task 1: monte-carlo pi simulation
task 2: logistic map graph
task 3: mandelbrot set
task4 : emergent behavior
Mandelbrot definitions f(z) = z^2 + c ... f(z_n) = z_n-1^2 + c
The Mandelbrot set consists of all of those (complex) c-values for which the corresponding orbit of 0 under x2 + c does not escape to infinity.
Iterator cheat-sheet: iter(), which iterates over &T. iter_mut(), which iterates over &mut T. into_iter(), which iterates over T.
Normalized Iteration Count: This method normalizes the iteration count based on the logarithm of the escape radius.
let log_zn = z.norm().ln() / 2.0; let nu = (log_zn / 2.0_f64.ln()).ln() / 2.0_f64.ln(); let smooth_i = iterations as f64 + 1.0 - nu;
Histogram Coloring: This technique distributes colors more evenly across the image by creating a histogram of iteration counts.
// First pass: count iterations let mut histogram = vec![0; max_iterations]; for pixel in pixels { histogram[pixel.iterations] += 1; }
// Second pass: calculate total let total: u32 = histogram.iter().sum();
// Third pass: normalize and color let mut hue = 0.0; for pixel in pixels { for i in 0..pixel.iterations { hue += histogram[i] as f64 / total as f64; } pixel.color = hue_to_rgb(hue); }
Distance Estimation: This method uses an estimate of the distance to the Mandelbrot set boundary for smoother coloring.
let de = 2.0 * z.norm() * z.norm().ln() / z.norm_sqr().ln(); let smooth_i = iterations as f64 - de.ln() / 2.0_f64.ln();
Continuous Dwell: This technique provides a continuous transition between iteration counts.
let smooth_i = iterations as f64 + 1.0 - (z.norm().ln() / 2.0_f64.ln()).ln() / 2.0_f64.ln();
Exterior Distance Estimation: This method provides smoother coloring in the areas outside the Mandelbrot set.
let de = (z.norm().ln() * z.norm()) / z.norm_sqr().derivative().norm(); let smooth_i = iterations as f64 + 1.0 - de.ln() / 2.0_f64.ln();