diff --git a/pabi_procurement_report/reports/xlsx_report_pabi_purchase_tracking.py b/pabi_procurement_report/reports/xlsx_report_pabi_purchase_tracking.py
index 7fa9c1075..721ddfce0 100644
--- a/pabi_procurement_report/reports/xlsx_report_pabi_purchase_tracking.py
+++ b/pabi_procurement_report/reports/xlsx_report_pabi_purchase_tracking.py
@@ -213,110 +213,75 @@ def init(self, cr):
tools.drop_view_if_exists(cr, self._table)
cr.execute("""CREATE or REPLACE VIEW %s as (
SELECT row_number() over (order by pr.id) as id,
- org.id as "org_id", pr.id as "pr_id", pr.date_start as "pr_date", pr.name as "pr_name",
- (SELECT part.id FROM res_users uer left join res_partner part on part.id = uer.partner_id
- WHERE uer.id = pr.requested_by) as "pr_requester_id",
- (SELECT part.display_name2 FROM res_users uer left join res_partner part on part.id = uer.partner_id
- WHERE uer.id = pr.requested_by) as "pr_requested", pr.date_approve as "pr_date_approve",
- (SELECT part.id FROM res_users uer left join res_partner part on part.id = uer.partner_id
- WHERE uer.id = pr.responsible_uid) as "pr_responsible_id",
- (SELECT part.display_name2 FROM res_users uer left join res_partner part on part.id = uer.partner_id
- WHERE uer.id = pr.responsible_uid) as "pr_responsible", pr.objective as "pr_objective", pr.amount_total as "pr_amount_total",
- prl.id as "prl_id",
- WHEN prl.section_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name_short)
- from purchase_request_line
- left join res_section sect on sect.id = prl.section_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = sect.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN prl.invest_construction_phase_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name_short)
- from purchase_request_line
- left join res_invest_construction_phase icp on icp.id = prl.invest_construction_phase_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = icp.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN prl.project_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name)
- from purchase_request_line
- left join res_project pro on pro.id = prl.project_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = pro.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN prl.invest_asset_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name)
- from purchase_request_line
- left join res_invest_asset iat on iat.id = prl.invest_asset_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = iat.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN prl.personnel_costcenter_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name)
- from purchase_request_line
- left join res_personnel_costcenter rpc on rpc.id = prl.personnel_costcenter_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = rpc.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- END) as "prl_budget", pd.id as "pd_id", pd.name as "pd_name", pd.ordering_date as "pd_ordering_date", pd.date_doc_approve as "pd_date_doc_approve",
- po.id as "po_id", po.name as "po_name", po.date_order as "po_date", po.date_contract_start as "po_date_contract_start",
- po.date_contract_end as "po_date_contract_end", poc.id as "poc_id", poc.display_code as "po_display_code", poc.start_date as "poc_start_date",
- poc.end_date as "po_end_date",
- (SELECT part.id FROM res_users uer left join res_partner part on part.id = uer.partner_id
- WHERE uer.id = po.responsible_uid) as "po_responsible_id", pol.id as "pol_id",
- (SELECT part.display_name2 FROM res_partner part WHERE part.id = po.partner_id) as "po_partner", pol.docline_seq as "pol_docline_seq",
- (SELECT prod.name_template FROM product_product prod WHERE prod.id = pol.product_id) as "pol_product", pol.name as "pol_name",
- pol.date_planned as "pol_date_planned",
- WHEN pol.section_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name_short)
- from purchase_order_line
- left join res_section sect on sect.id = pol.section_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = sect.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN pol.invest_construction_phase_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name_short)
- from purchase_order_line
- left join res_invest_construction_phase icp on icp.id = pol.invest_construction_phase_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = icp.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN pol.project_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name)
- from purchase_order_line
- left join res_project pro on pro.id = pol.project_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = pro.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN pol.invest_asset_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name)
