Here's how to deliver podtato-head using Helm.
- Install Helm (official instructions)
You must clone this repo and install from a local copy of the chart:
git clone && cd podtato-head
helm install podtato-head ./delivery/chart
This will install the chart in this directory with release name podtato-head
NOTE: You can instruct helm to wait for the resources to be ready before marking the release as successful by adding the
option to the previous command.
The installation can be customized by changing the following parameters via --set
or a custom values.yaml
Parameter | Description | Default |
replicaCount |
Number of replicas of the container | 1 |
images.repositoryDirname |
Prefix for image repos | |
images.pullPolicy |
Podtato Head Container pull policy | IfNotPresent |
images.pullSecrets |
Podtato Head Pod pull secret | `` |
<service>.repositoryBasename |
Leaf part of name of image repo for | podtato-main etc. |
<service>.tag |
Tag of image repo for | v1-latest-dev |
<service>.serviceType |
Service type for | LoadBalancer for main |
<service>.servicePort |
Service port for | 9000 -9005 |
serviceAccount.create |
Whether or not to create dedicated service account | true | |
Name of the service account to use | default |
serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations to add to a created service account | {} |
podAnnotations |
Map of annotations to add to the pods | {} |
ingress.enabled |
Enables Ingress | false |
ingress.annotations |
Ingress annotations | {} |
ingress.hosts |
Ingress accepted hostnames | [] |
ingress.tls |
Ingress TLS configuration | [] |
autoscaling.enabled |
Enable horizontal pod autoscaler | false |
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
Target CPU utilization | 80 |
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage |
Target Memory utilization | 80 |
autoscaling.minReplicas |
Min replicas for autoscaling | 1 |
autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Max replicas for autoscaling | 100 |
tolerations |
List of node taints to tolerate | [] |
resources |
Resource requests and limits | {} |
nodeSelector |
Labels for pod assignment | {} |
service.type |
Kubernetes Service type | ClusterIP |
service.port |
The port the service will use | 9000 |
Verify the release succeeded:
helm list
kubectl get pods
kubectl get services
To connect to the API you'll first need to determine the correct address and port.
If using a LoadBalancer-type service for main
, get the IP address of the load balancer
and use port 9000:
ADDR=$(kubectl get service podtato-main -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
If using a NodePort-type service, get the address of a node and the service's NodePort as follows:
ADDR=$(kubectl get nodes {NODE_NAME} -o jsonpath={.status.addresses[0].address})
PORT=$(kubectl get services podtato-main -ojsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}')
If using a ClusterIP-type service, run kubectl port-forward
in the background
and connect through that:
NOTE: Find and kill the port-forward process afterwards using
# Choose below the IP address of your machine you want to use to access application
# Choose below the port of your machine you want to use to access application
kubectl port-forward --address ${ADDR} svc/podtato-main ${PORT}:9000 &
Now test the API itself with curl and/or a browser:
curl http://${ADDR}:${PORT}/
xdg-open http://${ADDR}:${PORT}/
To update the application version, you can choose one of the following methods :
- update
for each service and runhelm upgrade podtato-head ./delivery/chart
- run
helm upgrade podtato-head ./delivery/chart --set main.tag=v0.1.1 --set leftLeg.tag=v0.1.1 ...
A new revision is then installed.
NOTE : to ensure idempotency between the first installation and the following updates, you should use the following command :
helm upgrade --install podtato-head ./delivery/chart
To rollback to a previous revision, run :
# Check revision history
helm history podtato-head
# Rollback to the revision 1
helm rollback podtato-head 1
# Check the revision
helm status podtato-head
helm uninstall podtato-head