+ $config = self::get_active_config( $form );
+ if ( empty( $config ) ) {
+ return $confirmation;
+ }
+ gform_update_meta( $entry['id'], 'payping_feed_id', $config['id'] );
+ gform_update_meta( $entry['id'], 'payment_type', 'form' );
+ gform_update_meta( $entry['id'], 'payment_gateway', self::get_gname() );
+ switch ( $config["meta"]["type"] ) {
+ case "subscription" :
+ $transaction_type = 2;
+ break;
+ default :
+ $transaction_type = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( GFCommon::has_post_field( $form["fields"] ) ) {
+ if ( ! empty( $config["meta"]["update_post_action2"] ) ) {
+ if ( $config["meta"]["update_post_action2"] != 'dont' ) {
+ if ( $config["meta"]["update_post_action2"] != 'default' ) {
+ $form['postStatus'] = $config["meta"]["update_post_action2"];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $dont_create = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( empty( $dont_create ) ) {
+ RGFormsModel::create_post( $form, $entry );
+ }
+ }
+ $Amount = self::get_order_total( $form, $entry );
+ $Amount = apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_form_gateway_price_{$form['id']}", apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_form_gateway_price", $Amount, $form, $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ $Amount = apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_form_payping_price_{$form['id']}", apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_form_payping_price", $Amount, $form, $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ $Amount = apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_gateway_price_{$form['id']}", apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_gateway_price", $Amount, $form, $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ $Amount = apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_payping_price_{$form['id']}", apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_payping_price", $Amount, $form, $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ if ( empty( $Amount ) || ! $Amount || $Amount == 0 ) {
+ unset( $entry["payment_status"], $entry["payment_method"], $entry["is_fulfilled"], $entry["transaction_type"], $entry["payment_amount"], $entry["payment_date"] );
+ $entry["payment_method"] = "payping";
+ GFAPI::update_entry( $entry );
+ return self::redirect_confirmation( add_query_arg( array( 'no' => 'true' ), self::Return_URL( $form['id'], $entry['id'] ) ), $ajax );
+ } else {
+ $Desc1 = '';
+ if ( ! empty( $config["meta"]["desc_pm"] ) ) {
+ $Desc1 = str_replace( array( '{entry_id}', '{form_title}', '{form_id}' ), array(
+ $entry['id'],
+ $form['title'],
+ $form['id']
+ ), $config["meta"]["desc_pm"] );
+ }
+ $Desc2 = '';
+ if ( rgpost( 'input_' . str_replace( ".", "_", $config["meta"]["customer_fields_desc"] ) ) ) {
+ $Desc2 = rgpost( 'input_' . str_replace( ".", "_", $config["meta"]["customer_fields_desc"] ) );
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $Desc1 ) && ! empty( $Desc2 ) ) {
+ $Description = $Desc1 . ' - ' . $Desc2;
+ } else if ( ! empty( $Desc1 ) && empty( $Desc2 ) ) {
+ $Description = $Desc1;
+ } else if ( ! empty( $Desc2 ) && empty( $Desc1 ) ) {
+ $Description = $Desc2;
+ } else {
+ $Description = ' ';
+ }
+ $Description = sanitize_text_field( $Description );
+ $Email = '';
+ if ( rgpost( 'input_' . str_replace( ".", "_", $config["meta"]["customer_fields_email"] ) ) ) {
+ $Email = sanitize_text_field( rgpost( 'input_' . str_replace( ".", "_", $config["meta"]["customer_fields_email"] ) ) );
+ }
+ $Mobile = '';
+ if ( rgpost( 'input_' . str_replace( ".", "_", $config["meta"]["customer_fields_mobile"] ) ) ) {
+ $Mobile = sanitize_text_field( rgpost( 'input_' . str_replace( ".", "_", $config["meta"]["customer_fields_mobile"] ) ) );
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $Amount = gform_get_meta( rgar( $entry, 'id' ), 'hannanstd_part_price_' . $form['id'] );