- from purchase_order_line
- left join res_invest_asset iat on iat.id = pol.invest_asset_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = iat.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN pol.personnel_costcenter_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name)
- from purchase_order_line
- left join res_personnel_costcenter rpc on rpc.id = pol.personnel_costcenter_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = rpc.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- END) as "pol_budget", (SELECT fund.name FROM res_fund fund WHERE fund.id = pol.fund_id) as "pol_fund",
- (SELECT cct.name FROM cost_control cct WHERE cct.id = pol.cost_control_id) as "pol_cost_control", pol.product_qty as "pol_product_qty",
- (SELECT uom.name FROM product_uom uom WHERE uom.id = pol.product_uom) as "pol_product_uom",
- pol.price_unit as "pol_price_unit", pol.price_unit*pol.product_qty as "pol_sub_total",
- (SELECT cur.name FROM res_currency cur WHERE cur.id = po.currency_id) as "pol_currency",
- (SELECT fyear.name FROM account_fiscalyear fyear WHERE fyear.id = pol.fiscalyear_id) as "pol_fiscalyear", pol.state as "pol_state",
- (SELECT part.display_name2 FROM res_partner part WHERE part.id = po.responsible_uid) as "po_responsible",
- (SELECT payterm.name FROM account_payment_term payterm WHERE payterm.id = po.payment_term_id) as "po_payment_term",
- pwa.id as "pwa_id", pwa.name as "pwa_name", sp.id as "sp_id", sp.name as "sp_name", pwa.date_accept as "pwq_date_accept", pb.id as "pb_id", pb.name as "pb_name",
- pb.date_sent as "pb_date_sent", pb.date as "pb_date", inv.id as "inv_id", inv.number as "inv_name", inv.date_invoice as "inv_date_invoice",
- (SELECT part.display_name2 FROM res_users uer left join res_partner part on part.id = uer.partner_id
- WHERE uer.id = inv.user_id) as "inv_user", vou.id as "vou_id", vou.number as "vou_name", vou.date as "vou_date", vou.date_value as "vou_date_value"
+ ou.id as org_id, pr.id as pr_id, cast(pr.date_start as date) as pr_date,
+ users.partner_id as pr_requester_id, pr_res.partner_id as pr_responsible_id, prl.id as prl_id,
+ WHEN prl.section_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_request_line
+ left join res_section sect on sect.id = prl.section_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = sect.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN prl.invest_construction_phase_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_request_line
+ left join res_invest_construction_phase icp on icp.id = prl.invest_construction_phase_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = icp.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN prl.project_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_request_line
+ left join res_project pro on pro.id = prl.project_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = pro.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN prl.invest_asset_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_request_line
+ left join res_invest_asset iat on iat.id = prl.invest_asset_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = iat.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN prl.personnel_costcenter_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_request_line
+ left join res_personnel_costcenter rpc on rpc.id = prl.personnel_costcenter_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = rpc.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ END) as prl_budget,
+ pd.id as pd_id, po.id as po_id, po.name as po_name, cast(po.date_order as date) as po_date,
+ po_res.partner_id as po_responsible_id, pol.id as pol_id,
+ WHEN pol.section_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_order_line
+ left join res_section sect on sect.id = pol.section_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = sect.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN pol.invest_construction_phase_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_order_line
+ left join res_invest_construction_phase icp on icp.id = pol.invest_construction_phase_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = icp.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN pol.project_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_order_line
+ left join res_project pro on pro.id = pol.project_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = pro.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN pol.invest_asset_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_order_line
+ left join res_invest_asset iat on iat.id = pol.invest_asset_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = iat.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN pol.personnel_costcenter_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_order_line
