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React Native Paystack WebView

This package lets you accept payments with Paystack in a snap! Just install, add your keys, and you’re good to go—no headaches here! Plus, it’s officially endorsed by Paystack, so you know you’re in good hands. Payment processing has never been this easy! All Contributors

Screenshot of library in action


Add react-native-paystack-webview to your project by running;

npm install react-native-paystack-webview


yarn add react-native-paystack-webview

Additional Setup

To ensure everything works smoothly, install and configure the required dependency, react-native-webview:

yarn add react-native-webview

for iOS:

cd iOS && pod install && cd ..

for expo applications run;

npx expo install react-native-webview

That’s it! You’re all set.


Basic Example
import React from 'react';
import  { Paystack }  from 'react-native-paystack-webview';
import { View } from 'react-native';

function Pay() {
  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
        onCancel={(e) => {
          // handle response here
        onSuccess={(res) => {
          // handle response here
Using Refs

You can also use a ref to start a transaction. Here’s how:

import React, { useRef } from 'react';
import  { Paystack , paystackProps}  from 'react-native-paystack-webview';
import { View, TouchableOpacity,Text } from 'react-native';

function Pay(){
  const paystackWebViewRef = useRef<paystackProps.PayStackRef>(); 

  return (
    <View style={{flex: 1}}>
        onCancel={(e) => {
          // handle response here
        onSuccess={(res) => {
          // handle response here

        <TouchableOpacity onPress={()=> paystackWebViewRef.current.startTransaction()}>
          <Text>Pay Now</Text>

API Reference

Name use/description extra
paystackKey Public or Private paystack key(visit to get yours) nill
amount Amount to be paid nill
activityIndicatorColor color of loader default: green
billingEmail(required by paystack) Billers email default: nill
billingMobile Billers mobile default: nill
billingName Billers Name default: nill
plan Specify plan code generated from the Paystack Dashboard or API to create a subscription to a predefined plan by the transaction. The plan code is a unique code given to every plan, it is used to identify a particular plan. Here's an example of usage: plan: "PLANCODE". The PLANCODE comes in the format PLN_xxxxxxxxxx NOTE: This would invalidate/override the value provided in amount default: nill
invoice_limit Specify the number of times to charge customer during subscription to plan (integer). Works together with the plan prop default: nill
subaccount Specify subaccount code generated from the Paystack Dashboard or API to enable Split Payment on the transaction. Here's an example of usage: subaccount: "SUB_ACCOUNTCODE" default: nill
split_code Specify split_code generated from the Paystack Dashboard under Transaction Splits menu or API to enable Multi-Split Payment on the transaction. According to Paystack's documentation available here, Multi-split enables merchants to split the settlement for a transaction across their payout account, and one or more subaccounts. Here's an example of usage: split_code: "SPL_xxxxxxx" default: nill
split Specify split object to enable Dynamic Multi-Split Payment on the transaction. According to Paystack's documentation available here, Sometimes, you can't determine a split configuration until later in the purchase flow. With dynamic splits, you can create splits on the fly. The Structure is defined in the Dynamic Multi-Split Structure below default: nill
channels Specify payment options available to users. Available channel options are: ["card", "bank", "ussd", "qr", "mobile_money", "bank_transfer", "eft", "apple_pay"]. Here's an example of usage: channels={["card","ussd"]} default: ["card"]
onCancel callback function if user cancels or payment transaction could not be verified. In a case of not being verified, transactionRef number is also returned in the callback default: nill
onSuccess callback function if transaction was successful and verified (it will also return the transactionRef number in the callback ) default: nill
autoStart Auto start payment once page is opened default: false
refNumber Reference number, if you have already generated one default: ''+Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000000) + 1)
handleWebViewMessage Will be called when a WebView receives a message default: true
modalProps Can be used to extend the root modal props for example to handle closing like so modalProps={{ onRequestClose: () => paystackWebViewRef.current.endTransaction() }} default: nill

Meta Props

Name Description Required? Default Value
cart_id A unique identifier for the cart. Can be either a string or a number. NO undefined
custom_fields An array of custom fields for adding additional metadata to the transaction. If not passed, a default custom field is created using the firstName, lastName, and billingName. NO [{ display_name: '${firstName + ' ' + lastName}', variable_name: '${billingName}', value: '' }]
cancel_action A string specifying the action to take if a transaction is canceled. NO undefined
custom_filters Custom filters to restrict or specify transaction options, such as: NO undefined
- recurring: A boolean to indicate if the transaction is recurring.
- banks: An array of bank codes for supported banks.
- card_brands: Supported card brands, e.g., 'verve', 'visa', 'mastercard'.
- supported_mobile_money_providers: Supported mobile money providers, e.g., 'mtn', 'atl', 'vod'.

Dynamic Multi-Split Payment Object structure

Name use/description required?
type Dynamic Multi-Split type. Value can be flat or percentage YES
bearer_type Defines who bears the charges. Value can be all, all-proportional, account or subaccount YES
subaccounts An array of subaccount object as defined below. e.g. {"subaccount": 'ACCT_xxxxxx', "share": 60} YES
bearer_subaccount Subaccount code of the bearerof the transaction. It should be specified if bearer_type is subaccount NO
reference Unique reference of the split. Can be defined by the user NO

Dynamic Multi-Split Payment Sub-Account Object structure

Name use/description required?
subaccount Specify subaccount code generated from the Paystack Dashboard or API to enable Split Payment on the transaction. Here's an example of usage: subaccount: "SUB_ACCOUNTCODE" YES
share Defines the amount in percentage (integer) or value (decimal allowed) depending on the type of multi-split defined YES


Want to help improve this package? Read how to contribute and feel free to submit your PR!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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Video Tutorial


Thanks to Our Superheroes ✨

A huge shoutout to our amazing contributors! Your efforts make this project better every day. Check out the (emoji key) for what each contribution means:

Oluwatobi Shokunbi
Oluwatobi Shokunbi

💻 📖
Akinyemi Mosolasi
Akinyemi Mosolasi

📖 💻



Jimoh Jamiu
Jimoh Jamiu

🐛 📖 💻
Cahak George
Cahak George

John Ayeni
John Ayeni


David Erinayo Obidu
David Erinayo Obidu


Rex Omiv
Rex Omiv

Osagie Osaigbovo Charles
Osagie Osaigbovo Charles


Oyefeso Oluwatunmise
Oyefeso Oluwatunmise

Fuad Olatunji
Fuad Olatunji

Wilhelm Erasmus
Wilhelm Erasmus

Matiluko Opeyemi Emmanuel
Matiluko Opeyemi Emmanuel

💻 📖
Oluwamurewa Alao
Oluwamurewa Alao

Emmanuel Ngene
Emmanuel Ngene


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!