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Client server Document REST API

Andrea Peltrin edited this page Jun 8, 2022 · 2 revisions

Status: This is a draft document.

Get a single document


Return the given serialized document, ready to be deserelized by the Elm client:

    "schemaVersion": 4,
    "lastUpdatedOn": 1652365136062,
    "collapsedTreeItems": [
    "viewport": { "tag": "Fluid", "args": [] },
    "selectedNodeId": "e7aad29e-b21b-4ca8-87b8-8a9e42c3430b",
    "root": {

Note: documentId should not by guessable (use GUID or other url-compatible encoding like YT)

Get a list of user documents


Return a list of document ID's:

        "id": "SomeId",
        "lastUpdatedOn": 1652365136062

We include the lastUpdatedOn so we can convert it in something more readable (e.g."1 week ago") right in the document gallery section.

Save a new docuemnt


Save a new document. Serve will reply with the new document URL.

Update a new document

PUT ...BODY...

Replace an exiting document with its new version.

Note: All operation requires a valid auth credentials to be sent.

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