+ left join res_personnel_costcenter rpc on rpc.id = pol.personnel_costcenter_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = rpc.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ END) as pol_budget,
+ pol.state as pol_state, poc.id as poc_id, pwa.id as pwa_id, sp.id as sp_id, inv.id as inv_id, pb.id as pb_id, vou.id as vou_id
FROM purchase_request pr
LEFT join purchase_request_line prl ON prl.request_id = pr.id
LEFT JOIN purchase_request_purchase_requisition_line_rel prpdrel ON prpdrel.purchase_request_line_id = prl.id
@@ -326,13 +291,15 @@ def init(self, cr):
LEFT JOIN purchase_order po ON po.requisition_id = pd.id
LEFT JOIN purchase_order_line pol ON pol.requisition_line_id = pdl.id
LEFT JOIN purchase_work_acceptance pwa ON pwa.order_id = po.id
+ LEFT JOIN res_users pr_res ON pr_res.id = pr.responsible_uid
+ LEFT JOIN res_users po_res ON po_res.id = po.responsible_uid
+ LEFT JOIN res_users users ON users.id = pr.requested_by
LEFT JOIN stock_picking sp ON sp.acceptance_id = pwa.id
LEFT JOIN account_invoice inv ON inv.source_document = po.name
- LEFT JOIN account_invoice_line invl ON invl.invoice_id = inv.id
LEFT JOIN purchase_billing pb ON pb.id = inv.purchase_billing_id
- left join account_voucher_line voul on voul.invoice_id = inv.id
+ LEFT JOIN account_voucher_line voul ON voul.invoice_id = inv.id
LEFT JOIN account_voucher vou ON vou.id = voul.voucher_id
- LEFT JOIN operating_unit org ON org.id = pr.operating_unit_id or org.id = po.operating_unit_id
+ LEFT JOIN operating_unit ou ON ou.id = pr.operating_unit_id or ou.id = po.operating_unit_id
where (pol.state != 'cancel' and po.name not like 'RFQ%%') or po.id is null
order by pr.id, po.id, inv.name, vou.name
)""" % (self._table, ))
@@ -372,127 +339,94 @@ def init(self, cr):
tools.drop_view_if_exists(cr, self._table)
cr.execute("""CREATE or REPLACE VIEW %s as (
SELECT row_number() over (order by pr.id) as id,
- org.id as "org_id", pr.id as "pr_id", pr.date_start as "pr_date", pr.name as "pr_name",
- (SELECT part.id FROM res_users uer left join res_partner part on part.id = uer.partner_id
- WHERE uer.id = pr.requested_by) as "pr_requester_id",
- (SELECT part.display_name2 FROM res_users uer left join res_partner part on part.id = uer.partner_id
- WHERE uer.id = pr.requested_by) as "pr_requested", pr.date_approve as "pr_date_approve",
- (SELECT part.id FROM res_users uer left join res_partner part on part.id = uer.partner_id
- WHERE uer.id = pr.responsible_uid) as "pr_responsible_id",
- (SELECT part.display_name2 FROM res_users uer left join res_partner part on part.id = uer.partner_id
- WHERE uer.id = pr.responsible_uid) as "pr_responsible", pr.objective as "pr_objective", pr.amount_total as "pr_amount_total",
- prl.id as "prl_id",
- WHEN prl.section_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name_short)
- from purchase_request_line
- left join res_section sect on sect.id = prl.section_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = sect.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN prl.invest_construction_phase_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name_short)
- from purchase_request_line
- left join res_invest_construction_phase icp on icp.id = prl.invest_construction_phase_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = icp.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN prl.project_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name)
- from purchase_request_line
- left join res_project pro on pro.id = prl.project_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = pro.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN prl.invest_asset_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name)
- from purchase_request_line
- left join res_invest_asset iat on iat.id = prl.invest_asset_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = iat.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN prl.personnel_costcenter_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name)
- from purchase_request_line
- left join res_personnel_costcenter rpc on rpc.id = prl.personnel_costcenter_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = rpc.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- END) as "prl_budget", pd.id as "pd_id", pd.name as "pd_name", pd.ordering_date as "pd_ordering_date", pd.date_doc_approve as "pd_date_doc_approve",
- po.id as "po_id", po.name as "po_name", po.date_order as "po_date", po.date_contract_start as "po_date_contract_start",
- po.date_contract_end as "po_date_contract_end", poc.id as "poc_id", poc.display_code as "po_display_code", poc.start_date as "poc_start_date",