+ $Amount = apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_custom_gateway_price_{$form['id']}", apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_custom_gateway_price", $Amount, $form, $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ $Amount = apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_custom_payping_price_{$form['id']}", apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_custom_payping_price", $Amount, $form, $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ $Amount = apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_gateway_price_{$form['id']}", apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_gateway_price", $Amount, $form, $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ $Amount = apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_payping_price_{$form['id']}", apply_filters( self::$author . "_gform_payping_price", $Amount, $form, $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ $Description = gform_get_meta( rgar( $entry, 'id' ), 'hannanstd_part_desc_' . $form['id'] );
+ $Description = apply_filters( self::$author . '_gform_payping_gateway_desc_', apply_filters( self::$author . '_gform_custom_gateway_desc_', $Description, $form, $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ $Paymenter = gform_get_meta( rgar( $entry, 'id' ), 'hannanstd_part_name_' . $form['id'] );
+ $Email = gform_get_meta( rgar( $entry, 'id' ), 'hannanstd_part_email_' . $form['id'] );
+ $Mobile = gform_get_meta( rgar( $entry, 'id' ), 'hannanstd_part_mobile_' . $form['id'] );
+ $entry_id = GFAPI::add_entry( $entry );
+ $entry = GFPersian_Payments::get_entry( $entry_id );
+ do_action( 'gf_gateway_request_add_entry', $confirmation, $form, $entry, $ajax );
+ do_action( 'gf_payping_request_add_entry', $confirmation, $form, $entry, $ajax );
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ gform_update_meta( $entry_id, 'payment_gateway', self::get_gname() );
+ gform_update_meta( $entry_id, 'payment_type', 'custom' );
+ }
+ unset( $entry["payment_status"] );
+ unset( $entry["payment_method"] );
+ unset( $entry["is_fulfilled"] );
+ unset( $entry["transaction_type"] );
+ unset( $entry["payment_amount"] );
+ unset( $entry["payment_date"] );
+ unset( $entry["transaction_id"] );
+ $entry["payment_status"] = "Processing";
+ $entry["payment_method"] = "payping";
+ $entry["is_fulfilled"] = 0;
+ if ( ! empty( $transaction_type ) ) {
+ $entry["transaction_type"] = $transaction_type;
+ }
+ GFAPI::update_entry( $entry );
+ $entry = GFPersian_Payments::get_entry( $entry_id );
+ $ReturnPath = self::Return_URL( $form['id'], $entry_id );
+ $ResNumber = apply_filters( 'gf_payping_res_number', apply_filters( 'gf_gateway_res_number', $entry_id, $entry, $form ), $entry, $form );
+ } else {
+ $Amount = 2000;
+ $ReturnPath = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
+ $Email = '';
+ $Mobile = '';
+ $ResNumber = rand( 1000, 9999 );
+ $Description = __( 'جهت بررسی صحیح بودن تنظیمات درگاه گرویتی فرم پیپینگ', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ }
+ $Mobile = GFPersian_Payments::fix_mobile( $Mobile );
+ do_action( 'gf_gateway_request_2', $confirmation, $form, $entry, $ajax );
+ do_action( 'gf_payping_request_2', $confirmation, $form, $entry, $ajax );
+ if ( ! $custom ) {
+ $Amount = GFPersian_Payments::amount( $Amount, 'IRT', $form, $entry );
+ }
+ //$Email = !filter_var($Email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false ? $Email : '';
+ //$Mobile = preg_match('/^09[0-9]{9}/i', $Mobile) ? $Mobile : '';
+ $data = array(
+ 'payerName' => $user_name ,
+ 'Amount' => $Amount,
+ 'payerIdentity'=> $Mobile ,
+ 'returnUrl' => $ReturnPath,
+ 'Description' => $Description ,
+ 'clientRefId' => $entry_id
+ );
+ try {
+ $curl = curl_init();
+ curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
+ CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.payping.ir/v1/pay",
+ CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode($data),
+ "accept: application/json",
+ "authorization: Bearer " . self::get_merchent(),
+ "cache-control: no-cache",
+ "content-type: application/json"),
+ )
+ );
+ $response = curl_exec($curl);
+ $header = curl_getinfo($curl);
+ $err = curl_error($curl);
+ curl_close($curl);
+ if ($err) {
+ echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
+ } else {
+ if ($header['http_code'] == 200) {