- poc.end_date as "po_end_date",
- (SELECT part.id FROM res_users uer left join res_partner part on part.id = uer.partner_id
- WHERE uer.id = po.responsible_uid) as "po_responsible_id", pol.id as "pol_id",
- (SELECT part.display_name2 FROM res_partner part WHERE part.id = po.partner_id) as "po_partner", pol.docline_seq as "pol_docline_seq",
- (SELECT prod.name_template FROM product_product prod WHERE prod.id = pol.product_id) as "pol_product", pol.name as "pol_name",
- pol.date_planned as "pol_date_planned",
- WHEN pol.section_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name_short)
- from purchase_order_line
- left join res_section sect on sect.id = pol.section_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = sect.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN pol.invest_construction_phase_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name_short)
- from purchase_order_line
- left join res_invest_construction_phase icp on icp.id = pol.invest_construction_phase_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = icp.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN pol.project_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name)
- from purchase_order_line
- left join res_project pro on pro.id = pol.project_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = pro.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN pol.invest_asset_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name)
- from purchase_order_line
- left join res_invest_asset iat on iat.id = pol.invest_asset_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = iat.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- WHEN pol.personnel_costcenter_id is not null THEN (
- select chv.id --concat('[',chv.code, ']', chv.name)
- from purchase_order_line
- left join res_personnel_costcenter rpc on rpc.id = pol.personnel_costcenter_id
- left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = rpc.code
- left join res_costcenter cos on cos.id = chv.costcenter_id
- LIMIT 1)
- END) as "pol_budget", (SELECT fund.name FROM res_fund fund WHERE fund.id = pol.fund_id) as "pol_fund",
- (SELECT cct.name FROM cost_control cct WHERE cct.id = pol.cost_control_id) as "pol_cost_control", pol.product_qty as "pol_product_qty",
- (SELECT uom.name FROM product_uom uom WHERE uom.id = pol.product_uom) as "pol_product_uom",
- pol.price_unit as "pol_price_unit", pol.price_unit*pol.product_qty as "pol_sub_total",
- (SELECT cur.name FROM res_currency cur WHERE cur.id = po.currency_id) as "pol_currency",
- (SELECT fyear.name FROM account_fiscalyear fyear WHERE fyear.id = pol.fiscalyear_id) as "pol_fiscalyear", pol.state as "pol_state",
- (SELECT part.display_name2 FROM res_partner part WHERE part.id = po.responsible_uid) as "po_responsible",
- (SELECT payterm.name FROM account_payment_term payterm WHERE payterm.id = po.payment_term_id) as "po_payment_term",
- pwa.id as "pwa_id", pwa.name as "pwa_name", sp.id as "sp_id", sp.name as "sp_name", pwa.date_accept as "pwq_date_accept", pb.id as "pb_id", pb.name as "pb_name",
- pb.date_sent as "pb_date_sent", pb.date as "pb_date", inv.id as "inv_id", inv.number as "inv_name", inv.date_invoice as "inv_date_invoice",
- (SELECT part.display_name2 FROM res_users uer left join res_partner part on part.id = uer.partner_id
- WHERE uer.id = inv.user_id) as "inv_user", vou.id as "vou_id", vou.number as "vou_name", vou.date as "vou_date", vou.date_value as "vou_date_value"
+ ou.id as org_id, pr.id as pr_id, cast(pr.date_start as date) as pr_date,
+ users.partner_id as pr_requester_id, pr_res.partner_id as pr_responsible_id, prl.id as prl_id,
+ WHEN prl.section_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_request_line
+ left join res_section sect on sect.id = prl.section_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = sect.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN prl.invest_construction_phase_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_request_line
+ left join res_invest_construction_phase icp on icp.id = prl.invest_construction_phase_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = icp.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN prl.project_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_request_line
+ left join res_project pro on pro.id = prl.project_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = pro.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN prl.invest_asset_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_request_line
+ left join res_invest_asset iat on iat.id = prl.invest_asset_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = iat.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN prl.personnel_costcenter_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_request_line