+ $response = json_decode($response, true);
+ if (isset($response["code"]) and $response["code"] != '') {
+ $Payment_URL = sprintf('https://api.payping.ir/v1/pay/gotoipg/%s', $response["code"]);
+ if ( $valid_checker ) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return self::redirect_confirmation( $Payment_URL, $ajax );
+ }
+ } else {
+ $Message = 'عدم وجود کد ارجاع ';
+ }
+ } elseif ($header['http_code'] == 400) {
+ $Message = implode('. ',array_values (json_decode($response,true)));
+ } else {
+ $Message = self::Fault($header['http_code']) . '(' . $header['http_code'] . ')';
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception $e){
+ $Message = ' تراکنش ناموفق بود- شرح خطا سمت برنامه شما : ' . $e->getMessage();
+ }
+ $Message = ! empty( $Message ) ? $Message : __( 'خطایی رخ داده است.', 'gravityformspayping' );
+ $confirmation = __( 'متاسفانه نمیتوانیم به درگاه متصل شویم. علت : ', 'gravityformspayping' ) . $Message;
+ if ( $valid_checker ) {
+ return $Message;
+ }
+ $entry = GFPersian_Payments::get_entry( $entry_id );
+ $entry['payment_status'] = 'Failed';
+ GFAPI::update_entry( $entry );
+ RGFormsModel::add_note( $entry_id, $user_id, $user_name, sprintf( __( 'خطا در اتصال به درگاه رخ داده است : %s', "gravityformspayping" ), $Message ) );
+ if ( ! $custom ) {
+ GFPersian_Payments::notification( $form, $entry );
+ }
+ $default_anchor = 0;
+ $anchor = gf_apply_filters( 'gform_confirmation_anchor', $form['id'], $default_anchor ) ? " " : '';
+ $nl2br = ! empty( $form['confirmation'] ) && rgar( $form['confirmation'], 'disableAutoformat' ) ? false : true;
+ $cssClass = rgar( $form, 'cssClass' );
+ return $confirmation = empty( $confirmation ) ? "{$anchor} " : "{$anchor}';
+ }
+ // #5
+ public static function Verify() {
+ if ( apply_filters( 'gf_gateway_payping_return', apply_filters( 'gf_gateway_verify_return', false ) ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( ! self::is_gravityforms_supported() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( empty( $_GET['id'] ) || empty( $_GET['entry'] ) || ! is_numeric( rgget( 'id' ) ) || ! is_numeric( rgget( 'entry' ) ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $form_id = $_GET['id'];
+ $entry_id = $_GET['entry'];
+ $entry = GFPersian_Payments::get_entry( $entry_id );
+ if ( is_wp_error( $entry ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( isset( $entry["payment_method"] ) && $entry["payment_method"] == 'payping' ) {
+ $form = RGFormsModel::get_form_meta( $form_id );
+ $payment_type = gform_get_meta( $entry["id"], 'payment_type' );
+ gform_delete_meta( $entry['id'], 'payment_type' );
+ if ( $payment_type != 'custom' ) {
+ $config = self::get_config_by_entry( $entry );
+ if ( empty( $config ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $config = apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_payping_config', apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_gateway_config', array(), $form, $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $entry["payment_date"] ) ) {
+ /*
+ if( ! class_exists("GFFormDisplay") )
+ require_once(GFCommon::get_base_path() . "/form_display.php");
+ $default_anchor = 0;
+ $anchor = gf_apply_filters( 'gform_confirmation_anchor', $form['id'], $default_anchor ) ? " " : '';
+ $nl2br = !empty( $form['confirmation'] ) && rgar( rgar( $form, 'confirmation' ), 'disableAutoformat' ) ? false : true;
+ $cssClass = rgar( $form, 'cssClass' );
+ $confirmation = __('نتیجه تراکنش قبلا مشخص شده است.' , 'gravityformspayping');
+ $confirmation = empty( $confirmation ) ? "{$anchor} " : "{$anchor}';
+ GFFormDisplay::$submission[$form_id] = array("is_confirmation" => true, "confirmation_message" => $confirmation, "form" => $form, "entry" => $entry, "lead" => $entry,"page_number"=> 1);
+ */
+ return;
+ }
+ global $current_user;
+ $user_id = 0;
+ $user_name = __( "مهمان", "gravityformspayping" );
+ if ( $current_user && $user_data = get_userdata( $current_user->ID ) ) {
+ $user_id = $current_user->ID;
+ $user_name = $user_data->display_name;
+ }
+ $transaction_type = 1;
+ if ( ! empty( $config["meta"]["type"] ) && $config["meta"]["type"] == 'subscription' ) {