+ left join res_personnel_costcenter rpc on rpc.id = prl.personnel_costcenter_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = rpc.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ END) as prl_budget,
+ pd.id as pd_id, po.id as po_id, po.name as po_name, cast(po.date_order as date) as po_date,
+ po_res.partner_id as po_responsible_id, pol.id as pol_id,
+ WHEN pol.section_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_order_line
+ left join res_section sect on sect.id = pol.section_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = sect.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN pol.invest_construction_phase_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_order_line
+ left join res_invest_construction_phase icp on icp.id = pol.invest_construction_phase_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = icp.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN pol.project_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_order_line
+ left join res_project pro on pro.id = pol.project_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = pro.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN pol.invest_asset_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_order_line
+ left join res_invest_asset iat on iat.id = pol.invest_asset_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = iat.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ WHEN pol.personnel_costcenter_id is not null THEN (
+ select chv.id
+ from purchase_order_line
+ left join res_personnel_costcenter rpc on rpc.id = pol.personnel_costcenter_id
+ left join chartfield_view chv on chv.code = rpc.code
+ LIMIT 1)
+ END) as pol_budget,
+ pol.state as pol_state, poc.id as poc_id, pwa.id as pwa_id, sp.id as sp_id, inv.id as inv_id, pb.id as pb_id, vou.id as vou_id
FROM purchase_order po
LEFT JOIN purchase_requisition pd ON pd.id = po.requisition_id
- LEFT JOIN purchase_requisition_line pdl ON pdl.requisition_id = pd.id
+ LEFT JOIN purchase_contract poc ON poc.requisition_id = pd.id
+ LEFT JOIN purchase_order_line pol ON pol.order_id = po.id
+ LEFT JOIN purchase_requisition_line pdl ON pdl.id = pol.requisition_line_id
LEFT JOIN purchase_request_purchase_requisition_line_rel prpdrel ON prpdrel.purchase_requisition_line_id = pdl.id
LEFT join purchase_request_line prl ON prl.id = prpdrel.purchase_request_line_id
- LEFT join purchase_request pr ON pr.id = prl.request_id
- LEFT JOIN purchase_order_line pol ON pol.order_id = po.id
- LEFT JOIN purchase_contract poc ON poc.requisition_id = pd.id
+ LEFT join purchase_request pr ON pr.id = prl.request_id
LEFT JOIN purchase_work_acceptance pwa ON pwa.order_id = po.id
+ LEFT JOIN res_users pr_res ON pr_res.id = pr.responsible_uid
+ LEFT JOIN res_users po_res ON po_res.id = po.responsible_uid
+ LEFT JOIN res_users users ON users.id = pr.requested_by
LEFT JOIN stock_picking sp ON sp.acceptance_id = pwa.id
LEFT JOIN account_invoice inv ON inv.source_document = po.name
- LEFT JOIN account_invoice_line invl ON invl.invoice_id = inv.id
LEFT JOIN purchase_billing pb ON pb.id = inv.purchase_billing_id
- left join account_voucher_line voul on voul.invoice_id = inv.id
+ LEFT JOIN account_voucher_line voul ON voul.invoice_id = inv.id
LEFT JOIN account_voucher vou ON vou.id = voul.voucher_id
- LEFT JOIN operating_unit org ON org.id = pr.operating_unit_id or org.id = po.operating_unit_id
+ LEFT JOIN operating_unit ou ON ou.id = pr.operating_unit_id or ou.id = po.operating_unit_id
+ LEFT JOIN res_org org ON org.id = ou.org_id
where (pol.state != 'cancel' and po.name not like 'RFQ%%')
order by pr.id, po.id, inv.name, vou.name
)""" % (self._table, ))
diff --git a/pabi_procurement_report/reports/xlsx_report_pabi_purchase_tracking.xml b/pabi_procurement_report/reports/xlsx_report_pabi_purchase_tracking.xml
index ff2c448ed..19ead1f53 100644
--- a/pabi_procurement_report/reports/xlsx_report_pabi_purchase_tracking.xml
+++ b/pabi_procurement_report/reports/xlsx_report_pabi_purchase_tracking.xml
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
@@ -18,27 +18,27 @@
@@ -60,4 +60,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pabi_procurement_report/xlsx_template/templates.xml b/pabi_procurement_report/xlsx_template/templates.xml
index d9504adc6..e197348cf 100755
--- a/pabi_procurement_report/xlsx_template/templates.xml
+++ b/pabi_procurement_report/xlsx_template/templates.xml
@@ -574,14 +574,14 @@
'A16': 'pr_id.date_start${value and value.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") or ""}',
'B16': 'pr_id.name${value or ""}',
'C16': 'pr_id.state${value or ""}',