+ $transaction_type = 2;
+ }
+ if ( $payment_type == 'custom' ) {
+ $Amount = $Total = gform_get_meta( $entry["id"], 'hannanstd_part_price_' . $form_id );
+ } else {
+ $Amount = $Total = self::get_order_total( $form, $entry );
+ }
+ $Total_Money = GFCommon::to_money( $Total, $entry["currency"] );
+ $free = false;
+ if ( empty( $_GET['no'] ) || $_GET['no'] != 'true' ) {
+ //Start of payping
+ if ( $payment_type != 'custom' ) {
+ $Amount = GFPersian_Payments::amount( $Amount, 'IRT', $form, $entry );
+ }
+ $Authority = isset( $_GET['refId'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['refId'] ) : '';
+ $MerchantID = self::get_merchent();
+ try {
+ $__params = $Amount . $Authority;
+ if ( GFPersian_Payments::check_verification( $entry, __CLASS__, $__params ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $data = array('refId' => $_GET['refid'], 'amount' => $Amount);
+ $curl = curl_init();
+ curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
+ CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.payping.ir/v1/pay/verify",
+ CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode($data),
+ "accept: application/json",
+ "authorization: Bearer ".$MerchantID,
+ "cache-control: no-cache",
+ "content-type: application/json",
+ ),
+ ));
+ $response = curl_exec($curl);
+ $err = curl_error($curl);
+ $header = curl_getinfo($curl);
+ curl_close($curl);
+ if ($err) {
+ $Status = 'failed';
+ $Fault = 'Curl Error.';
+ $Message = 'خطا در ارتباط به پیپینگ : شرح خطا '.$err;
+ } else {
+ if ($header['http_code'] == 200) {
+ $response = json_decode($response, true);
+ if (isset($_GET["refid"]) and $_GET["refid"] != '') {
+ $Status = 'completed';
+ } else {
+ $Message = 'متافسانه سامانه قادر به دریافت کد پیگیری نمی باشد! ' ;
+ $Status = 'failed';
+ }
+ } elseif ($header['http_code'] == 400) {
+ $Message = implode('. ',array_values (json_decode($response,true)));
+ $Status = 'failed';
+ } else {
+ $Message = self::Fault($header['http_code']) . '(' . $header['http_code'] . ')';
+ $Status = 'failed';
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception $e){
+ $Message = $e->getMessage();
+ $Status = 'failed';
+ }
+ $Transaction_ID = ! empty( $_GET['refid'] ) ? $_GET['refid'] : '-';
+ //End of payping
+ } else {
+ $Status = 'completed';
+ $Message = '';
+ $Transaction_ID = apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_rand_transaction_id', GFPersian_Payments::transaction_id( $entry ), $form, $entry );
+ $free = true;
+ }
+ $Status = ! empty( $Status ) ? $Status : 'failed';
+ $transaction_id = ! empty( $Transaction_ID ) ? $Transaction_ID : '';
+ $transaction_id = apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_real_transaction_id', $transaction_id, $Status, $form, $entry );
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $entry["payment_date"] = gmdate( "Y-m-d H:i:s" );
+ $entry["transaction_id"] = $transaction_id;
+ $entry["transaction_type"] = $transaction_type;
+ if ( $Status == 'completed' ) {
+ $entry["is_fulfilled"] = 1;
+ $entry["payment_amount"] = $Total;
+ if ( $transaction_type == 2 ) {
+ $entry["payment_status"] = "Active";
+ RGFormsModel::add_note( $entry["id"], $user_id, $user_name, __( "تغییرات اطلاعات فیلدها فقط در همین پیام ورودی اعمال خواهد شد و بر روی وضعیت کاربر تاثیری نخواهد داشت .", "gravityformspayping" ) );
+ } else {
+ $entry["payment_status"] = "Paid";
+ }
+ if ( $free == true ) {
+ //unset( $entry["payment_status"] );
+ unset( $entry["payment_amount"] );
+ unset( $entry["payment_method"] );
+ unset( $entry["is_fulfilled"] );
+ gform_delete_meta( $entry['id'], 'payment_gateway' );
+ $Note = sprintf( __( 'وضعیت پرداخت : رایگان - بدون نیاز به درگاه پرداخت', "gravityformspayping" ) );
+ } else {
+ $Note = sprintf( __( 'وضعیت پرداخت : موفق - مبلغ پرداختی : %s - کد تراکنش : %s', "gravityformspayping" ), $Total_Money, $transaction_id );
+ }
+ GFAPI::update_entry( $entry );
+ if ( apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_payping_post', apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_gateway_post', ( $payment_type != 'custom' ), $form, $entry ), $form, $entry ) ) {