- 'D16': 'pr_id.requested_by.display_name2${value or ""}',
+ 'D16': 'pr_id.requested_by.partner_id.display_name2${value or ""}',
'E16': '',
'F16': 'pr_id.date_approve${value and value.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") or ""}',
- 'G16': 'pr_id.responsible_uid.display_name2${value or ""}',
+ 'G16': 'pr_id.responsible_uid.partner_id.display_name2${value or ""}',
'H16': '',
'I16': 'pr_id.objective${value or ""}',
'J16': 'prl_id.price_subtotal${value or ""}',
- 'K16': 'prl_budget${value and ("["+value.code+"]" or "")+(value.name_short or value.name or "") or ""}',
+ 'K16': 'prl_budget${value and ("["+value.code+"] " or "")+(value.name_short or value.name or "") or ""}',
'L16': 'prl_budget${value and value.name or ""}',
'M16': 'pd_id.name${value or ""}',
'N16': 'pd_id.ordering_date${value and value.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") or ""}',
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@
'AA16': 'pol_id.product_id.name${value or ""}',
'AB16': 'pol_id.name${value or ""}',
'AC16': 'pol_id.date_planned${value and value.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") or ""}',
- 'AD16': 'pol_budget${value and ("["+value.code+"]" or "")+(value.name_short or value.name or "") or ""}',
+ 'AD16': 'pol_budget${value and ("["+value.code+"] " or "")+(value.name_short or value.name or "") or ""}',
'AE16': 'pol_budget${value and value.name or ""}',
'AF16': 'pol_id.fund_id.name${value or ""}',
'AG16': 'pol_id.cost_control_id.name${value or ""}',
@@ -629,19 +629,21 @@
'BD16': 'vou_id.date${value and value.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") or ""}',
'BE16': 'inv_id.payment_type${value or ""}',
'BF16': 'vou_id.date_value${value and value.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") or ""}',
+ 'BG16': 'po_id.state${value and (value == "draft" and "Draft" or value == "confirmed" and "Waiting to Release" or value == "approved" and "PO Released"or value == "done" and "Done" or value) or ""}',
+ 'BH16': 'po_id.technical_closed${value and value is True and "X" or ""}',
'po_results': {
'A16': 'pr_id.date_start${value and value.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") or ""}',
'B16': 'pr_id.name${value or ""}',
'C16': 'pr_id.state${value or ""}',
- 'D16': 'pr_id.requested_by.display_name2${value or ""}',
+ 'D16': 'pr_id.requested_by.partner_id.display_name2${value or ""}',
'E16': '',
'F16': 'pr_id.date_approve${value and value.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") or ""}',
- 'G16': 'pr_id.responsible_uid.display_name2${value or ""}',
+ 'G16': 'pr_id.responsible_uid.partner_id.display_name2${value or ""}',
'H16': '',
'I16': 'pr_id.objective${value or ""}',
'J16': 'prl_id.price_subtotal${value or ""}',
- 'K16': 'prl_budget${value and ("["+value.code+"]" or "")+(value.name_short or value.name or "") or ""}',
+ 'K16': 'prl_budget${value and ("["+value.code+"] " or "")+(value.name_short or value.name or "") or ""}',
'L16': 'prl_budget${value and value.name or ""}',
'M16': 'pd_id.name${value or ""}',
'N16': 'pd_id.ordering_date${value and value.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") or ""}',
@@ -660,7 +662,7 @@
'AA16': 'pol_id.product_id.name${value or ""}',
'AB16': 'pol_id.name${value or ""}',
'AC16': 'pol_id.date_planned${value and value.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") or ""}',
- 'AD16': 'pol_budget${value and ("["+value.code+"]" or "")+(value.name_short or value.name or "") or ""}',
+ 'AD16': 'pol_budget${value and ("["+value.code+"] " or "")+(value.name_short or value.name or "") or ""}',
'AE16': 'pol_budget${value and value.name or ""}',
'AF16': 'pol_id.fund_id.name${value or ""}',
'AG16': 'pol_id.cost_control_id.name${value or ""}',
@@ -689,6 +691,8 @@
'BD16': 'vou_id.date${value and value.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") or ""}',
'BE16': 'inv_id.payment_type${value or ""}',
'BF16': 'vou_id.date_value${value and value.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") or ""}',
+ 'BG16': 'po_id.state${value and (value == "draft" and "Draft" or value == "confirmed" and "Waiting to Release" or value == "approved" and "PO Released"or value == "done" and "Done" or value) or ""}',
+ 'BH16': 'po_id.technical_closed${value and value is True and "X" or ""}',
'_TAIL_0': {
diff --git a/pabi_procurement_report/xlsx_template/xlsx_report_pabi_purchase_tracking.xlsx b/pabi_procurement_report/xlsx_template/xlsx_report_pabi_purchase_tracking.xlsx
index 10a40d557..8b7c676e3 100644
Binary files a/pabi_procurement_report/xlsx_template/xlsx_report_pabi_purchase_tracking.xlsx and b/pabi_procurement_report/xlsx_template/xlsx_report_pabi_purchase_tracking.xlsx differ