+ $has_post = GFCommon::has_post_field( $form["fields"] ) ? true : false;
+ if ( ! empty( $config["meta"]["update_post_action1"] ) && $config["meta"]["update_post_action1"] != 'default' ) {
+ $new_status = $config["meta"]["update_post_action1"];
+ } else {
+ $new_status = rgar( $form, 'postStatus' );
+ }
+ if ( empty( $entry["post_id"] ) && $has_post ) {
+ $form['postStatus'] = $new_status;
+ RGFormsModel::create_post( $form, $entry );
+ $entry = GFPersian_Payments::get_entry( $entry_id );
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $entry["post_id"] ) && $has_post ) {
+ $post = get_post( $entry["post_id"] );
+ if ( is_object( $post ) ) {
+ if ( $new_status != $post->post_status ) {
+ $post->post_status = $new_status;
+ wp_update_post( $post );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $__params ) ) {
+ GFPersian_Payments::set_verification( $entry, __CLASS__, $__params );
+ }
+ $user_registration_slug = apply_filters( 'gf_user_registration_slug', 'gravityformsuserregistration' );
+ $paypal_config = array( 'meta' => array() );
+ if ( ! empty( $config["meta"]["addon"] ) && $config["meta"]["addon"] == 'true' ) {
+ if ( class_exists( 'GFAddon' ) && method_exists( 'GFAddon', 'get_registered_addons' ) ) {
+ $addons = GFAddon::get_registered_addons();
+ foreach ( (array) $addons as $addon ) {
+ if ( is_callable( array( $addon, 'get_instance' ) ) ) {
+ $addon = call_user_func( array( $addon, 'get_instance' ) );
+ if ( is_object( $addon ) && method_exists( $addon, 'get_slug' ) ) {
+ $slug = $addon->get_slug();
+ if ( $slug != $user_registration_slug ) {
+ $paypal_config['meta'][ 'delay_' . $slug ] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! empty( $config["meta"]["type"] ) && $config["meta"]["type"] == "subscription" ) {
+ $paypal_config['meta'][ 'delay_' . $user_registration_slug ] = true;
+ }
+ do_action( "gform_payping_fulfillment", $entry, $config, $transaction_id, $Total );
+ do_action( "gform_gateway_fulfillment", $entry, $config, $transaction_id, $Total );
+ do_action( "gform_paypal_fulfillment", $entry, $paypal_config, $transaction_id, $Total );
+ } else if ( $Status == 'cancelled' ) {
+ $entry["payment_status"] = "Cancelled";
+ $entry["payment_amount"] = 0;
+ $entry["is_fulfilled"] = 0;
+ GFAPI::update_entry( $entry );
+ $Note = sprintf( __( 'وضعیت پرداخت : منصرف شده - مبلغ قابل پرداخت : %s - کد تراکنش : %s', "gravityformspayping" ), $Total_Money, $transaction_id );
+ } else {
+ $entry["payment_status"] = "Failed";
+ $entry["payment_amount"] = 0;
+ $entry["is_fulfilled"] = 0;
+ GFAPI::update_entry( $entry );
+ $Note = sprintf( __( 'وضعیت پرداخت : ناموفق - مبلغ قابل پرداخت : %s - کد تراکنش : %s - علت خطا : %s', "gravityformspayping" ), $Total_Money, $transaction_id, $Message );
+ }
+ $entry = GFPersian_Payments::get_entry( $entry_id );
+ RGFormsModel::add_note( $entry["id"], $user_id, $user_name, $Note );
+ do_action( 'gform_post_payment_status', $config, $entry, strtolower( $Status ), $transaction_id, '', $Total, '', '' );
+ do_action( 'gform_post_payment_status_' . __CLASS__, $config, $form, $entry, strtolower( $Status ), $transaction_id, '', $Total, '', '' );
+ if ( apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_payping_verify', apply_filters( self::$author . '_gf_gateway_verify', ( $payment_type != 'custom' ), $form, $entry ), $form, $entry ) ) {
+ GFPersian_Payments::notification( $form, $entry );
+ GFPersian_Payments::confirmation( $form, $entry, $Message );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // #6
+ private static function Fault( $err_code ) {
+ switch ($err_code){
+ case 200 :
+ return 'عملیات با موفقیت انجام شد';
+ break ;
+ case 400 :
+ return 'مشکلی در ارسال درخواست وجود دارد';
+ break ;
+ case 500 :
+ return 'مشکلی در سرور رخ داده است';
+ break;
+ case 503 :
+ return 'سرور در حال حاضر قادر به پاسخگویی نمیباشد';
+ break;
+ case 401 :
+ return 'عدم دسترسی';
+ break;
+ case 403 :
+ return 'دسترسی غیر مجاز';
+ break;
+ case 404 :
+ return 'آیتم درخواستی مورد نظر موجود نمیباشد';
+ break;
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
\ No newline at end of file